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五四制 鲁教版七年级英语(下)AB卷Unit 10 A卷I.根据句意及首字母补全单词,使句意完整(10分)1.Do you have lunch at n _at school?2.It took us one hour to l _through something important on the Internet.3.When you c _the road, you should be more careful than before.4.Mr. Green often takes an e _from the first story to the fourteenth story.5.Li Lei is a football f _and he almost watches football match every week.6.How are you g _along with your friends? Very well.7.You should exercise at l_ one hour every day and its good for your health.8. There was a lot of t_ in the morning, so I went to work late.9.I was having a good time until he c_ along.10.Have you always gone to that b _to buy new books? Yes, many timesII.选择填空(10分)( )1.It always rains in the south of China, _? A. does it B. is, it C. doesnt it D. isnt it( )2.Can you speak Japanese? Yes, but only _. A. a little B. a few C. little D. few( )3.The policeman told us _cross the street _ the traffic lights turned green. A. dont; before B. not; when C. not to, until D. not, until( )4.They have to get up early from Monday to Friday, _? A. do they B. dont they C. have they D. havent they( )5.Wed better get to school on time, _? A. wouldnt we B. shouldnt we C. didnt we D. hadnt we( )6.-What are you going to do this weekend? I _yet. A. havent decided B. wont decide C. have decided D. didnt decide( )7.He often _us a story in the evening. We all love his interesting stories. A. speaks B. talks C. tells D. says( )8.Li Lei is more outgoing than others so he makes it a lot_ in a new class. A. easy to get on B. easier to get along C. difficult to get on D. more difficult to get along( )9.The people kept having a meeting until the director _. A. came on B. came out C. came along D. came in( )10.Tom didnt come to school this morning, but I _he can come this afternoon. A. sure B. be sure C. make sure D. surelyIII.根据所给词的适当形式填空(15分)1.Have you heard there_(be) a concert this afternoon.2.This jacket is much _(expensive) than that one.3.He _(not do) well in _(play) basketball.4.They_(look) through the test papers already and didnt make any mistakes.5.After_(cross) the street, he found an airport in front of them.6.Thanks for _(look) after my sister while I was _(go) away from home to shop.7.He really had a hard time _(finish) this difficult job.8.It was really boring, _(be not) is ? Yes, it is a little_(bored).9.Theres usually a lot of _(traffic) at this time of day.i hates _(drive) on the road.10.He asked the policeman for help, _(do) he? No, he didnt He found his car by _(him)IV.根据汉语意思完成下列句子(15分)1.刚才我在网上浏览了一下关于野营的信息。 I _ _ the information for _ on the Internet just now.2.我确信他会来的。 I am _that he _ _.3.看完这本小说我花了一个小时。 It _me an hour_ _ _the novel.4.人们在排队等着看牙医。 People are_ in line _ _a dentist.5.你至少要写完三封信。 You should write_ _three letters.V.句型转换(15分)1.My mother looks very tired and weak, _ _?. (改为反意疑问句)2.I hope you can arrive soon, _ _? (改为反意疑问句)3.This is a shop. Many people are waiting in line to buy the fried chicken. (改写同义句) _ _many people _ in line to buy the fried chicken in a shop.4.Sometimes it isnt easy eating a balanced diet. (改写同义句) _ _a balanced diet _easy _ _.5.Be careful! You must look both ways before you cross the street. (改写同义句) _ _ _ look both ways before you cross the street.VI完形填空(10分) Winter is dangerous because it difficult _1_ what is going to happen(发生) and accidents take place so easily. Fog(雾) can be waiting _2_you over the top of a hill. Ice might be hiding under the melting (融化的)snow, waiting ahead to send you off the road. The car coming to you may suddenly slip (滑行)across the road. Rule Number One for _3_ on icy roads is to drive smoothly. Sudden movements can make a car very difficult _4_. So every time you _5_start _6_stop your car, increase or reduce your speed, you must be as gentle and slow as possible. Suppose you are driving with a full cup of hot coffee on the seat _7_you. Drive so that you wouldnt spill it Rule Number Two is to pay attention to(注意) what might happen. The _8_ice there is, the further down the road yo
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