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精品资源备战中考初中上册单元复习一遍过Unit 1 of junior high school九年级上册单元复习Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 真题训练第1部分 听力(25分)I. 听句子,选答语。(共5小题,计5分)本题共有5个小题,每个小题你将听到一句话,请从所给的三个选项中选出一个最恰当的答语。1.A.Fine,thanks.B.Todayisfine.C.Yes,Iam.2.A.Yes,please.B.No,thanks.C.Thisway,please.3.A.Imgladyoulikeit.B.Sorrytohearthat.C.Idontthinkso.4.A.Hesbusy.B.Hesadoctor.C.Hesquiet.5.A.Itdoesntmatter.B.No,Iwont.C.OK,Iwill.听对话。选答案。(共10小题,计l0分)本题共有10个小题,每个小题你将听到一段对话和一个问题,读两遍,请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。6.A.Herumbrella.B.Hercamera.C.Herhat7.A.PopmusicB.CountrymusicC.Lightmusic8.A.Itscloudy.B.Itsrainy.C.Itssunny.9.A.ApplejuiceB.Beefdumplings.C.Orangejuice.10.A.Linda.B.Jenny.C.Steve.11.A.Shehasacold.B.Shehasastomachache.C.Shehasatoothache.12.A.Thebank.B.Thepostoffice.C.Thebookstore.13.A.Inthelibrary.B.Intheclassroom.C.Inthetheater.14.A.Forherself.B.Forherdaughter.C.Forherson.15.A.BecauseherfatherlostthekeysB.BecauseshelostherkeysC.Becauseshelostherfatherskeys.听短文,选答案。(共5小题,计l0分)本题你将听到一篇短文,读两遍,请从每个小题的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。16.HowoldwasDavidwhenhewenttothemiddleschool?A. 12B. 13C. 1417.Whenhewasinthefirstyearofmiddleschool,Davidalways.A.tookthebustoschool.B.wenttoschoolbybike.C.rantoschool.18.HowdidDavidgethiscomputer?A.TheschoolgaveittohimB.Hisparentsboughtitforhim.C.Heboughtitforhimself.19.Afterhegotthecomputer, .A.DavidsgradeswerenotsogoodasbeforeB.Davidsgradeswerebetterthanbefore.C.Davidstudiedashardasbefore.20.Davidfeltwhenheheardhismotherswords/A.bored.B.happy.C.sorry.第二部分 笔试(共95分)一、单项选择(共15小题,计15分)1.(德州中考). Yesterday, my father bought me a new mobile phone as a present, but I dont know how to use it.Why not read the _ first before using it?A. expressionsB. applicationsC. advertisementsD. instructions2.(陕西中考)Lucy is a(n)_student. She answers the teachers questions _in her class.A. more active, more activelyB. more active, more activelyC. more active, the most activelyD. active, the most actively3.(山西中考). The more I get to know Nancy, the more I can realize that we have a lot _.No wonder she is your best friend.A. in styleB. in commonC. in need4.(新疆阜康市、米泉市).Look! Here comes Cindy! She is always full of _.So she is. because she takes a lot of exercise every day.A. knowledgeB. courageC. changeD. energy5.(甘肃白银). The girl is greatly interested in this song. The lyrics of it _ her thought and feelings.A. expressB. discussC. expectD. imagine6. (浙江丽水).Betty, pass me the _ . I will cut the cake.OK, Mom. Here you are.A. sugarB. scarfC. knifeD. note7.(江西抚州). You look so young! How old are you?Aha! Its a_.A, suggestion B.reason C. secret D. problem8.(浙江绍兴). Guess what! Teresa makes her own clothes.Wow, she is so _. I could never do that.A. SimpleB. creativeC. popularD. energetic9.(江西中考). You have to be _ and wait until I finish my work.A. PatientB. strictC. honestD. active10.(江苏南京).We all know that learning a foreign language _ time and effort.A. RequiresB. reducesC. removesD. repeats12.(贵州安顺). Spring has come. We cant_ the plan. The trees must be planted this week.A. put offB. make upC. come up withD. look up13.(湖北咸阳)When will your new book ? _It has not been decided yet.Afind out Bcome out Clook up Dset up14.(湖北随州).Jim, you look sleepy. Whats wrong?I_to write a report last night.A. looked upB. ended upC. stayed upD. took up15.(山东莱芜)We can save money _ cooking our own meals instead of eating outside.A. ByB. toC. forD. with二完形填空(浙江中考,共10小题,计l5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各小题所给的ABC三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The New BabyThe picture shows a family visiting their new baby in hospital. I think its probably the evening, because the light is 16 , so the father must have brought his children 17 work. There are two children beside the baby, a boy and a girl. The 18 is a little older than his sister. Hes about six or seven. He 19 proud. The girl looks very 20 to have a new sister. The father has his arm around 21 children. He looks proud as well. The mother is sitting 22 . She looks happy 23 a little tired. The baby is in the middle. I guess its a girl, 24 she is wearing pink clothes. The baby is 25 despite(尽管,不管) all the noise and excitement.16. A. off B. on C. out17. A. before B. afte
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