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形容词和副词的 比较级和最高级,Comparatives and superlatives,形容词:是修饰名词(人或事物),表示名 词的性质,特征或属性一种词类。 它在句中作定语、表语和宾语补足语。,副词:用来修饰动词、形容词及其他副词 的词叫副词。副词在句中多作状语.,一、形容词和副词的概念,副词,He studies English hard. His handwriting is very good. He writes very carefully. Sometimes he walks to school. Class is over. The weather here is very hot. I found the boy over there.,通常在形容词后加-ly变成副词。,slow _ real _ usual _ careful_ easy _ happy _ heavy _ angry _,slowly,usually,easily,heavily,really,carefully,happily,angrily,big,bigger,Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,big,bigger,biggest,fast,Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,fast,faster,Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,fast,faster,fastest,Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,一、规则变化:,1、一般直接在词尾加er; est,tall,taller-tallest,light,lighter-lightest,2、以字母e结尾的直接加r; st,nice,nicernicest,fine,finerfinest,3、以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词,要变y为i再加er; est,heavy,heavierheaviest,busy,busier-busiest,4、以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的形容词,要 双写末尾的辅音字母再加er; est,thin,thinnerthinnest,hot,hotterhottest,双音节或多音节形容词和副词的比较级 和最高级的特殊情况:,一般是在原级前加more构成比较级,在原级前加most构成最高级。 beautiful more beautiful most beautiful interesting more interesting most interesting dangerous more dangerous most dangerous,Liu Xiang is tall.,Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang.,姚明,刘翔,周迅,Zhou Xun has long hair.,Fan Bingbings hair is longer than Zhou Xus.,范冰冰,Li Yong is funny.,Pan Changjiang is funnier than Li Yong.,50,000 RMB,The red car is expensive.,250,000 RMB,The green car is more expensive than the red car.,Liu Xiang is taller than Zhou Jielun .,Zhou Jielun is tall .,Yao Ming is the tallest of them .,姚明,刘翔,周杰伦,Yao Ming is the strongest in the basketball team.,周迅,刘亦菲,Zhou Xun has long hair.,Fan Bingbings hair is longer than Zhou Xus.,Liu Yifeis hair is the longest of the three.,范冰冰,Li Yong is funny.,Pan Changjiang is the funniest of all.,Sun Nan is funnier than Li Yong.,500 RMB,The bike is expensive.,50,000 RMB,The red car is more expensive than the bike.,250,000 RMB,The green car is the most expensive of all.,important _ _ easy_ _ wet_ _ happy_ _ careful _ _ thin _ _ good_ _ hot _ _ easily _ _ many_ _ nice _ _ big _ _ heavy_ _ delicious_ _ much_ _,给出下列词的比较级和最高级,more important,most important,easier,easiest,wetter,wettest,happier,happiest,more careful,most careful,thinner,thinnest,better,best,hotter,hottest,more easily,most easily,more,most,nicer,nicest,bigger,biggest,heavier,heaviest,more delicious,most delicious,more,most,不规则变化,要多加注意哦!,good bad many little ,well badly much far ,better,best,worse,worst,more,most,less,least,better,best,farther further,farthest furthest,worse,worst,more,most,单音节和少数多音节的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 的构成分规则和不规则。变化如下:,形容词作定语一般放在被修饰 的名词之前。 如: a new book, two big trees 等。,二、形容词和副词的用法,形容词放在系动词be 、look、 get、 keep、turn、feel、become、seem、 grow、 smell等之后。 如:1.I am short. 2.She looks fine. 3.They turn green.,如果形容词修饰不定代词something, anything, everything, nothing等时,要放在不定代词后面。 如:something interesting nothing new,副词放在所修饰的动词之后、形容词和副 词之前。如果前面是行为动词,则后面用副词。 如: 1.She works hard .(修饰动词) 2.I am very busy.(修饰形容词) 3.He runs too quickly .(修饰副词) 4.We play happily. (修饰动词),三、形容词和副词的级,形容词和副词有三个等级: 原级、比较级、最高级 1.原级:即形容词和副词的原形。 small, good, pretty, big, many hard, happily, slowly, quickly 程度副词very,too,so,quite等修饰形容词和副词的原级。 如:very tall、 too hot、 so cold quite interesting run quickly, asas ,(与一样) not as(so)as (与不一样)中间用原级。 The story is as interesting as that one. The question is not as / so difficult as that one.,2.比较级:两个人或物之间的比较。表示“较”或“更一些”。标志词:than (比) 单音节词通常是-er结尾;多音节或部分双音节词通常在之前加more. 如:smaller, better, taller, older, more, harder more interesting , more quickly,3.最高级:三个或三个以上的人或物之间 的比较。 标志词:in+大范围, of all, of +the+具体的数字 表示“最”的意思。(两者以上用最高级) 单音节词通常是-est结尾;多音节或部分双音节词通常在之前加most. 在形容词的最高级前必须加the;副词之前可以不加。如 :smallest, tallest, newest, best most interesting, most difficultly,More examples: 1.Mary is cleverer than her little sister. 2.The new building is higher than the old one. 3.His shirt is more expensive than mine. 4.Kate is more beautiful than Lily is. 5.She is five years older than I am. 6.He is 2 centimeters taller than her. 7.This ruler is 20 centimeters longer than that one.,比较级的用法: than 1.汤姆比杰克高. 2.这只箱子要比那只箱子大. 3.那些苹果比这些大. 4.第一个问题很容易,但第二个更容易.,Tom is taller than Jack.,This box is bigger than that o
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