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用心 爱心 专心1 高二英语高二英语 UnitUnit 8 8 单元知识综合辅导单元知识综合辅导冀教版冀教版 【本讲教育信息本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: Unit 8 单元知识综合辅导 二. 教学重点: 1. 重点单词: dull, aside, flash, squeeze, headline, crew, rescue, director, set, owe, announcer, bravery, programme, version, valuable, leadership, spot, revise, donate, charity, proposal, explode, launch, fame, disease, stand out, impress, accomplishment, disadvantage, scream, obvious, virtue, appetite, celebrity, brief, fortune, deed, belong, actor, aside, squeeze, actress, headline, amazed, tremble, crew, journalist, rescue, grateful, owe, bravery, anxious, painter, mass, junior, advance, organization, arrival, missile, satellite, explode, atom, bomb, launch, photographer, political, reform 2. 重点短语: say goodbye to sb., in time, keep up, play an important role, as a result of, lunch of 3. 重点句型: (1) It ran in front of a car and would have been killed if the driver had not stopped the car in time. (2) It reminds me of a famous American painter. (3) They are famous not necessarily because they have made important achievements in their lives. (4) Much of the time is devoted to meeting with customers and staying in contact with employees around the world through e-mail. (5) The year 1970 saw the successful launch of our first man-made satellite. (6) If fame comes to you, how will you deal with it? 4. 语法: 定冠词 the 的用法 三. 重难点解释: 单元重点词汇: 1. brief 【课文原句】 Each new star has a brief time in the spotlight, but then replaced by the next new star. (Page91) brief 作形容词意为“短暂的;简洁的” 。例如: His remarks were brief and to the point. He had a brief visit to Shanghai. 【拓展】 in brief:简而言之,简单地说。例如: He was reading some news in brief. hold no brief for:不支持,不赞同。例如: I hold no brief for the policies of this government, but on this occasion I think they are right. 用心 爱心 专心2 2. award 【课文原句】 He might be an award-winning actor(Page92) award 在这里用作名词,意为“奖赏;奖金;奖品;(损害,赔偿等的)裁定额” 。例 如: The award for this years best actress went to Zhang Ziyi. His horse was given the highest award at the show. 【拓展】 award 可以用作动词,意为“(官方)判给;给予;授予;颁发” 。例如: He was awarded the first prize. The referee awarded a free kick. 3. wave 【课文原句】 He waved his arms in the air.(Page92) wave 可以作及物或不及物动词,其意思为“挥舞;挥动(手或手持之物)示意;挥手 打招呼或问候;卷曲” 。常用结构有:wave at/to sb. ;wave sb. sth. 或 wave sth. to sb.试观 察和翻译以下句子: The president waved at the crowd from the steps of the plane. The flags were waving in the wind. She waved (me) a greeting. She waved goodbye to us. Her hair waves naturally. 【拓展】 wave 可以作可数名词,意思为“波浪;卷曲;挥手;(光或电的)波” 。例如: The little boat vanished beneath the waves of the sea. With a wave of hand, he was gone. The waves in the girls hair looked beautiful. Radio waves travel fast. 4. explode 【课文原句】 In 1964, we exploded our first atom bomb. (Page100) explode 在这里用作动词,意为“爆炸;使爆炸” 。例如: When the boiler exploded , many people were hurt by the steam. The army took the bomb away to a safe place and exploded it. 【拓展】 explode 用作名词时还有“激发(感情) ;表示强烈感情”的意思,常和 into/in/with 连 用。例如: He exploded with/in anger. The audience exploded into/with laughter. 单元重点短语: 用心 爱心 专心3 1. do /deal with 【课文原句】 He wondered what to do with it. (Page92) do with 意为“对待,处理,放置” ,疑问句中与 what 连用。例如: A: What shall we do with the children? B: Take them out to the park. deal with 与 do with 意思相同,一般与 how 连用。 【拓展】 do with 的意思比较多,看例句体会其含义: (1)I could do with a cup of tea. (2)I cant do with this kind of music. (3)The boys didnt know what to do with themselves when school ended. (4)Her job has nothing to do with telephones. do with 在上述句子中的含义分别为: (1)需要 (2)忍受 (3)使(自己)花时间干 (4)have something/nothing to do 与有关/无关 2. be involved in 【课文原句】 Gates is actively involved in key management and strategic decisions at Microsoft. (Page100) be/get involved in 是 involve sth./sb. in sth.的被动语态,它的意思是“使(别人或自己) 卷入;介入。 ”例如: Dont involve other people in your mad plans. They are deeply involved in debt. 【拓展】 be/become/get involved in sth./ with sb.还有“与某事(某人)有关连”的意思。例如: The president became involved in criminal activities. 3. remind sb. of sth. 【课文原句】 It reminds me of an famous American painter. (Page93) remind sb. of sb./sth:使某人想起(人或事) 。例如: This hotel reminds me of the one that we stayed in last year. This reminded me of what we had done together during our holidays. 【拓展】 remind sb. to do sth./that: 提醒某人做(某事) 。例如: Please remind me to take the medicine. She reminded me that I hadnt written to mother. 4. deal with 【课文原句】 If fame comes to you, how will you deal with it? (Page102) 用心 爱心 专心4 deal with 意为“对待,处理” ,疑问句中与 how 连用。例如: How shall we deal with this problem? 【拓展】 deal with 的意思也比较多,试对比和判断以下句子中 deal with 的意思。 1. The man is difficult to deal with. 2. How would you deal with an armed thief? 3. The book dealing with West Africa is well worth reading. 4. I have dealt with this store for 20 years. deal with 在上述句子中的含义分别为:(1)与往来;与相处(2)应付;对 付(3)涉及;与有关(5)跟做生意 5. I do not want to live a dull life. live a life 过(的)生活 live, life 同源词;life 同源宾语 live a happy/ hard/ poor life die a glorious death dream a good dream 6. I want to be recognized for an important achievement
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