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212 The One After the Superbowl part 1Scene: In a TV commercial that the gang is watching at Monica and Rachels.A guy is sitting at his desk and his boss comes in and drops a huge pile of papers on his desk. The guy looks dejected.COMMERCIAL VOICEOVER: Cant get the monkey off your back? Then put it in your mouth.A monkey jumps on the desk and hands the guy a beer. He opens the beer and is suddenly on the beach, in a hammock, with beautiful women all around.COMMERCIAL VOICEOVER: .With MonkeyShine Beer. MonkeyShine theme MonkeyShine Beer, cause its a jungle out there.Camera pans back from the TV to show the gang watching.ROSS: That commercial always makes me so sad.JOEY: Yeah, but then the guy opens his beer and those girls run at him, so, everything seems to work out OK.ROSS: I meant because the monkey in it reminds me of Marcel.PHOEBE: I can see that, cause they both have those big brown eyes and, ya know, the little pouty chin.MONICA: And the fact that theyre both monkeys.ROSS: Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing, ya know, giving him away.RACHEL: Oh, Ross, you had to, I mean, he was humping everything in sight. I mean, I have a Malibu Barbi that will no longer be wearing white to her wedding.ROSS: Remember when sometimes hed borrow your hat, and, and when you got it back thered be little monkey raisins in it.CHANDLER: Yeah, well sure, when he did it, it was funny. When I did it to my bosss hat. . . all of the sudden I have this big attitude problem.OPENING TITLES Scene: Central Perk. Chandler, Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe are at the couch. Joey enters holding a letterJOEY: Hey, hey, check it out, guess what I got.CHANDLER: Rhythm?JOEY: No, my first fan mail.ALL: Alright!MONICA: reading Dear Dr. Remore, know that I love you and would do anything to have you. Gosh. Your not-so-secretive admirer, Erica Ford. Ooh wait, PS enclosed please find 14 of my eyelashes.RACHEL: Ya know, in crazy world, that means youre married.MONICA: This wasnt addressed to Days of Our Lives, this is, this came to your apartment. Theres no stamp on it, this woman was in our building.JOEY: Oh my god, I got my very own stalker.Ross enters with a suitcaseROSS: Hey guys.ALL: Hey.PHOEBE: Ooh, where are you off to, Travelin Jake?ROSS: Well, theres this, uh, paleontology conference in L.A. so I figured Id go and then drive down to the zoo and surprise Marcel.CHANDLER: You know I think he will be surprised, till he realizes hes a monkey, and uh, you know, isnt capable of that emotion.Rob (Chris Isaac) entersRACHEL: Oh, Phoebe, that really cute guy is here again.PHOEBE: Oh, oh, OK, so everyone, pretend like Im telling you a story, OK. And, and its really funny. So everyone just laugh, now.Everyone laughsPHOEBE: I know, I know. to Rob Hello.ROB: Hi. Im Rob Dohnen.PHOEBE: Hi Rob Dohnen.ROB: I dont know anything about music, but I think youre really, really great.PHOEBE: Oh, wow.ROB: Anyway, I schedule performers for the childrens libraries around the city and I was just thinking, have you ever thought about playing your songs for kids?PHOEBE: Oh, I would love to have kids. . . youre, youre the, youre, me play the songs that I will write for them.Scene: Chandler and Joeys apartment. Chandler and Joey are standing around in the kitchen.JOEY: Hey, whaddya wanna do for dinner?CHANDLER: Well we could just stay in and cook for ourselves. both laugh hystericallydoor buzzer goes offCHANDLER: Hello.ERICA: Its Erica.JOEY: Ah, the stalker.ERICA: Never mind, its open.CHANDLER: Joey grabs a frying pan Yes, hitting her with a frying pans a good idea. We might wanna have a backup plan, though, just in case she isnt a cartoon.JOEY: Lets get out of here.They run out and knock on Monica and Rachels doorCHANDLER: The one time theyre not home.JOEY: OK, well just leave, and when we pass her on the stairs, she wont know its me cause weve never met.CHANDLER: Thats how radio stars escape stalkers.JOEY: Shes comin.Both run back in their apartment. Theres a knock at the door.ERICA: Its me.JOEY: Uhh, this is it, this is how were gonna die. Ready?CHANDLER: Wait, wait, wait. Opens the top of the dish soap hes holdingJoey opens the door and sees Erica (Brooke Shields). Joey gets a huge smile and Chandler squeezed the dish soap in the air.ERICA: Hi.JOEY: Erica.Scene: San Diego Zoo. Ross is at the Monkey cages.LIPSON: Hi, Dean Lipson, zoo administrator. I was told you had a question.ROSS: Well, I uh, I cant seem to find the monkey I donated last year. Hes a capuchan, answers to the name Marcel.LIPSON: Ahh, Im afraid I have some bad news. Marcel has passed on.ROSS: Oh my God, what happened?LIPSON: Well he got sick, and then he got sicker, and then he got a little better but then he died.ROSS: I cant believe this.LIPSON: I
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