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语法专项练习:情境语意1. Look! How long _ like this? Three weeks! It s usual here that rain _ without stopping these days of the year. A. has it rained; pours B. has it been raining; pours C. is it rained; is pouring D. does it rain; pours 2. Can you give me the right answer? Sorry, I _, would you repeat that question? A. hadnt listened B. hadnt listened C. dont listen D. wasnt listening3. You couldnt have chosen any gift better for me. _. A. Oh, I d choose a better one for you next time B. Youve had a gift for music, havent you? C. I m glad that you like it so much D. Sorry bat dont blame me, dear4. Has Tom finished his homework yet? I have no idea, he _ it this morning. A. was doing B. did C. had done D. would do5. Jill failed in the final examination last term. _ A. Really? B. Sorry to hear that. C. What is wrong D. I cant believe it.6. Jane: Its many years I last saw you, Mary. Mary: _. Jane: I wouldnt have either, if someone had not called you. A. you havent changed so much, Jane. B. I recognized you at first sight, Jane. C. I had thought I would meet you here, Jane D. I didnt recognize you at first ,Jane.7. Do you mind the window being open? _, its much too cold. A. Yes, please B. I m dont want you to please C. Yes, I do mind D. I m afraid I dont 8. Con I help you carry this box into your hotel room, Granny? No, boy. It is _ heavy _. A. so, thank you B. very, thank you C. rather, how kind of yon D. too, than all the same.9. I m yurt phoning to wish you good luck in your exam tomorrow. _. A. Thanks. I cant wart to go B. Thanks, I cant believe its been five years. C. Thanks. Were really happy. Everything went smoothly D. Thanks. I m a bit worried abort it actually 10. _ the new VCD for me, Mum? You promised. Oh, dear I forgot.A .Will you buy B. Did you bay C. Have you bought D. Would you bay?11. Whore is your dictionary? What do your dictionary? Youve got one yourself, haven you. Oh, if I _ mine, I _ yours. A. had got l wouldnt wait to go B. have got l wouldnt need C. get l wont need D. would get l wouldnt have needed12. When Tim asked why he had to bed, his mater told him the saying “the early bird _ the worm.” A. caught B. catches C. catch D. all catch13. Is there anything I can do for you, sir ? _. A. Yes, you are welcome B. Ok, your time C. Not now. Thanks anyway D. Sure go ahead, please14. Why not join us the game? _. A. Sure, please do B. No, you do the same C. Oh, thats all right D. Ok, coming.15. Why are you so late? Well, _, my broke down halfway.A .I say B. you understand C. I mean D. you see16. The gas must have been used up _ the fire went of itself. A. because B. as C. since D. since17. I have a favor to ask you. _.A .Go ahead B. Its a pleasure C. Help yourself D. Ask, please 18. I d like to invite you to a party this evening. Thank you, but _ Ill be free I m not sure at the moment. A. while B. if C. when D. whether 19. I enjoyed myself so mach at your birthday party. _. A. Oh, thats kind of youB. Congratulations C. Oh, I m glad to hear thatD. It s a pleasure20. - How is everything? - _. A. Very well, thank youB. Not too bad C. I m all right, thanks D. Not at all21. Hi, Jane! How Mice to meet you here in Manhattan! . A. so do I B. Me, too C. Thank you D. the same to you 22. Could you do me a favor and take the box up to the sixth floor? . No problem at all. A. With pleasure B. My pleasure C. For pleasure D. At your pleasure 23. Let me carry that for you. It looks very heavy. . I m quite out of breath. A. Thanks B. I m afraid manage C. Yes, of course D. Thats very kind of you 24. _. OK. I sometimes have no sense of direction. A. Let me help youB. Here it isC. This way, pleaseD. No hurry25. I wonder if you could let me have a look at the photo of your family . . A. Yes, please B. Sure, you could C. No, go ahead D. It doesnt matter.26. The weather is too hot may this year . It was still when I came two years ago. A. for; cooler B. in; hotter C. for; hotter D. in; cooler 27. No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to . A. another B. any other C. other D. the other28. Mr. White woks with a chemical company but he in his sisters, he s on leave . A. has worked B. works C. is working
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