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Unit 7 How much are these socks?Section B 1a-2c一.【教材分析】教学目标知识目标1. 能听、说、读、写下列词汇和短语。 clothes, store, buy, sale, sell, all, very, price, boy, a pair of2. 学会表达物品的价格,会用新学的词汇为服装商店写广告词。能力目标熟练地表达物品的价格。情感目标买自己需要的物品,而不要因为打折就去买。教学重点1. 基数词从10- 99的说法。2. 会表达物品的价格。教学难点1.10-99的基数词的英语写法有点难度。2. 衣服的单复数与is, are的转换容易出错。教学方法情境教学法;任务型教学法。二、【教学流程】环节师生活动二次备课I.复习热身Lead in. Lets Chant.My shirt is red. My jacket is blue. My dress is old. My sweater is new. Socks, my socks are white. Shoes, my shoes are white, too. Pants, my pants are old. Shorts, my shorts are new.1. Ask the students to chant together.2. Ask the students to find the clothes and the adjectives. 3. Ask the students to pay attention to “be”. 4. Chant again. .感知体验1. Warming up.I. 按要求写出正确的单词或词组。1. big (反义词) _ 2. long (反义词) _3. white (反义词) _ 4. sock (复数) _ 5. shoe (复数) _ 6. this (复数) _7. that (复数) _ 8. dollar (复数) _9. 需要我帮助吗? _10. 这个怎么样? _ 11. 我将买它。_12. 三美元两双 _13. 给你。 _ II. Ask and answer about the pictures. A: How much is ? B: Its A: How much are? B: Theyre (dollars yuan)III. Presentation. 根据图片说出基数词。 给学生展示基数词的一些变化规律。 给学生通过几张图片导入本节课的新单词。2. Listen to 1a. Listen and repeat.3. Write the numbers in 1a next to the correct words. Which rows of numbers are in the wrong places.4. Listening.Listen to 1c. Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 1a.Listen again. Circle the things in the picture that Kate and her mom talk about. Check the things Kate buys.5. Do 1e. Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture above.6. Do 2a. How much do you think these things cost? Match each clothing item with a price.7. Read the ad and fill in the price tags. Do 2b.8. Do 2c. Imagine you work at Mr. Cools Clothes Store. Complete the conversations and practice it in a group. You: Hello, _ I help you?Girl: Yes, please. I need a _.You: How about these purple _.Girl: Oh, I like this one. How _ is it?You: Its only _ dollars.Girl: Oh, good. Ill _ it.You: And what do you need? Boy: Well, I need a pair of black _ for school. You: What about this pair? They are_ twenty-eight _.Boy: Great. And do you have shorts, too?You: Yes, our shorts are only _ dollars.Boy: OK. Ill take the _ and the _. 9. Some important points.1. 基数词的表达1) one到twelve, 拼写和读音无规律可言, 只能逐一记忆。2) thirteen到nineteen,表示“十几”,在个位数后加后缀-teen,其中要注意thirteen, fifteen和eighteen的拼写。3) twenty到ninety,表示“几十”,以ty结尾,但需注意twenty,thirty, forty, fifty, eighty的拼写。 4) 2129 直到9199,表示“几十几”,用整十位数加个位表示, 中间用连字符“-” 把十位和个位连接起来。 5) one hundred 意为 “一百”,也可说a hundred,hundred可加具体数字,如nine hundred (900)。2. 基数词的用法: 基数词只能修饰可数名词,要注意数词和名词在数上要保持一致。如:one student 一名学生 two boys 两名男孩twenty apples 二十个苹果 thirty-three eggs 三十三个鸡蛋.强化巩固1. Exercises. I. 填表格,记数字。 II. 做数学题,学英语。 1. twentysix nine = _ 2. sixteen eight eleven = _ 3. eighteen seven fifteen = _ 4. thirteenfourteentwenty-five = _ 5. twenty-ninethirteenten = _ 6. thirty-nine twenty five =_ 7. twelve thirteen fifteen= _ 8. nineteen eleven twenty =_ III. 用介词at, for, in 填空。1. _ girls, you can buy skirt _¥16.2. The girl _ red is my cousin, Jenny.3. Come and buy your clothes _ our great sale.4. Do you know the boy _ black?5. They sell nice clothes _ good prices.6. His grandfather likes noodles _ breakfast.7. Please call Allan _ 789-5466.IV.总结反馈 结合板书和课件,让学生盘点本节课的重点语法点。1. 介词at, for, in的用法。2. 从10-99的表达方式。V.作业布置1. Read the words on Page 40 to Page 41.2. Write a passage according to 2b.三、【板书设计】Unit 7 How much are these socks?Section B 1a-2c tenninety-nine How much is? Its How much are? Theyre Come and buy your clothes at our great sale. 四、【教后反思】本节课的重点内容是基数词的表达和衣服店的打折广告。对于七年级的学生而言,基数词的表达小学时都接触过了,只是如何书写,学生可能记的不太牢固。对于衣服打折的说法,学生在这之前只学过描述物品价格的说法,对于一些短语像at very good prices和 at our great sale,学生以前没有接触,所以,要加强这些短语和用法的练习。
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