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二、毕业设计(论文)工作自2017年 5月25日起至 2017 年9月25日止三、毕业设计(论文)基本要求: 1、选题具有科学性、先进性、可行性及实践性 2、背景及意义清楚展现 3、目的、目标清楚 4、关键词定义明确 5、文献查阅充分,书写有一定的逻辑性 6、设计、抽样、方法及技术清楚、符合要求 7、结果展现正确,应用了相应的统计方法 8、讨论围绕结果,应用了相应的参考文献 9、推论及建议没有超出研究范围 10、论文基本字数8000字以上,书写符合科技文章的写作要求 指导教师: 唐争艳网络教育学院毕业设计(论文)考核评议书指导教师评语:建议成绩: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日答辩小组意见:负责人签名 年 月 日答辩小组成员 毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会意见: 负责人签名: 年 月 日论文题目:孕妇护理对高龄孕妇的心理状况影响学科(专业):护理学申请人:马苗指导教师: 贺晓乐摘要研究目的:高龄孕妇的护理一直是被社会关注的一个重要性问题,高龄孕妇在怀孕期间的心理状况变化直接影响胎儿的发育,以及孕妇的身体健康,因此,高龄孕妇的心理变化是临床专家和护理人员都极为重视的问题。孕妇护理有多种形式,但每种护理措施对于高龄孕妇心理活动的作用和影响又各不相同。本文旨在通过对比不同孕期护理措施对于高龄产妇分娩活动的影响,来进一步分析孕期护理对于孕妇心理状况的影响和改善作用。研究方法:对作为研究对象的50例高龄孕妇进行随机分组,分为观察组和对照组。对照组孕妇进行常规护理,观察组进行常规护理(方法与对照组孕妇相同)的基础上,进行心理护理。分娩结束后,比较两组孕妇分娩的用时、进行剖宫产的几率、发生产后出血的几率和对护理服务的满意率。研究结果:作为调查对象的50个高龄孕妇中,都具有轻重不程度的心理障碍,在不同的孕期护理措施下,产生的改善结果也不相同。调查结果显示,观察组和对照组孕妇的产程、剖腹产的几率以及大出血的几率有明显差别,两组的调查结果相比具有显著性的差异。孕期焦虑的自然发生率为7.3%,而辅导后孕期焦虑的发生率降到3.9%,产前心理干预能显著降低孕妇的焦虑、恐惧等不良情绪的出现率。研究结论:护理人员在孕期护理过程中,注意在常规护理的基础上增加一定的心理护理指导,对于改善高龄孕妇的消极心理情绪具有积极的改善作用,有利于增强高龄孕妇进行分娩的信心,保证其分娩活动和产后恢复活动的正常进行。关键词:高龄孕妇;心理状况;孕妇护理;护理干预;推论建议论文类型:现况调查ABSTRACTTitle: Influence of pregnant women nursing on psychological status of pregnant women at advanced ageSpeciality:NursingApplicant:Ma MiaoSupervisor: He Xiao Le ABSTRACTObjective:Nursing care of senile pregnant women has been a social concern about the importance of the problem, the psychological changes in pregnancy pregnant women directly affect fetal development, and pregnant womens health, therefore, the psychological changes of older pregnant women is clinical experts and nursing staff are a very important problem. There are many forms of care for pregnant women, but each nursing measures for elderly women psychological activities of the role and influence is also different. This paper aims to compare different nursing measures for elderly pregnancy delivery activities, to further analyze the effects of prenatal care on mental status of pregnant women and improve.Methods:As for older pregnant women 50 subjects were randomly divided into two groups, divided into observation group and control group. The control group received routine nursing care of pregnant women, the observation group was given routine nursing (control group and pregnant women of the same) on the basis of psychological nursing. After childbirth, compared two groups of pregnant women with cesarean. The probability of delivery, postpartum hemorrhage rate and the nursing service satisfaction rate.Results:As the 50 older pregnant women surveyed, with the severity of mental disorder is not the degree of different nursing measures during pregnancy, the improvement result is not the same. According to the results of the survey, the observation group and the control group of pregnant women in labor, cesarean section rate and bleeding rate have obvious difference, difference the investigation results of the two groups was significant compared. The natural incidence of anxiety during pregnancy was 7.3%, and the incidence of anxiety after counseling during pregnancy to 3.9%, prenatal psychological intervention can significantly reduce maternal anxiety, fear and other negative emotions emerge rate.Conclusion:The nursing staff during the nursing process, pay attention to psychological nursing guidance on the basis of routine nursing, has a positive role in improving the negative psychological mood improvement of older pregnant women, pregnant women to give birth to enhance confidence, ensure the delivery and postpartum resumption of normal activities.Keywords: Pregnant women; psychological status; nursing care of pregnant women; inference suggestionsTYPE OF THESIS: cross-sectional investigation CONTENTS目 录摘要IIABSTRACTIII目 录IVCONTENTSV1绪论11.1背景及意义11.2研究目的及目标21.3关键词及定义21.4文献回顾22 研究设计42.1 研究类型42.2 研究对象42.3研究方法42.4研究步骤42.5统计分析43 结果63.1孕期护理对于高龄产妇分娩的积极作用63.2高龄产妇心理压力源调查63.3高龄产妇的基本护理调查74 讨论84.1孕期护理的基本类型84.2高龄孕妇常见的基本心理护理84.3高龄孕妇常见的心理问题探究95 推论与建议125.1推论125.2建议12参考文献14致谢15CONTENTS1 Preface11.1 Background and significanc
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