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选修 7,Unit 1 Living well,基础再现,1._ vt.使适应;改编 2._n.不在某处;缺席 3._n.无力;无能;伤残 4._vt.苦恼;使不悦 5._ adj.笨拙的 6._v.主持;指挥;管理 n.行为;品行 7._v. 辞职;辞去(职位、工作等) ,adapt,absence,disability,annoy,clumsy,conduct,resign,学以致用 翻译下列句子。 1.她很快就适应了她的新工作。 _ 2.在他外出期间我一直想打扫地下室,但是很不幸,我没时间。 _ 3.失明是非常严重的残疾。 _,4.如果我们到八点还没完成,我会很懊恼的。 _ 5.笨拙的男孩撞到桌子上。 _ 6.导游带领游客参观博物馆。 _ 7.史密斯先生打算下周辞职。 _,答案: 1.She adapted quickly to her new job. 2.I had wanted to clean the basement in his absence but unfortunately I had no time. 3.Blindness is a very serious disability. 4.Ill be annoyed if we dont finish it by eight. 5.The clumsy boy bumped into the table. 6.The guide conducted the visitors around the museum. 7.Mr.Smith is going to resign his post next week.,1._(n.)无力;伤残;_(adj.)伤残的;_(vt.)使无能/伤残 2._(adj.)有益的,受益的;_ (n.)利益; (vt.恼人的;_(n.)烦恼,5._(n.)协助;援助;_ (adj.)辅助的;(n.)助手;_ (vi.)援助/帮助 6._(adj.)年长的;_ (原级);_ (最高级);_(adj.)上了年纪的 7._(adj.)独立自主的;不受约束的;_ (adj.)依赖的;_ (adv.)独立地、有主见地 8._(n.)政治学_ (adj.)精明的、有策略的;_ (adj.)政治的,答案: 1.disability;disabled;disable 2.beneficial;benefit 3.breath;breathe;breathing;breathless;breathlessly;breathlessness 4.annoy;annoying;annoyance 5.assistance;assistant;assist 6.elder;old;eldest;elderly 7.independent;dependent;independently 8.politics;politic;political,学以致用 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 1.His_(disable) makes him looked down upon. 2.The small factories_(beneficial)from the fall of the prices. 3.When we climbed up to the top of the mountain,we were all_(breath). 4.Youd better not get_(annoy) at his ignorance.,5.He worked as an_(assist) to the President. 6.His_(old) daughter is a judge. 7.We must train them to think_(independence). 8._ (politics) are busy near election time. 9.It might be better_(try)_(discuss) in his own language as he isnt used to_(speak) in English yet.,10._(see)from the hilltop,the lake is extremely beautiful. 11.If you couldnt get anything_(open) the beer bottle with,why not_(try)_(open) it with your teeth? 12.You should try to_new circumstances as quickly as you can. 13.He has been absent_class for quite a long time.,答案: 1.disability 2.benefit 3.out of breath 4.annoyed 5.assistant6.eldest 7.independently 8.Politicians 9.to try;to discuss;speaking 10.seen 11.to open;try;opening 12.adapt to 13.from,1._尤其,特别 2._总而言之, 从各方面考虑 3._建立,创设,搭(帐篷) 4._换句话说,也就是说 5._是还是 6._可接近,有途径,答案: 1.in particular 2.all in all 3.set up 4.in other words 5.whether.or. 6.have access to,学以致用,完成下列句子。 1.自从学生时代以来他就对体育有浓厚的兴趣,尤其是对足球。 He_sport,football_,since his earliest student days. 2.有那么一、两次他自己作决定有困难,但是总体来说他是一个独立自主的人。 Once or twice he_on his own,but_he is an independent man.,3.新政府于战后成立。 The new government_after the war. 4.他们将三天后离开,换句话说,也就是下周五。 They are leaving_three days,_,next Friday. 5.不管我们能否找到所需的工具,我们要把这件工作做 下去。 Well_the work,_we can find the necessary tools_.,6.我好多年没见过这么旧的小汽车了。 I_a car_this for years. 7.在检查电器之前关掉电源是很重要的。 _is important_the electricity before you check the machine. 8.学生一定要有途径读到好书。 Students must_good books.,答案: 1.has been interested in;in particular 2.had difficulty in making decisions;all in all 3.was set up 4.in;in other words 5.go on with;whether;or not 6.havent seen;as old as 7.It;to turn off 8.have access to,答案: 1.has been interested in;in particular 2.had difficulty in making decisions;all in all 3.was set up 4.in;in other words 5.go on with;whether;or not 6.havent seen;as old as 7.It;to turn off 8.have access to,1.have difficulty/trouble(in)doing sth.在做(某事)方面有困难 2.make it 及时到达;取得成功;(病痛等)好转,挺了 过来 3.as.as.和一样,原级比较结构 学以致用 用适当的词填空或用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Do you have any difficulty_(express) yourself in English?,2.I have some trouble_the pronunciation of some English words. 3.I like_in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. 4.Frank was very ill,and the doctor didnt think he would_. 5.Our neighbor has _ours.(邻居的房子和我们的一样大。),答案: 1.expressing 2.with 3.it 4.make it 5.as big a house as,运用本单元所学知识,翻译下面内容,并背诵该篇文章。 Tom的父亲前不久辞去了校长职务。他特别喜欢由电影改编的科幻小说。他乐于助人,但是当有人连谢谢都忘记说时他很恼火。他学习很努力,每次长期缺课之后,他都会感到很羞愧。有些同学会因他跑步很快时气喘吁吁而嘲笑他。他认为取笑残疾人是不礼貌的。在许多方面残疾使他变得更加坚强,更加独立。 _
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