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领导者企业文化倾向评估问卷领导者企业文化倾向评估问卷领导者企业文化倾向评估问卷领导者企业文化倾向评估问卷 L L L L- - - -PCAIPCAIPCAIPCAI 的开发和应用的开发和应用的开发和应用的开发和应用 企业文化在某种程度上可以说是企业家文化, 更确切的说是企业家群体文化。 一个企业, 无论它多么微小,多么原始,或多么巨大,多么复杂,都渐渐形成了领导者以及员工共同遵 守的系统的或非系统的企业文化模式。 而在一个企业的总体文化框架的形成过程中, 领导者 的文化倾向起着至关重要的作用。 领 导 者 企 业 文 化 倾 向 评 估 问 卷 ( Leaders Preferred Culture Assessment Instrument ,L-PCAI)是仁达方略企业文化诊断与评估系统中的基础评估工具之一。L-PCAI 经北京仁达方略管理咨询有限公司的企业文化 R Cameron Wagner b) Describe the strength of the culture type; c) Describe the culture profile findings among groups of individuals at OSUE. 2. Describe OSUE personnel by demographic characteristics of job title, major program area, sex, age, and length of employment. 分析当前占主导的文化类型和精选人口统计学特征,是为了建立 OSUE 的面貌。这项研究 由以下目标主导: 描述员工认同的 OSUE 的主导文化类型。这个目标分为: a) 描述在当前和首选情况下的主导文化类型 b) 描述文化类型的优势 c) 描述在 OSUE 不同个体群的文化发现 2、 通过职务、主要项目领域、性别、年龄、工作长度来描述 OSUE 的员工 Methodology The study was classified as descriptive-correlational. The target and accessible populations were Ohio State University Extension personnel distributed in 5 districts and 88 counties (N=965). A sample was drawn from the population (N=434), composed of the following three personnel categories: professionals (n=357), paraprofessionals (n=347), and support staff (n=261).这项研 究被分为描述性交互关系。目标人群是 OSUE 被分在五区 88 郡的员工(.965) 。样本从 434 人中选出,包括三种员工组成:专职人员、辅助性专职人员和支援人员。 The questionnaire used to gather data from the sample consisted of a modified version of the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument developed by Cameron and Quinn (1999). The OCAI instrument was adapted and used to describe the organizational culture profile of Ohio State University Extension.调查问卷被用于收集样本数据,这个样本由卡迈伦和梅因开发的组织 文化评价量表的改良版构成。组织文化评价量表适用于描述 OSUE 的组织文化。 For the purpose of the study, instrument validity and reliability were established. In assessing the reliability of scales used in the questionnaire a coefficient of internal consistency was calculated using Cronbachs alpha methodology (Santos, 1999). The results for the statements contained in the OCAI for both current and preferred situations are shown in Table 1.鉴于研究目的,工具的 有效性和可靠性被确立。研究结果显示在表 1 中。 Data were collected by a mail questionnaire using a modification of the procedures recommended by Salant and Dillman (1994). The first mailing and follow-up postcard resulted in a 53% response rate. After the second mailing, an overall response rate of 74% was established, with a 68% usable return rate for the study. Table 1. Coefficients of Internal Consistency Using Crombachs Alpha Methodology Culture TypeCulture TypeCulture TypeCulture Type ReliabilityReliabilityReliabilityReliability Coefficients forCoefficients forCoefficients forCoefficients for Current SituationCurrent SituationCurrent SituationCurrent Situation ReliabilityReliabilityReliabilityReliability Coefficients forCoefficients forCoefficients forCoefficients for Preferred SituationPreferred SituationPreferred SituationPreferred Situation ComparisonComparisonComparisonComparison ReliabilityReliabilityReliabilityReliability Coefficients*Coefficients*Coefficients*Coefficients* Clan0.80.770.82 Adhocracy0.750.720.83 Market0.90.840.67 Hierarchy0.620.790.78 * Reliability coefficients reported by Cameron Cameron Smart they are associated with having homogeneity of effort, clear focus, and higher performance in environments where unity and common vision are required (Cameron Cameron 1995). The researcher recommends that other states perform similar studies in order to have a better understanding of the current organizational culture type, which could help Extension make the necessary changes in pursuing enhanced effectiveness of its programs. 这可 能只能通过确定重要的内部因素来实现,也暗示了组织文化是那些阻碍 CES 效力的因素之 一。 研究者们建议其他州进行类似的研究以便对于当前的组织文化类型有个更好的理解, 这 将帮助函授学院在追求提高效力方面进行必要改变。
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