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课题:四年级下册Unit 3 Is this your shirt? A . Read and write内容:What colour is it? Its white. jacket, dress, shirt, T-shirt, skitrt 步骤:Step 1: Warm-up1. Free talk2. Lets do Listen and doPut on your T-shirt. Hand up your skirt. Take off your jacket.Fold your dress. Wash your shirt. Put away your sweaterT: I like the pink . What about you?3. Lets chantMy shirt is red. My jacket is blue.Step 2: 1. 教授What colour is it? Its white. a. T: (戴头饰) Hello, I am Zip. Today is my birthday, I have a new dress. What colour is it? S1:Its red? S2: Its blue. S3: Its white.b. Lets chant (自编),出示小黑板 What colour is it? Its white. What colour is it? Its red. What colour is it? Its blue. What colour is it? Its yellow.c. 板书:在四线上正确书写(S书空)d. Practise: Write many sentences (出示9格方格)itisredwhitecolourwhatyellowgreen2. 教授 jacket, dress, shirt, T-shirt, skitrt a. (Draw a nice bed ) T: Whats this? S: Its a big bed. T: Today is my birthday, I have many clothes on my bed.What are they? Listen!Listen the type, and answer the questions:What are they? What colour is my jacket? What colour is my shirt ?.S:green jacket, yellow shirt, white dress, red T-shirt, blue skirt(Put the cards on the bed) shirtjacketdressskitrtT-shirt(将四线画在床上,四会词jacket, dress, shirt, T-shirt, skitrt逐一引出,在四线上正确书写)b. Chant: Dress I have a new dress for my birthday party. Jacket I have a new jacket for my birthday party. Shirt I have a new shirt for my birthday party.T-shirt I have a new T-shirt for my birthday party.c. Practise: 看字母组合单词d. (show the hanting chant) : What can you see in the picture?e. Listen ,and readStep 3: Practise 1. Listen game T: S1: skirt Ss: (有节奏拍手) , ,skirt ,s-k-i-r-t.2. ChantT: shirt,shirt,I like shirt. s-h-i-r-t. What about you? (出示小黑板,有节奏拍手结合)3Costume show时装秀T: Come on, take off your clothes!(潇洒地走着台步,并用英语表达身上的衣物)(Fellow the music) S1: Hello, I have a white jacket. Ss: jacket, jacket, j-a-c-k-e-tStep 4: Homework1. 废物利用,制作自己喜欢的衣物,用英语来表达。(报纸、塑料袋.)2. Listen and read3. Introduce your clothes for your parents不足点教研组评价指点:1 要注意单词What首字母W大写形式的书写2 在最后一个步骤,如果将四会词与四会句相结合设计相关练习,会取得更好的结果。3 板书时,注意用红笔表示重点提示4 发音:a. 时刻提醒尾音发音 ; sk 自我评价:1 未准备Zip头饰2 时装秀表演未达到预设效果3 在最后一个步骤,如果将四会词与四会句相结合设计相关练习,会取得更好的结果。3用心 爱心 专心
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