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1,The London Eye is on your right.,Module 6 Around town,Unit 2,2,review,what have we learnt in Unit 1?,turn left 向左转,turn right 向右转,Can you say them out?,3,review,what have we learnt in Unit 1?,go along 沿着一直走,go across,the bridge,穿过桥,_,直行,4,do actions,play a game,5,Revision,左/右转 在左/右边 沿走 对面,turn left / right,opposite,go / walk along,1.phrases,on the left / right,turn left at the third street on the left.在第三个路口左转。,6,Revision,near here 在附近,get to + 某地,get there 到那里,Sorry, Im not sure.对不起,我不确定。,Why not +动词原形? 为什么不? =Why dont you +动词原形?,7,Revision,in front of Tiananmen Square,over there 在那里,the way to + 去某地的路,take Underground to the Olympic Sports Centre,take a/an/the /形容词性物主代词+交通工具+ to +某地,8,Revision,2.sentences about asking way,How do/ can I get to ?,Can/Could you tell me the way to ?,Is there a near here?,Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?,9,tour,10,gallery,painting,11,boat,12,tower,13,New Words,tour square middle famous painting from metre,游览,旅行 广场 中部,中间 著名的 油画,绘画 从出发 米,14,New Words,above river clear bridge railway past church finish high,在上方 河,江 晴朗的 桥 铁路 路过 教堂 结束, 完成 高的,15,London,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Welcome to London!,16,A museum with lots of famous paintings(油画,绘画),National Gallery 国家画廊,peinti,lri,17,The political centre (政治中心)of England,Houses of Parliament :议会大厦,p:lmnt,18,Buckingham Palace: 白金汉宫,The Queen lives here.,19,Big Ben 大本钟,A famous big clock in the world.,20,Tower Bridge:塔桥,The first bridge on River Thames.,tau,泰晤士河,21,Big Ben 大本钟,A famous big clock in the world.,22,London Eye: 伦敦眼,Here, you can see most of London on a clear(晴朗的,清晰的) day.,kli,23,London Eye,伦敦眼,River Thames,24,Tower of London 伦敦塔,The citys oldest palace.,25,Tower of London,伦敦塔,26,Which is the best way to travel to London, by bus, by boat or on foot? What is the oldest palace ?,Enjoy a video, and answer.,27,Listen and watch a video,28,Which is the best way to travel to London, by bus, by boat or on foot? What is the oldest palace ?,By boat.,The tower of London.,29,Skimming reading,Task 1,Please read the text quickly, and underline the places.(阅读文章,画出地名),Lets have a PK in groups!,30,Tour of London,Welcome to this short tour of London. This square is Trafalgar Square (特拉法尔加广场)and it is the middle of London. Were standing opposite the National Gallery(国家美术馆), a famous museum with lots of famous paintings. From here, well walk along the red street to Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫). The Queen lives there.,31,Turn left and go to the Houses of Parliament (会议大厦)and Big Ben(大本钟). Opposite you can see the London Eye(伦敦眼). It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames(泰晤士运河). You can see most of London on a clear day.,32,When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat. You can get the boat near Big Ben. As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right.,33,Get off the boat at Tower Bridge(塔桥). Next to (=beside,在。旁边,紧靠)the bridge is the Tower of London(伦敦塔). Its over 900 years old.,34,After visiting the Tower of London, take the boat back along the river to the railway station. When you get off the boat, go past(=go by走过,路过) the station and walk along the street. Turn left into(左拐进入)Kings Street and go past a church. Youre now back at the square. And this is where well finish our tour.,35,The square,National Gallery,Buckingham Palace,Houses of Parliament, Big Ben,London Eye,River Thames,Tower Bridge,Tower of London,the station,the church,the square,Find out the places,36,Careful reading,Task 2,Read loudly,37,Read paragraph 1, fill in the blanks. (读第一段填空),The square is _ of London. _ is a museum called National Gallery. _ the red street to Buckingham Palace.,in the middle,Opposite,Go along,在中间,对面,沿着走,38,1.welcome to this short tour of London,2.It is the middle of London.,4. a famous museum with lots of paintings,3.Were standing opposite the National Gallery.,有,站在.对面,5.From here, well walk along the red street to Buckingham Palace.,=go along沿着.,39,Read paragraph 2, check T or F. (读第二段判断),1.Turn right and you can go to Houses of Parliament. 2.The Big Ben is next to the Houses of Parliament. 3.The London Eye is opposite the Big Ben.,F,T,T,40,famous著名的,1.be famous for 以(因)。而出名/著称 如:北京因许多名胜古迹而闻名。 Beijing is famous for many places of interest. 2. be famous as. 作为。 而出名或著称 如:姚明是作为一名篮球运动员而出名。 Yaoming is famous as a basketball player.,41,1.Turn left and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.,2.It takes you 135 meters above the river Thames.它能,3.You can see most of London on a clear day.,它能带你到离泰晤士河面135米高的地方。,42,3. It takes you 135 meters above the River Thames. 它在泰晤士河上方135米处。 above/over/on 均可表示“在之上”, 但各有不同的含义。 above “在之上”, 可指“在斜上方”, 既不接触, 又不一定垂直, 只是位置“高于”;,43, over “在之上”,常常可以和 above替换,它强调垂直在上,且不接触。 over还可表示“盖在上面,铺在上 面”,用作此意时,不能和above替换。 The light is over/above the table. 桌子上面吊着一盏灯。 There is a picture over the blackboard. 黑板上方有一幅画。 on “在之上”,但它含有和表面 相接触的意思。 The book is on the desk. 书在课桌上。,44,Read paragraphs 3 and 4, choose ans
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