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PEP六年级英语下册第二单元测试题一、写单词发烧 疼痛 感冒 牙疼 头疼 喉咙疼 麻烦 鼻子疼 疲劳的 兴奋的 生气的 高兴的 无聊的 忧愁的 二、填空1. Whats the _ , Mike ?2. I _ a fever .3. .The straw man_(have) a headache.4. How _ you feel ?5. My nose _ (hurt) .三、选择( ) 1. _ the matter ? A. What B. Whats C. How( ) 2. I _ a headache A. having B. has C. have( ) 3. How _you feel? A. do B. is C. does( ) 4. In winter people often get the A. hurt B. fever C. flu( ) 5. If you are sick , you can see the _ .A. policeman B. doctor C. teacher( )6.Hes excited. A. a B. so C.are( )7.How she feel? A. are B. is C. does( )8.Im because I failed my math test. A. sad B. happy C. tired( )9.Im because I got a new story book. A. angry B. tired C. happy( )10.How John feel when he failed his math test?A. do B. did C. does( )11、How are you _? A. feel B. feeling C. feels( )12. Whats wrong with you? My leg _ A. headache B. hurts C. sore( )13. Chenjie is sick. She _ tired. A. look B. looks C. likes( ) 14. You look sad today. Yes, _A. Im going to have a party.B. I failed the Chinese test. ( )15. When youre sick, you must_ A. go swimming B. have a rest C. play football( ) 16. How is Amy? -_ A. She is happy. B. She is at home. C. He is sad.( )17.Is your throat sore?-_A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, she is.四、选词填空flu, hurt, game, throat, excited.1In winter people often get the .2.How do they feel before the football starts?3.A:Whats the matter? B: My feet .4.My is sore. I need some water.5.Mike kicks the ball. Its a goal! Everybody is .四、从B栏选择A栏的正确答语。 A B( ) 1. How do you feel ? A. Yes, she is .( ) 2. How does Amy feel ? B. She is tired.( ) 3. Whats the matter ? C. I have a headache.( ) 4. Is she happy ? D. Take some medicine.( ) 5. What do you do if you have a flu ? E. I feel sick . I have a fever .五、阅读理解,判断正误。对的写T,错的写F。Its Sunday afternoon. The weather is fine. There is a football match between class 2 and class 4. Many students are watching .Theyre excited.Now Zhangpeng has the ball. He passes it to Wu Yifan .But he cant kick the ball. Then John has the ball. He kicks it. The ball flies to Zhangpengs arm. Zhangpeng is very angry. The ball files in to the gate. Their class kicks a goal. How is Zhangpeng feeling now? Guess! He is so happy! Hooray! Class 4 won the game. Class2 is very sad.( ) 1. There is a basketball match on Sunday afternoon.( ) 2. Wu Yifan cant kick the ball.( ) 3. Zhangpeng is happy when the ball flies to his arm.( ) 4.Zhangpeng is happy when the ball flies into the gate.( ) 5. Class 2 is not sad in the end荆轲,一个四处为家的刺客,他的心犹如浮云,心如飘蓬,是没有根的,然而高渐离的筑声,却成了他愿意停留在燕国这片土地上的原由。虽是初见,却如故人。也许所有的遇见,早已经是前世的注定,没有早晚,刚好在合适的时间遇见你,就是最美的相识。他曾经游历过多少地方,自己已经数不清,但是没有一处可以挽留他行走的脚步,唯有今日高渐离的筑声,让他怎么也舍不得离开。从此二人心性相投,在燕国集市上,载歌击筑,把盏言欢,欢喜处。嬉笑开颜,忧伤处,潸然泪下,即便这些神经质的状态,被集市上的人哗然,可是对知己而言,又如何呢?人生难得一知己,悲欢喜悦与何人相干呢?我们各自欢喜就好。生为乱世,能够遇到如此懂得自己的人,是一件多么难得的幸福事情啊!然而,这快意的知己日子,总归逃不过那个时代的残酷,千不该,万不该,荆轲不该是一位刺客,若不如此,又如何会被愚蠢的太子丹派去刺杀秦王,一去不复返。倘若荆轲不是刺客,也就更不可能身如飘蓬,居无定所,也许不可能遇见高渐离,所有一切都是冥冥之中的注定吧!“风萧萧兮,易水寒,壮士一去兮,不复还。”知己的离去,让高渐离心如刀割,整日独自击筑高歌,在痛苦中浑噩度日,这样疏懒的生活,无人懂他,对他来说已经倦怠了,他厌倦了这种孤独和苟且的日子。他本可以大隐于野,疏远于喧嚣处,可是他同样选择了一条不归路。去咸阳宫为上宾演奏,最终被人认出,他并不害怕,倒是坦然自若。因为他心里清楚这里就是染过他知己荆轲的鲜血的宫殿,若能在这里死去,也算是一种缘分。然而事与愿违,秦王并没杀了他,给他一个痛快,而是熏瞎了他的双目,让他生不如死。在一次次的心伤中,他在筑中灌满了铅,仿效荆轲,想与秦王同归于尽,只是他心里非常清楚,他根本伤及不了秦王毫发。他之所以如此,以卵击石,无非就是想痛快死去,是一种求死的方式罢了。千百年以后,后人深记那易水的水有多寒冷,那易水的风有多刺骨。那句“风萧萧兮,易水寒,壮士一去兮,不复还”里融入了多少痛苦和无奈?几千年之后,易水的水,易水的风,易水的雪,一年复一年,而那个凄美的故事,也这样经久不衰的传颂着。不由让我又想起伯牙绝弦的故事来,因为知己子期的离世,伯牙绝弦谢知音。人世间有一种高山流水的知己,叫伯牙和子期,也有一种侠义知己,叫荆轲与高渐离。古语曰:“士为知己者死。”这可能是世间最高的知己情意了吧!人生漫漫,朋友易得,知己难求。知己情,是我们需要用生命去珍惜和呵护的情意。然而这个时代,情意似乎越来越廉价,从深交到陌生。若你遇到知己情,别忘了好好珍惜。6
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