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精品范文2019年中考英语备考句型转换_九年级英语教案如何备考句型转换句型转换是中考英语试题中常见的题型之一,同时也是孝感市中考英语试题中考的题型之一。一、考点解读该题型主要是考查学生对英语句型的掌握情况和灵活运用的能力。命题形式一般是给出一个英语句子,要求考生根据所提要求改写这个句子,其中的同义词转换是英语句型转换的一种重要形式,也是孝感市中考命题的一个热点。此题型主要考查对英语词汇、句型的掌握情况和灵活运用的能力。其特点是涉及面广,语言点多,方式灵活,要求较严,难度较大。二、常见同义句转换十大类型 比较级结构转换1.litao runs fisted in his class.nobody else in his class runs _ _ _ lintao2.ann run faster than nleimei neimei_run so _ as ann. 析,as/so fast as 2.doesnt fast常见替换主语+v+最高级+of all/in+范围主语+v.+比较+than any other + n.sothat / tooto/enough to1.the boy so young that he cant go to school.2.linde worked veryhard so he caught up with her classmates. linda worked hard _ _ catch up with her classmates. 析:tooto 2 enough to常见替换so that否定从句tooto/not+(形容词原形)enoughto主句+after+从句notuntilxiao ping left the classroom after he finished him homework.xiao ping _ leave the classroom _ he finished his homework.析:didnt until常见替换:主语+短暂性动词+after+从句主语+短暂性动词的否定式 + + until从句。完成时与一般过去时的转换1.he bought a new car cast year.he a new car for a year.2.his uncle died two years ago. his uncle has _ _ for two years. 常见替换:主语加过去式(短暂性动词)+过去时间状语主语+have/has+pp(延续性动词短语)+ for/since结构its+时间段+since+一般过去时时间段(主语)+he passed + sine + 一般过去时宾语从句1.do you know him ? he asked me . he asked_ i _him. i dont know what i should say at the meeting. i dont know what i _ _ at the meeting.常见替换:1.直接引语间接引语 2.主语+连接代/副词+从句 主语+v+原连接代/副词+to 祁使句+and/or+简单句1.get up early tomorrow morning , or youll miss the first train._ you get up early tomorrow morning , youll _ the first train.常见替换:祁使句and(then)简单句if 从句+主句 祈使句+or简单句 上句亦可转换为:if you dont get up early tomorrow morning youll miss the first train. spend , cost , pay , take 等词的转换。 ann spent two days getting ready for the party . it _ ann two days to _ ready for the party . 常规替换:主语+spend +钱+ 主语+pay+钱+for sth sth cost sb +钱 if + takes/took + sb +时间 + to do sth 合并主语其它成分1. lly may go with you , or lucy may go with you _lily _lucy may go with you.2. they didnt know jack _ kate _ _ to them. neither jack _ kate _ _ to them. 常用 bothand, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also 合并 词义释义(注意词序)1. my friend often write letter to me.i often _ _ my pen friend.2. i didnt finish my work in time because any pen was broken. the _ pen stopped _ _ finishing my work in time . 主动语态 被动语态 we speak english english _ _ by us.常见替换:主动语态宾语转换为被动语态的主语。 v. be+vpp(注意时态);主语变为被动语态的b y +短语 三 解题方法1.吃透原句。在答题时,首先要弄清所给句子的句型结构,主语的人称和数,谓语动词的形式以及全句的意思。2.明确类型。要弄懂题意,看清所属类型,不要盲目动笔。3.注意时态一致,即原句为什么时态句子应用什么时态。四、备考建议:1.课堂上尽可能多用“英英式”教学,即用学生已知的简单英语去解释学生未知的英语。2.强化“一种汉语多种英语表达”的训练。3.强化名词的单复数、形容词的级、动词的时态、语态以及动词的ing形式、过去式和过去分词的训练及记忆。4.帮助学生归纳,对各种类型要精讲精练,不要盲目搞题海战。
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