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Module 5 Unit 1 I was two then. 一、单项选择。 ( ) 1. They _ young then. But now they _ old. A. was; is B. were; are C. are; were ( ) 2. Who _ that little girl? A. am B. is C. are ( ) 3. Their hair _ long then. A. is B. are C. was ( ) 4. Two years ago he _ five, and now he is _. A. was; seven B. were; seven C. was; three ( ) 5. I was naughty _. A. also B. too C. to 二、按要求完成下列各题。 1. I am fat. ( 变成一般过去时) I _ fat. 2. It was thin. ( 变成否定句) It _ thin. 3. They are my grandparents . ( 就画线部分提问) _ are they? 4. They were young. ( 变成同义句) They _ _. 5. then, naughty, wasnt, he (.) (连词成句 ) 三、根据所给情景,选择恰当的句子。 ( ) 1. 你想知道那个小女孩是谁,你应该问: A. Who is that little boy? B. Who is that little girl? ( ) 2. 你想说你那时三岁,你应该说: A. I was three then. B. I am three now. ( ) 3. 你想表达你现在头发长,你应该说: A. My hair is long now. B. My hair was long. 四、用 be 动词的正确形式填空。 1. I _ tall now. 2. I _ short then. 3. Jim _ fat now. 4. He _ thin then. 5. My grandparents _ young then. 参考答案 一、 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 二、 1. was 2. wasn t 3.Who 4. weren t old 5. He wasn t naughty then. 三、 1. B 2. A 3. A 四、 1. am点拨:由now 可知本句是一般现在时。又因主语是第一人称I ,故 be 动词用 am。 2. was点拨:由then 可知本句是一般过去时。又由主语是第一人称I 可知应用 was。 3. is点拨:由 now 可知本句是一般现在时。又因主语Jim 是第三人称单数,故be 动词用 is。 4. was点拨:由then 可知本句是一般过去时,又由主语He 可知 be 动词用 was。 5. were点拨:由 then 判断本句为一般过去时。又因主语是复数形式,故用were 。
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