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精品范文新目标七年级英语上Unit6基础训练_七年级英语教案unit 6 基础训练汉译英。吃早饭吃晚饭 每天冰淇淋 5薯条 6健康食品7大量的马铃薯8喜欢吃蔬菜9水果沙拉0跑步明星1我很喜欢打排球。2他喜欢吃草莓。3她不喜欢汉堡。4你喜欢花椰菜吗?是的,我喜欢。5你爷爷喜欢鸡肉吗?不,他不喜欢。6. 彼德午餐吃什么?7nick早餐吃蛋和牛奶吗?是的。18他喜欢香蕉,但他不喜欢西红柿。19早餐她只吃一个蛋,一个苹果和一些水。0你的朋友是个男孩还是个女孩?用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1there are some _(tomato)in the basket. 2do you like french _(fry)?3she _(have)ice cream for dessert. 4_(health)food is important.5she _(do not)play sports. 6_ your mother _(watch)tv every day?7the little girl likes _(strawberry)a lot. 8lots of children like _(play)football.9chicken _(be)very delicious. 10my daughter _(go)to school from monday to friday.单项选择( )11 let s have oranges. _.athat s sound good bthat sound good cthat s sounds good dthat sounds good( )12 do you like apples? _.ayes, i am byes, i do cno, i m not dno, i not( )13 does your son like carrots? _.ayes, she does byes, he is cno, he doesn t dno, she doesn t( )14he has _ egg and _ hamburger.aan, an ba, a can, a da, an( )15there is a _ shop. it sells bananas, apples, pears and oranges.avegetable bfood cfruit ddrink( )16let s _ now.ato go to home bto go home cgo to home dgo home( )17what _ she have _ dinner?ado, in bdoes, for cis, at dcan, to( )18there is some _ on the table.atomato begg cchicken dbanana( )19there _ lots of apples on the tree.abe bam cis dare( )20we need lots of _ every dayahealthy food bsalads cmilks dvegetable( )21 do you like french fries? _.ayes, i do byes, i don t ci like them very much di don t like them( )22_ your mother _ carrots?ado; eat bis; eat cdoes; eat dare; eat( )23our friend _ like salad.adon t bdoesn t cisn t daren t( )24 do they like hamburgers? yes, they like _ very much.ait bthem ctheir dits( )25what do you_for dinner? soda and milk. a. do b. eat c. have( )26her parents _ lunch at home.adoesn t have bhaven t chasn t ddon t have( )27we have lots of food _ dinner.ain bat cfor don( )28_ does lucy like? tomatoes.ahow bwhat cwhere dwhy( )29aunt li likes _ bananas.aeat beating ceats deatting( )30do you like_?yes, i do. a. apple b. a apple c. apples改正句中的一处错误 31apples, bananas and orange are fruits. _32miss gao haves eggs and milk for breakfast. _33he likes salad but he doesn t likes carrots. _34does he and you eat lots of fruit? _35he watches tv at dinner. _选择正确的词填空 am is are do does can don t36i _ a student. my name _ li hong.37she _ my friend. her name _ wang mei.38where _ your balls? they _ under the bed.39_ those apples? yes, they _.40on sunday, i _ watch tv. i must do my homework.41 _ her daughter have a nice english name? yes, she does.42 _ you spell the word? sorry, i can t43_ his grandparents like him? 44 where _ i? you _ in a new place.45 what _ your uncle love? he loves sports.连词成句1doesn t, tennis, have, sister, rackets, my, (. )2my, is, backpack, bed, on, the, (. )3mike, tomatoes, does, like, (?)4dinner, chicken, for, bill, likes, eggs, and, (. )5telephone, is, what, her, number, (?)补全对话。每空填入一词,使对话完整、达意。a:hi,tom!(1)_ you like apples?b:yes,(2)_ dohow about you?a:i like applesand my father(3)_ apples,toodoes your father(4)_ apples?b:no,he(5)_ he likes oranges and bread (6)_ breakfastwhat about(7)_ father?a:he likes chicken(8)_milk
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