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精品范文Unit 8_九年级英语教案 teacherPan GuiqiuSubjectEnglishTime2005-4-22TopicClassThree 教学目标Knowledg aim(知识目标)1熟练掌握一些与食物有关的单词 2 学会购物,订餐用语 Ability aim(能力目标)1培养学生独立,合作,探究的学习方式2 在生活中运用英语的能力Emotion aim(情感目标) 让学生通过用餐用语,来提高自己使用英的自信,并让他们懂得 ,生活处处皆英语 Imporint (重点)Words and senteces单词与句型Difficult point (难点)运用句式 What size would you like?Teaching is prepared 多媒体课件(computer) 实物 l 教学教l 学l 过 l 程教学内容Teacher ability(教师活动) Students ability( 学生活动)Step 1 Ask some words Look at the computer and say words Step 2 Warm _ up Say English Say after me Step 3 1 I like2 Id lke 3 What kind of ?4 what size of? Pairwok Game 1 Lead students say_Id2 use the sentences of order food Groupwork Homework
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