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精品范文Unit7 At Christmas Period2_小学六年级英语教案一 教学内容 unit7 a listen, read and say.二 教学目标1能正确听,说,读词组: so2能正确听,说,读句型: ive got open it for me. who is it/are they from? its/theyre from3能正确理解,掌握对话内容, 并能朗读, 初步表演对话.4能运用本课所学语言对礼物进行对话交际.5通过对本文的学习,对西方文化进一步了解,从而使学生对英语学习的兴趣更为浓厚。三 教学重点1 句型“ who is it/are they from? its/theyre from; open it for me.”2 能理清人物与礼物间的关系四 教学难点1 句型“ who is it/are they from? its/theyre from; open it for me.”2 理清人物与礼物间的关系五 教学策略 情景教学和分层设计任务。 根据学生情况和本课特点,我决定首先将教室布置一下,创设圣诞节这个情境,又由于课文较长,我想采取分层教学, 将本课内容分为三部分, 逐步呈现, 最后以一表格概括主要内容及其关系, 降低了课文学习难度, 以突出本课的重点内容.而“open it for me” 这个句型看似简单, 但如何让学生自然主动的说这个句子成了问题,因为平日里我们除非特殊情况,一般都自己打开东西.所以我决定创设很难打开或打不开礼物这个环境, 让学生不知不觉学会这个句子.另外学生的基础不同,所以决定将家作分层布置。六 课前准备1 教具准备: 多媒体课件, 两个盒子, 若干卡片, 礼物. 板书准备: 预先写好课题 unit 7 at christmas. 七 教学过程a free talkt:what day is it today?s: its t: whats the date today? s: its the 14th of december. t: oh, christmas is coming. teach: christmas, at christmas, on christmas day. b presentation and practice1师生对话,引出 so的词,句.t: i am so excited. 引出so出示卡片s: 跟读t: are you excited?s: yes, we are so excited. everybody is very excited.t: do you know what do people usually do at christmas?(让学生自由发挥,说到教师准备图片时,再打开多媒体图片,顺序可交换)s1: yes. they usually make up christmas tree.t: look, its so beautiful.(出示圣诞树图片) what else do people usually do? s2: they usually have a party.t: yes, look, they are so happy.(出示圣诞狂欢图片. 试着让部分同学跟着说)anything else?s3: they usually eat a lot of delicious food.t: yes, look, they are so delicious.(出示美食图片.试着让学生跟着说)2学生用so造句.与以前所学单词连起来,激起学生的回忆,发挥学生的创造性。t: the ruler is so long. my hands are so big. who can make sentence. 学生造句.3延续上文情景, 引出ive gott: youre so smart. christmas is coming. ive got two presents. have you got any presents?(引出ive got)学生学习该词组t: what about you?s1: ive got (通过教师不断询问学生,让学生练习说)s2: ive got t: he/she has got ts3: ive got s: he/she has got has got虽不是本课主要知识点,但英语课堂中应注重提前渗透。4 师生对话,引出 “open it for me”t: and you?s4: ive got t: can i have a look at your presents?s4: sure. here you are.t: 假装打不开.im sorry. open it for me, please. (出示句子卡片, 反面写上中文展示一下)s4: ok!学生学习 “open it for me”t: do you want to look at my presents?s: yes.t: who wants to open it for me please?s1: me.t: open it for me, please.t: (教师打开出示礼物) wow! theyre sothank you.s: not at all.t: not at all, we can also say “youre welcome.”(教youre welcome.)这仍旧是上面的情景,但练习到说的人不多,所以我想了下面一个方法。t: look at another present. is it big? (出示另一个礼物, 事先把礼物用小盒子装好, 再在外面再套一层盒子, 不断重叠, 形成大盒子后给学生出示)s: yes, its so big.t: who wants to open it? (让学生一次只能打开一个盒子,教师问:whats it?)s1: let me try. 试着打开. im sorry. t: you can ask others to help you. s2: s3,open it for me.s5: s6, open it for me, please. (经过前面几个例子,学生都已明白怎么说, 这句话可引导学生一起说)练习五六个同学后结束t: thank you.s: youre welcome. t:look, (出示礼物) its so nice. i like the colour very much. t: its from my mother and theyre from my father. (教师拿起刚刚展示的两份礼物)5 引出its from theyre from who is it from? who are they from?学生学习.t: what about you?s1: its from s2: its froms3: theyre fromt: (拿起学生礼物惊喜的问)oh, its so lovely. who is it from?学生学习s4: its from my t: who are they from?学生学习s5: theyre from t: look at this present. its so s: its sot: lets ask whos: who is it from?s6: its from全班问一个学生答, 个别学生问答.6多媒体出示小对话例子, 学生练习t: christmas is coming. ive got some presents. what about you?s1: ive got one present.t: its so big. can i have a look?s1: sure.t: open it for me, please.s1: ok.t: its a wallet. its so beautiful. who is it from?s1: its from my uncle.t: i see. c listen, read and say1出示图片介绍课文背景t: jims family have got lots of presents, too. theyre so excited. lets listen what they are talking about with these questions. 2多媒体出示问题, 理解课文听课文第一段录音, 完成练习a. ( ) the present is jims.b. ( ) the wallet is from grandma.c. ( ) the wallet is for grandpa.whose present is for grandma?what is it?who is it from?自读课文第三段,完成练习a. the calculator is for_b. the skateboard_ mum and dadc. mums present is a _present is a watch.theyre from_ 自读整篇课文, 完成表格 这是一个总结归纳 presentwhose (for)from grandpasgrandmateapotsome tea calculatorskateboardjims grandpagrandma mums 3 根据表格, 复述课文主要内容. d consolidation1 本课中只提到了爸爸妈妈给礼物,爷爷奶奶互送礼物,爷爷奶奶给爸爸妈妈礼物等,jim会送给爸爸妈妈什么礼物?会送爷爷奶奶什么礼物?爸爸妈妈会送爷爷奶奶什么礼物?想象一下 ,先小组内自编对话,然后进行表演。e assign homework1for all the students熟读课文, 写至少三个句子来介绍你的圣诞礼物2for some students写一篇小短文, 例文:if (如果) you were jim:christmas is coming. my family are so excited. ive got a calculator and a skateboard. they are from my mum and dad. my parents have got a watch and a hairdryer. theyre from my grandpa and grandma.
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