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2011-2012学年9年级英语( 牛津译林版)上册素材(含教案和练习)Unit 4 TV programmes(A)一. 教学内容:9A Unit 4 TV programmes 二. 教学目标:本单元词汇、短语和语言点知识三. 具体教学过程(一)重点单词1. weekly adj. 每一周的2. cover vt. 报道, 电视报道3. live adv.& adj.现场直播的,实况转播的4. coming adj. 即将到来的5. host n. 主持人6. concert n. 音乐会7. direct vt. 导演, 指导8. mystery n. 神秘,疑案故事9. face vt. 面临, 面对10. presentation n. 颁奖仪式11. interview n. 采访12. prize n. 奖,奖励13. far adv. 远,很,太14. spaceman n. 宇航员15. information n. 通知,告知,信息16. announce vt. 宣布17. rather 相当地做得相当地好did _ _一个很好的礼物a _ _present18. scared 吃惊的(修饰人)The boy was scared of the dog.be scared of sth.sb. 害怕某物/某人scary 令人害怕的(修饰物)a scary nighta scary story19. surprising adj. 令人惊讶的20. disappear vi. 消失随堂练习:用所给词的适当形式填空1. I enjoy reading this kind of_ (week) magazine. 2. I feel _ when I read this _ story. (bore) 3. Zhang Yimou is a famous _ who has_ the film Hero. (direct) 4. This is a famous movie _ (direct) by him. 5. The meeting will _(hold) on the _ (come) Saturday. (二)重点短语1. 一周要闻a weekly round-up2. 最近的信息up-to-date/latest information 3. 涵盖不同的体育项目 cover different sports4. 现场直播cover live5. 在线选举 vote online for 6. 大量的a number of sth. 7. 发送短信到send text messages to 8. 充满恐怖和神秘 be full of horror and mysteries9. 易受惊吓be/ get scared easily10. 一小时的记录片a one-hour documentary11. 少数的几个地方之一one of the few places12. 因而获得奖项win an award for13. 现场报道cover live / be covered live14. 举行颁奖仪式 hold a presentation15. 出席颁奖仪式 attend a presentation16. 即将到来的周六 this coming Saturday 17. 获奖 win an award18. 美丽的景色 beautiful scenes19. 恐怖电影 a horror film20. 解决谜团 solve mysteries随堂练习: A. 用下列词组填空(1.a number of pop stars; 2. this coming Saturday; 3.be covered live; 4.vote online; 5.will be announced)This years Asian Music Awards will _ in Singapore _. At that time _ will attend the presentation. People can _ for their favourite singers, songs and music videos, and the results _ during the programme.B. 用find out the answer, such as, horror film, be full of, animal lover短语的适当形式填空:1. My grandma and my mother dont like watching _ because they get scared easily. 2. The bottles _ orange juice. 3. Mr Wang is _. He likes the programs on animals. And he often goes to the zoo on Sundays.4. Ill try my best to _ to these questions. 5. I like eating many kinds of fruits, _ apples, pears, bananas and strawberries.(三)语言点知识:1. A weekly round-up of what is happening in sport, with lots of up-to-date information. (P.64 L.3-4)1) weekly adj. 每周一次的, 每周的a weekly magazine 周刊a weekly visit 每周一次的拜访They are doing the weekly cleaning. 他们正在进行每周一次的大扫除。补充: daily 每天的 monthly 每月的 quarterly 每季度的 yearly 每年的2) happen vi.(不及物) 发生, 主语常是物; (无被动语态)The story happened in Shanghai.What happened just now?常用短语:(1) (sth.) happen to sb./sth.某人/某物发生什么事If anything happens to the machine, do let me know.(2) (sb.) happen to do sth 碰巧做某事,可与 It happens that转换I happened to be out when you called.It happened that I was out when you called.注意:take place 发生 (无偶然性)无被动语态In 1919, the May 4th Movement took place in China. 2. The programme covers different sports, such as(P. 64 L.5)cover v. 涉及,包括 Is that word covered in the dictionary?v. 报道, 采访 He is covering the 10th National Sports.v. 覆盖She covered the sleeping boy with a coat.v. 行过, 走过(路程) She covered 50kms that day.n. 封面, 覆盖物 The cover of the book is attractive.短语:be covered withThe ground is covered with white snow. The trees are covered with fruits in autumn.The classroom is covered with dust without cleaning for a week.3. There are also a number of interviews with some famous football players. (P.64 L.9-10)1) a number of (大量的,修饰可数名词)a lot of A number of students are playing football on the playground.I have a number of letters to write.A large number of students are studying hard. the number of 的数字The number of the students of our class is 40.2) interview(1) n. 接见,会见,采访会见某人 have an interview with sb.接见某人 give an interview to sb.(2) vt. 接见,会见,采访interview sb. (about sth.)4. This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered live.live adv./ adj. 现场的,实况转播的The football match is covered live on TV.There is going to be a live TV program about teenage problems.adj. 活着的 (一般不修饰人)Have you ever touched a live snake? v. 居住,生活,生存They will live for ever in my heart.His parents lived a happy life.We cant live without water.They live in Shanghai.People in the south live on rice.He lives by teaching.alive adj. 活着的 表语形容词,作定语时常后置
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