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精品范文5A Unit 9 教学方案(第二课时)_小学五年级英语教案第一部分 简要提示一、 年级:5年级 二、单元:unit 9三、 课题:shapes 四、课型:单词句型新授课五、 教学内容: 单元part bcd六、 教学目标:1.掌握单词:square, star, shape, circle, rectangle, triangle, diamond2.进一步巩固掌握句型:what shape is the? its ashow us how to 七、 重点难点:1辨认各种形状。 2. 进一步巩固掌握句型。第二部分 教学过程第一步:复习t: hello, boys and girls. last lesson we learned about shapes. do you remember them? 同学们,上节课我们一起认识了一些图形。你还记得吗?first, lets play a guessing game.首先,请你动动脑,猜猜老师带来的东西是什么形状的。listen carefully.t: i have a nice plate. what shape is the plate? 你可以回答:its a circle. its a square. (ppt出示:its a ?) now guess, please. t: look, its a rectangle. how lovely!(出示实物)你猜对了吗?t: i have a new towel. what shape is the towel? (稍停) oh, its a square. its nice.(出示实物) t: i have a pencil sharpener. 如果你想知道它的形状,你可以问我:(稍停) (引导学生提问): what shape is the pencil sharpener? (ppt出示问句) let me tell you. its a circle. (出示实物)你猜对了吧! t: next game. magic eyes. 下一个游戏,我们来比比谁的眼力最好?(镜头对ppt) (ppt出示3组图形) how many circles can you see? ( rectangles / squares) t: oh, you have magic eyes. (本步骤设计说明:本课重点学习六种图形,其中3种在a部分已经出现。因此在本部分,教师安排了猜一猜游戏、魔力眼游戏,在游戏过程中复习旧知,在本课教学做铺垫。 第二步:词汇学习1: t: 今天,老师来给你们变个魔术look, this is a square. (展示一张正方形纸片,对折)what shape is it? (稍停)its a triangle. (出示单词卡片,带读)t: (拿出准备好的一些三角形实物提问) what shape is the ruler? ( rubber) (引导学生回答) its a triangle. 2. t: look at the paper. its a triangle. now look carefully. (展示一张三角形纸片,展开) is this a triangle? (稍停) no, its a diamond. (出示单词卡片,带读) t: i can make a diamond with fingers.老师会用手指做出一个菱形。look, this is a diamond. now, follow me. 跟着老师边做边说。 (学生跟着教师做和说) t: ok. you did very well. t: (出示一张扑克牌) now look at the card. how many diamonds can you see? (稍停) (引导学生回答) i can see diamonds. t: yes, we can see diamonds. 3. t: i have a box. its not a circle. its not a square. what shape is it? (展示盒子) look, its a star. (出示单词卡片,带读) 4. t: (ppt出示b部分) oh, we have learned six shapes. 我们已经学习了六种图形。 now lets listen and repeat. 跟录音来读一读吧! 5. t: next, lets play a game. 接下来我们玩一个游戏。这个游戏的名字叫“少了什么”。whats missing? 怎么玩呢?老师来说这六个图形,你仔细听和看,哪一个老师没提到?请你大声地说出来。 游戏做两次 t: good. you are very clever. 课后你也可以和同学一起玩这个游戏。 6t: the shapes are very useful. i often draw pictures with shapes. 图形真有用,老师常用图形来画画。(ppt出示图形) look, whats that? (稍停) yes, its a chicken.多可爱的小鸡啊!what shapes can you see? 你能看见那些图形? yes. we can see circles and triangles. how many circles ?(引导学生回答) 同法让学生数图中的三角形。 (本步骤设计说明:本部分是词汇教学。教科书中提供了六种图形,旨在加强学生对这些表示形状的词汇的理解和掌握。这些词汇在认读上有一定困难,需要教师多加指导,并变换多种操练形式,培养学生的观察力,启发学生思维,让学生在有意义的活动中掌握这些词汇。)第三步:句型操练1.t: boys and girls. i have some nice things. what are they? 老师这儿还有些什么呢?(镜头对ppt)(ppt出示c部分) 引导学生一一说出图中物品的名称。how nice! theyrelets talk about their shapes. 我们来谈论一下它们的形状吧!你要用的句子是what shape is the ? its a (ppt9出示句型)(教师示范图1) a: what shape is the biscuit?b: its a rectangle. t: can you have a try? 你来试试吧! (组织学生操练,练习后向学生一幅一幅反馈正确答案)2 t: great! 我想你们一定说得很棒!老师还有一样本领。what can i do? i can make shapes with fingers. 我会用手指摆成各种形状。let me show you. this is a circle. this is a diamond.(教师边说边用手摆出图形)t: 想跟我学吗?想学怎样摆个三角形,你可以对老师说:show us how to make a triangle. (ppt出示句型) 那么,想摆个长方形该怎么对我说呢? yes. 你可以说:show us how to make a rectangle. 想摆个正方形又要怎么对我说呢? good. you can say: show us how to make a square. t: 学会了吗?now you may practise with your partner. 现在你和同伴一起练习一下。 先来看这几位同学是怎么做的。(学生示范) s1 s2 : hi, show us how to make a rectangle. s3: ok. look, this is a rectangle. can you do it now? s1 s3: yes, we can. thank you. t: 同学们,你们也赶快练一练吧!你可以参考这些句型。(镜头对ppt) 2t: you did very well.t: now look at the children. what can they do? 接下来请看这些同学,他们又有什么本领呢?(ppt9出示d部分)oh, they can. 一一说出各图的动作。噢,他们真能干。那么,请他们教教我们怎样做这些事,该怎么说呢?我们可以对他们说:show us how to look at the girl. 看这位女同学,我们对她说:show us how to make a cake. (ppt9出示句型,带读)其他几幅图你会说吗?来试试看。(组织学生操练,练习后向学生反馈正确答案) t: 说完了吗?lets check the answers. 你们一定也是这么说的吧! (本步骤设计说明:cd部分都是具体的句型操练,两个话题并不相同。教师可设计一些恰当的情景,让学生进行综合拓展训练。)(结束语)t: 同学们,本节课我们一起了解了更多的图形,并学会如何辨别它们。我们来复习一下。(ppt10出示本课词汇和句型, 教师小结。)你在课后可以先把它们牢固掌握,然后用我们学过的二至三种图形创作一幅画,下节课带过来展示。ok. thats all for today.goodbye, children! 第三部分 说明 本节课以教授和操练bcd部分的单词、词组和句型为中心,首先教师利用猜谜游戏帮助学生回顾已在课文中学过的旧知,然后呈现没有教授的3个图形,并结合实物、趣味图形等给学生创造积极思维的空间,让学生有意义的学习。在cd部分,教师先根据书中现有的场景组织学生操练,并进行适当的延伸,手脑口并用,使学生的对话富有趣味性。最后教师布置了用所学图形创作绘画的作业,为下节课作好充分的准备。
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