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Professions for Women,Virginia Woolf,Discussions,What are the differences between men and women?,Men -are strong and independent - have an aggressive nature - seldom express feelings - are daring - are not excited by trivial matters - are more likely to “explode like a volcano” - make decisions easily - are more dominating,Women -have an extremely strong need for security -are shy and obedient -like to talk -are loyal -easily express gentle feelings -are mild -are hesitating -are more sensitive,Discussions on Womens Issue,All over the world, women fight for equal rights. Do you think it necessary to do the same in China ? With your experiences from your family and other families around you, whose opinions, husbands or wifes, are likely to prevail ?,Research Topic,Chinese womens place at home Village women in China Chinese women in workplace Chinese girl in the class,Virginia Woolf,Years might obscure her appearance, but not her creations, as well as their influence on world literature.,Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) : English novelist, critic, and essayist. One of the greatest writers of modernism; One of the pioneers of womens liberation from patriarchy.,Virginia Woolf was born in London on January 25,1882 Virginia was educated at home in her fathers library. She was keenly aware that if she had been a boy she would have gone on to Cambridge or Oxford. Later with this sense of injustice, she wrote two feminist works, A Room of Ones Own(1929) and Three Guineas (1938),The Early Days,In 1912 she married Leonard Woolf, a critic and writer on economics, with whom she set up the Hogarth Press in 1917. Their home became a gathering place for a circle of artists, critics, and writers known as the Bloomsbury group. As a novelist Woolfs primary concern was to represent the flow of ordinary experience.,Woolfs Innovation in Novel Writing,In her novels, emphasis is not on plot or action but on the psychological realm of her characters and the moment-by-moment experience of living, which are depicted by the techniques of interior monologue and stream of consciousness. Her books are also noted for their poetic and symbolic quality, their subtle style and their rich historical and literary reference.,Her Works,出航(The Voyage Out) (1915年) 夜与日(Night and Day) (1919年) 雅各的房间(Jacobs Room) (1920年) 达洛维夫人(Mrs. Dalloway) (1925年) 到灯塔去(To the Lighthouse) (1927年) 奥兰多(Orlando: a Biography) (1928年) 一间自己的房间(A Room of Ones Own )(1929年) 海浪(The Waves) (1931年) 岁月(The Years) (1937年) 三个畿尼(Three Guineas)(1938年) 幕间(Between the Acts) (1941年),Tragic Ending,Virginia suffered from several breakdown. She remained in frail health all her life. During the second world war, her final breakdown made her fill her pockets with stones and drown herself in the Ouse River.,Questions on the Guide to Reading,According to Woolf, what are the two problems that prohibit her from pursuing her career as a writer? What is the Angel in the House like? Can you find the her in the Chinese family?,Structure of the Text,Para 1 fewer experiences in the profession of literature Para 2 The authors own professional experiences Para 3 Killing the Angel in the House: to get rid of the conventional role of women (the 1st experience) Para 4 Transitional para: what is a woman? Para 5 As unconscious as possible (the 2nd experience) Para 6 Sum up the two experiences Para 7 Concludes by raising Qs: new role of women,new relationship between men and women,Paragraph 1,According to Woolf, are there many peculiar experiences in the profession of literature for women? Why/why not? What kind of occupation is writing according to her? Why does the author say so? What is “the reason why women have succeeded as writers before they have succeeded in the other professions”,What is meant by “Your Society”? Does the author really want an answer by asking “what professional experiences have I had”?,My profession is literature that are peculiar to women.,What are the implication through the sentence?,Women Writers before Woolf,Fanny Burney (1752 - 1840) Burneys four novels have earned her favorable comparisons to other giants -Austen, Richardson, Dickens and Virginia Woolfs declaration that she is the mother of English fiction.,Aphra Behn, (1640-1689),perhaps the first professional English woman writer and playwright Aphra Behns influence was later applauded by Virginia Woolf in A Room of Ones Own, but during her own time she was suspected of plagiarism and accused of lewdness because of her gender. Buried in Westminster Abbey,Martineau, Harriet (1802-1876),English writer, whose writings, characterized by advanced views on social, economic, and religious questions, caused considerable controversy in her time. Illustrations of Political Economy (1832-1834), Poor Laws and Paupers (1833), and Illustrations of Taxation (1834) Society in America (1837), Eastern Life, Present and Past (1848), Letters on the Laws of Mans Nature and Development (1851) a fervent abolitionist,Austen, Jan
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