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1,The Glorious Revolution,Of British Lucy13,2,Historical background,The Restoration-1660 Oliver Cromwell died in 1658 and his son,Richard succeeded his throne Richard was weak and incompetent, the regime collapsed quickly The Parliament asked the late kings son to return from his exile in France as king Charles II,3,James II became king,In 1685 Charles II died and was succeeded by his brother James James II,was a Catholic. tried to restore Catholicism in England But England didnt want a Catholic king ,they needed a protestant king.,4,cause,King James , ruled despotically and restored the Roman Catholic religion in England ,which destroyed the benefit of the parliament and so leaded the conflict arise.,5,process,The parliament invited the Dutch prince William of Orange and his wife ,James daughter over to England to repalce James II. William of Orange, Jamess son-in-law, promised to defend the liberty of England and the Protestant religion (新教) James fled to France,6,result,The revolution overthrew James II authority the Bill of Rights were written into law, Limited the power of the monarch guaranteed the authority of the parliament.,7,Summary,the Glorious Revolution was one of the most important events in British history in that it ended the long conflict of political power between parliament and the Crown, laid the foundation for a constitutional monarch, stamped out once and for all any possibility of a Catholic monarchy and caused little bloodshed and little threat of social disorder.,
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