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名词性从句九大高考热点分析名词性从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。因为它是从句,因此具有句子的结构特点(即有一套主谓成份) ;同时又具有名词性特点,所以可以在复合句中作主语、宾语、表语或同位语。名词性从句是中学英语学习的重点,也是高考的主要考点之一。我们必须弄懂和掌握以下热点问题。一、连接词 what 与 that 的用法区别。引导主、宾、表语从句时,what 要充当主语、宾语或表语等句子成分,that不作任何成分,只在语法上起连接的作用。例如_ we cant get seems better than _ we have.A. What; what B. what; that C. That; that D. That; what解析:本句包含一个主语从句和一个宾语从句,且两个从句都缺乏宾语,可见两个引导词都必须充当成分,所以答案是 A。又如:_ caused the accident is still a complete mystery.A. What B. That C. How D. Where解析:该题答案是 A,what 在主语从句中作主语,即作谓语动词 caused 的执行者。在下面的例句中,that 不充当任何成份,只起语法连接作用(因为句子本身不缺成分):That the former Iraq president Saddam was captured has been proved.二、 连接词 whether 和 if 的用法区别。通常,引导主语从句、表语从句和引导同位语从句时,要用连词 whether,不用 if;习惯上也只能说 whether or not,而不说 if or not。例如:_ the 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet.A. Whenever B. If C. Whether D. That解析:试题中的从句位于句首,不难知道这是一个主语从句,所以答案是C。但是在宾语从句中表达“ 是否”既可用 if 也可用 whether。三、 名词性从句的语序。与别的从句一样,名词性从句必须用陈述语序。例如:No one can be sure _ in a million years.A. what man will look like B. what will man look like C. man will look like what D. what look will man like解析:由于从句不能倒装,所以答案只能是 A。又如:You cant imagine _ when they received these nice Christmas presents.A. how they were excited B. how excited they wereC. how excited were they D. they were how excited 解析:答案是 B。同时还须注意,从句的引导词必须始终置于句首,而且how 和被修饰的词 excited 不能分裂开。四、 形式主语、形式宾语。当主语从句较长,而谓语较短时,常常将从句后置,而用 it 作为形式主语,置于句首。动词后接复合宾语,也可用 it 作形式宾语。例如:_ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There B. This C. That D. It解析:所需词至于句首,同时后面有 that-从句(逻辑主语) ,可见这里应该用形式主语 it,所以答案是 D。 think, find, consider, believe, feel 等动词后常带复合宾语。例如:Many people think it possible that a trade war between EU and the States will happen.五、 Who / whoever, what / whatever 等的用法区别。一般说来,what/who 等含特指意义,而 whatever/whoever 等含泛指意义,意为“无论什么/无论谁” 。例如:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever解析:答案是 B,whatever 引导一个宾语从句,并且作 wants 的宾语。这里的 whatever 不能改成 what,因为题意想表达的显然是“无论孩子要什么就给他/她什么事不明智的” ,具有泛指的概念。同时要注意,这里 whatever 也不能改用no matter what,因为后者只能引导状语从句。又如:_ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.A. Who B. The one C. Anyone D. Whoever解析:答案是 D,whoever 意为“无论谁” ,表泛指。比较下例:I cant remember at the moment who has said the words. (这里的 who 表特定的某人)六、 Where, when, why 等连接副词引导的名词性从句。Where, when, why 等连接副词也可以引导名词性从句,使用的关键是:这个词必须符合句子的逻辑意义要求。例如: I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. Is that _ you had a few days off?A. why B. when C. that D. where 解析:答案是 A,why 引导的从句作表语,同时 why 在从句中作原因状语。这里之所以选 why,而不是 when 或 where 等,唯一的依据便是句子的逻辑含义,及语境。又如(MET94) ;Do you remember _ he came?Yes, I do, he came by car.A. How B. when C. that D. if解析:答案是 A,从答语 “he came by car”可知这里问的是“he”来的方式,所以用 how 引导。七 “介词+who(m) 引导的宾语从句 ”与“介词+ whom”引导的定语从句的区别。介词后面的引导词用主格还是宾格,决定于它在宾语从句中作主语还是宾语。例如:It was a matter of _ would take the position.A. who B. whoever C. whom D. whomever解析:答案是 A。这是一个含宾语从句的复合句,作介词 of 宾语的,是后面的整个句子,而不是宾语从句的引导词,由于这里引导词在从句中作主语,所以要用主格 who(作宾语时自然要用 whom) 。比较下例:Our country has thousands of excellent scientists, most of whom have received higher education at home.这是一个“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句;引导定语从句的是“most of+关系代词”而不只是这个关系代词,同时这个引导词又作介词 of 的宾语,所以要用宾格 whom。 (注意与介词后面的宾语从句的引导词的用法进行比较和区别。 )八、连接词 that 的省略。引导宾语从句时,that 通常可以省略,但引导主语、表语和同位语从句时,that 不能省。例如:Chinas success in manned-spacecraft travel shows _ our country has become one of the greatest powers in space research. A. what B. which C. 不填 D. it that解析:该句中的从句作 shows 的宾语,是宾语从句,又因为从句中不缺主、宾语,所以只能用 that 引导;又因引导宾语从句时 that 可以省略,所以答案是C。九、同位语从句引导词 where, when 的用法特点。说明先行词内容的同位语从句的引导词 where, when 与被说明的名词在概念上不一致。但引导定语从句的引导词却必须保持一致。是比较:Then arose the question _ we were to get so much money.This the house _ the great man Mao Zedong was born 110 years ago.A. where B. that C. about which D. in which解析:答案分别是(1) A (2) A/D。先行词与 where, when 概念一致时,是定语从句, (2)中的 house 与 where 同表地点,且这个关系副词 where 或 when 可以用“介词+which”的形式代替,所以答案 A 和 D 都可以引导。 (1)题中的question 与 where 不表同一概念,可见是同位语从句,所以 where 不能改用“介词+which”的形式。2004-07 年高考题1.(07 全国17)matters most in learning English is enough practice.A.What B.Why C.Where D.Which答案 A解析 本题考查主语从句,且从句中缺少主语,所以 A 项正确。2.(07 天津 15)The seaside here draws a lot of tourists every summer.Warm sunshine andsoft sands make it is.A.what B.which C.how D.where答案 A解析 句意为:每年夏天这儿的海边都吸引大量的游客。温暖的阳光和柔软的沙滩使海边成了现在的样子。what 引导宾语从句,且 what 在从句中作表语,意为“的(东西)”。3.(07 安徽 33)You can only be sure of you have at present; you cannot be sure of something you might get in the future.A.that;what B.what;/ C.which;that D./;that答案 B解析 what 引导宾语从句,并在从句中作宾语;that 引导定语从句,并在从句中作宾语,可以省略。4.(07 湖南 28)Having checked the doors were closed,and all the lights were off,the boy opened the door to his bedroom.A.why B.that C.when D.where答案 B解析 句意为:确保门关上了,且所有的灯都关上了之后,那个男孩打开门进了他的卧室。checked 后跟了两个宾语从句,第一个从句的引导词 that 省略了。5.(07 陕西 8)parents say
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