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Unit 1,Workplace Manners,Contents,Unit Goals,Lead-in,Listening Greet and serve each customer with a smile and make eye contact; Listen to customers carefully and answer each question patiently; Deal with complaints helpfully and efficiently; Never make any personal phone calls while serving; Never try to argue with customers; Say “Thank you for coming.” when customers leave.,S,Words and Expressions 4,workplace /5w:kpleIs/ n. 工作场所 manner /5mAnE/ n. 举止 wear /weE/ v. 穿 greet /5ri:t/ v. 问候 friendly /5frendlI/ adj. 友善的 follow /5flEu/ v. 跟随 everywhere /5evrIweE/ adv. 到处 patient /5peIFEnt/ adj. 有耐心的 helpful /5helpfl/ adj. 有帮助的,Words and Expressions,Words and Expressions 5,visit /5vIzIt/ v. 拜访 interested /5IntrIstId/ adj. 感兴趣的 share /FeE/ v. 分享 tip /tIp/ n. 提示 issue /5Isju:/ v. 分配;发给 contact /5kntAkt/ n. 接触 patiently /5peIFEntlI/ adv. 耐心地 deal /di:l/ v. 处理 complaint /kEm5pleInt/ n. 投诉,Words and Expressions,Words and Expressions 6,efficiently /I5fIFEntlI/ adv. 高效地 personal /5p:sEnl/ adj. 私人的 while /waIl/ adv. 当时候 argue /5B:ju:/ v. 争吵 be interested in 对感兴趣 name tag 名称标签 share . with 与分享 argue with sb 与某人争论,Words and Expressions,Match and Discuss,Match B with C and then discuss dos and donts in serving customers.,A B C,True or False,Tick the correct answers according to what you read in the text.,T F 1. Serving customers only in a fast way can make them visit again. 2. Wear company-issued clothes and a name tag when serving customers. 3. Greet each customer with a smile. 4. Dont make personal phone calls while serving customers. 5. Argue with customers if you feel you are right.,Today is Lindas first day to work in an office. _ _ _ _,Writing,Write about Lindas first day at a customer service center. Be sure to use the following words in your writing: company-issued clothes; smile; eye contact; deal with complaint; say good-bye to customers.,1,2,3,4,She is working in clean company-issued clothes. She is serving the customer with a smile and keeps eye contact. When she deals with the complaint, she tries to help the customer. She is saying good-bye to the customer when he leaves.,Language in Use,Part I. Spell,Part II. Listen,Part III. Speak,Part IV. Read,Part V. Write,Problem Solving,Culture Tips,Part I. Spell,Spell out the missing words. The first letter of the words is already given.,1 Betty is a friendly r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a small hotel.,2 Ann is a happy c_ _ _ and she always smiles.,3 Tom is making a c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the front desk.,4 Susan always s_ _ _ _s customers with a smile.,eceptionist,hef,omplaint,erve,Part I. Spell,Spell out the missing words. The first letter of the words is already given.,5 Mr White is wearing a n_ _ _ _ _ _ on his suit.,6 The receptionists g _ _ _ _ the customer with a smile.,7 Wed better not a_ _ _ _ with our workmates.,8 The supermarket c_ _ _ _ _ _ is standing behind the desk.,ame tag,reet,rgue,ashier,Part II. Listen,Listen and tick the food and drinks they are talking about.,script,script,Passenger: Whats our dinner choice? Flight attendant: We have fried fish and roast chicken. What would you like, sir? Passenger: Roast chicken, please. Flight attendant: Any drinks? Passenger: May I ask what you have? Flight attendant: Orange juice, coffee and mineral water. Passenger: Orange juice, please. Flight attendant: Sure, here you are. Enjoy your meal.,Part III. Speak,Speak out. In pairs, practice the dialogue by using the pictures below. See if you can say more.,A: Todays meal is either _ or _. What would you like, sir? B: _, please. A: Here you are. B: Excuse me. I wonder if I can have another portion of _. A: Sure. Enjoy your meal.,beef,fish,noodles,fried rice,beef,fish,Fish,fish,Part IV. Read,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pictures.,A passenger would like to have Beijing Duck. 2. The passenger feels satisfied because he can get both chicken and fish. 3. Alice is a flight attendant and she works every three days. 4. Alice explains patiently that they do not serve the duck on the plane. 5. Now she is serving meals.,A,B,C,D,E,Part V. Write,Write out the missing words to complete a story.,Alice is a flight _ and she works every three days. Now she is serving meals. They _ fried fish and roast chicken today. However, a passenger asks if he can have Beijing Roast Duck. Alice explains _ to him that they do not serve the duck. The passenger then asks for both chicken and fish, and Alice meets his need immediately. The _ feels happy.,attendant,serve,patiently,passenger,Problem Solving,Part 1,Part 2,Part 1,You are a shop assistant in a department store. A customer wants to buy a T-shirt for her son. Please help her out. Use the pic
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