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Message Source Configuration:SNMP Trap Interception,2,Message Source Configuration: SNMP Trap Interception,Section Overview,SNMP Traps as a Message Source SNMP Trap process on the Management Server VPO Distributed Event Interception Avoiding Duplicate Messages SNMP Trap Configuration Configuration GUI Generating Traps/Events Examples,3,Message Source Configuration: SNMP Trap Interception,SNMP Traps,SNMP Agent,SNMPTrap,Enterprise ID Generic Trap ID Specific Trap ID Varbind 1 . Varbind n,Managed Node,SNMP Manager,Management Server,4,Message Source Configuration: SNMP Trap Interception,SNMP Trap Interception,SNMP Agent,VPO agent only,SNMP Manager,Management Server,SNMP Agent,SNMP Agent,NNM softwareonly,NNM and VPOworking inparallel,SNMP Agent,No NNM orVPO software,5,Message Source Configuration: SNMP Trap Interception,SNMP Trap Interceptor on The Management Server,VPO Trap Interceptor,Message Agent,Community Generic Trap ID Specific Trap ID Number of parameters Parameters,Severity Application Message Group Object,Conditions,VPO Message,SNMP Trap Arguments,Default Message Attributes,port 162,ovtrapd,pmd,Traps from Systems and Applications,6,Message Source Configuration: SNMP Trap Interception,VPO Distributed Event Interception,VPO Management Server,NNM,TCP,RPC,pmd,ovtrapd,opctrapi,opcmsga,NNM,opcmsga,opctrapi,pmd,ovtrapd,RPC,7,Message Source Configuration: SNMP Trap Interception,Distributed Event Interception: Benefits,Reduced Network Traffic and Management Server Workload through VPO-Specific Features for Local Processing More attributes to suppress messages (e.g. SNMP Trap Variables) Duplicate message suppression, local actions etc. Event Correlation Services Secure Communication between Agent and Management Server through DCE/RPC-Based Implementation Authentication, Encryption Flexible Management through VPO Flexible Manager Concepts Follow-the-Sun, Competence Centers, Backup Manager,8,Message Source Configuration: SNMP Trap Interception,Distributed Event Interception: Configuration,Supported Platforms: all Platforms, where NNM is supported Novell NetWare 4.1, 4.11, 5.0, 5.1 with NMA 2.1 installed Configuration Steps: Configure Event Interception Template in Message Source Templates window and in Add SNMP Trap window. Assign Event Interception Template to agents and distribute the templates. If NNM is not to be used on agent for event interception (i.e. SNMP traps intercepted directly by opctrapi), then add the following line to file opcinfo: SNMP_SESSION_MODENO_TRAPD Restart the VPO agents,9,Message Source Configuration: SNMP Trap Interception,Node pepper SNMP Destinations: curry nutmeg,How to Avoid Duplicate Messages,SNMP Agents must have only one trap destination configured An VPO event interceptor runs on all possible SNMP destinations,Solution with VPO:,Problem Situation:,SNMP Agent,Node curry,OV pmd,opctrapi,Node nutmeg,OV pmd,opctrapi,Original methodand showing howduplicates can occur,opcmsga,opcmsga,Using local interception and avoiding duplicates,10,Message Source Configuration: SNMP Trap Interception,SNMP Template Configuration,Add Trap within Message Source Templates and define defaults,Match/Suppress Condition Window,11,Message Source Configuration: SNMP Trap Interception,SNMP Trap Condition Example,SNMP trap generated by OmniBack snmptrap . 6 58916871 0 . Integer 1 . OctetString . OctetString”HP OmniBack:Error(Worklist Syntax) Cant open worklist file/etc/omniback/work Status: Critical . OctetString “Critical” . OctetString “Omniback”,
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