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单元综合测试卷六 (Unit 6) 时间: 120 分钟 满分: 120 分 姓名: 分数: 听 力 部 分 (25 分 ) 一、听力。 第一节 听小对话, 从 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出正确的选项, 回答问题。 对话读两遍。 (5 分 ) 1.W: Ted, which Chinese story do you like best , Hou Yi Shoots the Suns, Nu Wa Repairs the Sky or Journey to the West ? M: I like Journey to the West best , because I like the Monkey King very much. 2.W: I want to play basketball outside.But I cant find my ball. M: Maybe its under the desk over there.Go and have a look. 3.W: Jerry , did you buy anything on your trip to Australia ? M: Yes, I bought a watch for my son and a dress for my daughter. 4.W: Where is Lucy ? I didnt see her this morning. M: She must be reading in her room.You know , she got a good book from her friend yesterday. 5.W: Whos the old man in the picture ? M: Dont you know him ? He is famous for moving the mountain day and night. (B) 1.Which is Teds favorite Chinese story ? A.Hou Yi Shoots the Suns. B.Journey to the West. C.Nu Wa Repairs the Sky. (B) 2.What is the girl looking for ? A.Her football. B.Her basketball. C.Her volleyball. (C) 3.What did the man buy for his daughter ? A.A watch. B.A shirt. C.A dress. 精品 文档 2 2 (A) 4.What is Lucy doing now most probably ? A.Reading a book. B.Watching TV. C.Cleaning her room. (B) 5.Who are they talking about ? A.The Monkey King. B.Yu Gong. C.Change. 第二节 听长对话, 从 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出正确的选项, 回答问题。 对话读两遍。 (10 分 ) 听下面一段长对话,回答 6、 7 两个问题。 W: Shall we go out for a walk , Andy? M: No, I dont feel like going for a walk.Its noisy outside and the air is bad. W: Then lets stay at home.How about watching the movie Ralph Breaks the Internet ? M: Thats a good idea ! (B) 6.Why doesnt Andy want to go out ? A.Its too cold. B.Its too noisy. C.Its too crowded. (C) 7.What are they going to do ? A.To take a walk. B.To read books. C.To watch a movie. 听下面一段较长对话,回答 8 10 三个问题。 W: Bob, you missed Jims birthday party yesterday , didnt you ? M: Yes.It was a terrible day.I left home late , so I had to run.However , I ran so fast that I fell down and broke my glasses. W: What a pity ! M: So I had to go home and get another pair of glasses.But I didnt find the keys in my bag.I left them at home. 精品 文档 3 3 W: Bad luck ! Then what did you do ? M: I could do nothing but wait for my parents to come back. (A) 8.Who had a birthday party yesterday ? A.Jim. B.Bob. C.The girl. (C) 9.What was wrong with the boy ? A.He forgot the date. B.He had a toothache. C.He broke his glasses. (A) 10.What did the boy do at last ? A.He waited for his parents. B.He stayed in his neighbors home. C.He called the police. 第三节 听下面一段独白,从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。独白 读两遍。 (10 分 ) Once upon a time there was a king and a queen.They lived in a fantastic garden.They had a beautiful daughter , but she never smiled.The king and the queen were very worried.They promised that they would give lots of money to the person who could make their daughter smile.A musician came and played the violin , but the daughter didnt smile.A joker came and told a joke.She didnt smile , either. One day, a young cleaner came.He brought a lovely little dog with him.When the daughter saw the dog, she smiled.The dog liked to play and ran everywhere.And when she saw this , she started to laugh happily. (B) 11.Where did the king and the queen live ? A.In a forest. B.In a garden. C.On a beach. (B) 12.What was wrong with their daughter ? A.She was ill. B.She never smiled. C.She couldnt fall asleep. 精品 文档 4 4 (C) 13.What would they give if someone could make their daughter smile ? A.Their garden. B.Some horses. C.Money. (C) 14.Who cheered the daughter up at last ? A.A musician. B.A joker. C.A cleaner. (A) 15.How did he make it ? A.He gave the daughter a dog. B.He told jokes to the daughter. C.He cleaned the queens garden. 笔 试 部 分 (95 分 ) 二、完形填空。 (15 分 )( 天台县 2018 学年第二学期期末检测试题 ) 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 An old woman had two large pots( 罐 ) one on each end of a pole( 扁担 ).She carried the pole with the pots on her shoulder.One of the pots had a crack( 裂缝 ) in it , while the other pot was 16 and was always full of water.At the 17 of the long walk from the local well( 井 ) to the womans house, the cracked pot arrived only half-full. This 18 daily for two years , with the woman bringing home only 19 pot(s) of water.Of course , the perfect pot was 20 .But the poor cracked pot was 21 of its own imperfection. One day, the cracked pot spoke to the 22 while they were on the way back. “ I am ashamed of myself 23 this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house ,” it said.The old woman smiled and said ,“ Did you 24 that there are flowers on your side of the path , but not on the other pots side ? Thats because I 25 know you were cracked.I planted flowers seeds on 26 side of the path.And every day while we walk back , you 27 them. ” “ For two years , I have been able to 28 these beautiful flowers to decorate my dining table. 29 you being just the way you are , I would not have this 精品 文档 5 5 beauty. ” Hearing these words , the cracked pot 30 .
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