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1,Unit 2,Space Invaders 空间入侵者 Richard Stengel,2,Richard Stengel,Richard Stengel, Managing Editor of Time magazine, and a long-time writer and editor of the magazine As a senior writer and essayist, Stengel has written for The New Yorker, The New Republic and The New York Times. Hes been a frequent television commentator on CNN and MSNBC.,Stengel has written several books, including January sun: One day, three lives; A South African town and Youre too kind: A brief history of flattery.,3,Shared Space(共享空间),Elevators, buses, theaters, and many other similar “shared places” tend to reduce personal space. People who routinely find themselves in such situations tend to have smaller personal space and more tolerance for “space invasion” than those who are unused to crowding.,4,How would you feel if you were in any of these situations?,5,Part 1 (Paragraph 1-2),The first two paragraphs tell us about the authors experience of how personal space was invaded and how his individual border was intruded on.,6,At my bank the other day, I was standing in a line snaking around some tired velvet ropes when a man in a sweat-suit started inching toward me in his eagerness to deposit his Social Security check. As he did so, I minutely advanced toward the woman reading the Wall Street Journal in front of me, who, in mild annoyance, began to sidle up to the man scribbling a check in front of her, who absentmindedly shuffled toward the white-haired lady ahead of him, until we were all hugger-mugger against each other, the original lazy line having collapsed in on itself like a Slinky. 前几天在银行,我站在一支蜿蜒绕着松垂的天鹅绒绳子的队伍里,这时一个身穿运动服的男子开始慢慢向我挪近,急着存他的社会保障支票。因为他这样做,我不得不稍稍靠近我前面正在看华尔街日报的女士。她有些恼怒地侧身贴近她前面的正在支票上签字的男子。男子心不在焉地拖着脚步走近他前面的白发女士。最后我们都杂乱地贴向彼此,原来松散的队伍像Slinky玩具一样紧缩在一起。,7,minute : adj . ) very small in size or amount 极小的; 极少的:water containing minute quantities of lead 含有微量铅的水. very detailed; accurate or precise 极详细的; 准确的; 精确的: a minute description, inquiry, examination, inspection, etc 详细的描述调查检查视察等,minute v 将(某事)载入备忘录或会议记录 minutely adv. minuteness n U.,8,sidle v to walk towards something or someone slowly and quietly, as if you do not want to be noticed.(偷偷地)侧身而行 sidle up/towards/along: sidling up to the bar 悄悄朝酒吧走去 She sidled over to me and asked if I recognized her. 她羞怯地向我走来, 问我是否认识她 .,9,scribble v write (sth) very fast or carelessly 匆匆或草草书写(某内容): scribbling (figures) on an envelope 在信封上乱写(数字) make (meaningless marks) on sth 在某物上画(无意义的东西): a child scribbling all over a book 在本子上到处乱画的孩子 scribble n 潦草的笔迹; 乱画的无意义的东西,10,shuffle v walk without lifting the feet completely clear of the ground 拖着脚步走: Walk properly dont shuffle. 好好走路-脚别蹭地. Shuffle 指缓慢的 疲惫的步子, Shamble 同样指拖着脚步走但可来得较快也较随便 Stagger 身负重物的人或喝醉的人走起路来即为. Stumble 因未见到地上的物体, 不留心用脚碰到即为. Waddle 指因肥胖或因负重走起路来一摇一摆像鸭子似的. Hobble、limp均指腿受伤时不平稳的步子. Limp 专用以指单腿受伤或强直,11,hugger-mugger adj, adv secret(ly) 秘密(的) confused(ly); in disorder 混乱(的); 乱糟糟(的) hugger-mugger n U 1 secrecy 秘密. 2 confusion 混乱.,12,slinky adj (尤指女子)扭捏招摇地移动: her slinky way of dancing 她迷人的舞姿. (指衣服)紧身显出身体线条的: a slinky night-dress 显出优美身段的睡衣. slinkiness n U.,13,Thank You,
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