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牛津高中英语模块七知识点大全,Module7 Unit1Words recommend /rek mend / vt. 建议;推荐,介绍 【用法】1. 作“建议”时,后接动名词、名词、从句或复合结构。注意 接that从句时用虚拟语气 (should)do。 He recommended reading the book Gone With the Wind before seeing the film. 他建议先看飘这本书,然后再看电影。 The doctor recommended a good rest. She took his advice. 医生建议好好休息,她听取了他的建议。 In her e-mail, my best friend recommended that I (should) pay more attention to my health. 我最好的朋友在她的邮件里劝我多注意身体。 I recommend you to think very carefully before you make nay decision. 我建议你仔细考虑之后再做决定。,2. 作“推荐,介绍”讲时,一般直接加名词作宾语。 I asked Tom to recommend a good hotel because my classmates planned to take a trip to his city. 我让汤姆推荐个好旅馆,因为我们班同学准备到他所在的城市旅行。 【常见搭配】recommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某物 I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in chemistry. 我把这本书推荐给任何一个对化学感兴趣的人。 recommend + n/pro/v-ing/O-clause I recommend their pizza. He recommended buying an English-English dictionary. My English teacher often recommends that we (should) read as many English short stories as possible.,Translation:,1.我认为,勤奋是成功的根本。,I think that hard work is fundamental to success.,2.因为他学习很认真,他通过这次语言考试的可能性很大。,Because he works so hard, there is a high probability that he will pass the language exam.,3.我竭力想与他联系,却没能联系上。,I tried hard to get in touch with him but was unable to.,4.直到半夜我才得以入睡。,It was not until midnight that I could go to sleep.,5.要过许多年以后我们才能再次相见。,It will be many years before we meet again.,6.My job as a guard involves living in the factory all day.,当门卫这个工作需要我整天住在工厂里面。,7.Never associate with bad companions.,千万不要与坏人为伍。,Words ,1.他在学生中人气仍然很旺。,His popularity among the students remains strong.,2.她的书在许多国家的年轻人中流行。,Her book enjoys a high popularity among teenagers.,3.你应该多涉及(参加)社交活动。,You should involve yourself in more social activities.,4.这部电影是以一个真实故事为基础的。,The film is based on a true story.,5.Few people have access to the newly elected president.,很少有人又机会见到新当选的总统。,6.Who is most likely to benefit from the old mans death?,这个老人死了谁将最有可能受益?,7.当我们要爬山时首先必须考虑的是天气。,We must take the weather into consideration first when climbing mountains.,Module7 Unit4Words it is a pity that dusk is fast approaching. 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏,15.A barking dog seldom bites. 会叫的狗不怎么咬人。,17.依你看谁应该对这起交通事故负责任。,According to your judgment, who should be _ _ the _ _.,responsible for,traffic accident,
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