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1Unit 2 Answer to ExercisesI. Phrases:1. 作为被记住:be remembered as2. 来自,出身于:come from3. 年纪还小时:at an early age4. 属于:belong to5. 对满意:be satisfied with6. 过去大师的作品:the work of the great masters of the past7. 一个问题接着一个问题:one problem after another8. 被视为,看作:be regarded as9. 回绝:turn down10. 不是,而是:not but 11. 把某人关在:shut sb. up in 12. 准备做:get ready to13. 花时间做某事:it takes sb. some time to do14. 经历:go through15. 仰卧:lie on ones back16. 如此的以致于:so that 17. 结果:as a result18. 习惯于:become used to19. 自此以后:ever since20. 遍及全世界:all over the world21. 大量的:a great number of22. 国内外的参观者:home and overseas visitors23. 不得不,禁不住做:cant help but do24. 体格健壮的人:a well-built man25. 某人近 30 岁的年龄:in ones late 20s26. 冲胶卷:develop films27. 混合,弄乱:mix up28. 使某物存放有序:keep sth. in order29. 搜寻,寻找:search for30. 让某人一直做:have sb. doing sth.II. Use of Phrases:Directions: Choose the right expression from the box and complete each of the sentences in their appropriate forms. be regarded as hard to imagine leading master be used to turn downgo through at first shut sb. up lie on ones back cant help but1. He tried to join the army but _ because of his illness. (was turned down)2. After she heard the bad news, she _in that small room. (shut herself up)3. He will _ not only a partner but also a friend. (be regarded as)4. It is _ Alice swimming across the Atlantic Ocean. (hard to imagine)5. The country _ too many ups and downs. (has gone through)26. After the accident, he couldnt stand up any longer. He had to _, painting.( lie on his back)7. Franz Schubert was one of the _ on composing of his age. (leading masters)8. _, he was against our arrangement, but I managed to change his mind. (At first)9. Standing in the beautiful forest, he _ have a deep breath.( couldnt help but)10. I used to get up late, but now I _ early rise. (am used to)III. Verb Fill-in:Directions: Complete the sentences using the given -verbs in their proper forms.1. At that time Alice didnt feel like _ (say) anything. (saying)2. Have you any difficulty _ (read) the English story? (reading)3. Its over 16 years since he _ (be) in the army. (was)4. He didnt go with them for he _ (visit) that exhibition. (had visited)5. They saw a dog running after a cat and _ (go) to stop it. (went)6. Up to now air pollution _ (do) great harm to human beings. (has done)7. We _ (mean) to pay him a visit yesterday, but we were too busy. (had meant)8. It _ (be) a long time before I see another foreign film. (will be)9. The book on the desk _(belong) to that little boy. (belongs)10. By the end of the 20th century, the world economy _(develop) very quickly. (had developed)11. Do you know by whom the window _(break)? (was broken)12. What a day! It _ (rain) since last Sunday .(has been raining)13. How soon _ the new novel_(publish)? (will be published)14. The movie _ (be on) for an hour already before we arrived at the cinema. (had been on)15. Great changes _in this city since the opening-up and reform policy. (have taken place)IV. Translation:1. 一旦一个项目启动,工程师们就得解决一个又一个的问题。(one after another)Once a project begins/ starts, the engineers have to solve one problem after another.2. 仰面躺在地上,观看天空的星星真实太好了。(lie on the back)Its great to lie on the back and watch the stars in the sky.3. 看着这些宝藏,你忍不住感到这些东西太吸引人。(cant help but)Looking at the treasures you cant help but feel fascinated.4. 我不能想象这样伟大的一个科学家竟过着如此清贫的生活。(imagine)I cant imagine such a great scientist leading a plain and simple life.5. 大卫被艺术家们看作是米开朗琪罗最重要的作品之一。(regard as)David is regarded by artists as one of the most important works of Michelangelo.6. 生病期间父亲经历了常人难以承受的痛苦。(go through)When he was ill, father went through great pains that ordinary people could hardly bear.7. 我过去从来不吃西餐,但不久我就慢慢适应了。(be used to)3I didnt use to have western food, but I was gradually used to it.8. 中国加入世贸组织后,一大批外资公司涌入了上海。(a great number of)Since China entered the WTO, a great number of foreign companies have flooded into Shanghai.9. 她的父母忙于工作,因此她在幼年就学会了照顾自己。(at an early age)Her parents were busy with their work, so she learnt how to take care of herself at an early age.10. 车祸后她再也没能站起来,但她却躺在床上制作了成百幅电脑卡通画。(lie on ones back)After the car accident, she was never able to stand up, but she lay on her back in bed and produced hundreds of cartoons on the computer.
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