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教师资格证考试中学英语学科知识及教学能力试题及复习资料 1 / 19 注意事项: 1考试时间为l20 分钟,满分为l50 分。 2请按规定在答题卡上填涂、作答。 在试卷上作答无效,不予评分。一、单项选择题( 本大题共30 小题,每小题2 分,共 60 分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案。请用28 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案 字母按照要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。1. Which of the following shows the proper pronunciation of the segmentdid you in connected speech?2. How many liaisons of sound are there in the sentence Tell us all about it?A. one B. two C. three D. four3. The shy girl felt_ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions.A. amazedB. awkwardC. curious D. amused4. Most people on this island are recreational fishers, and _ , fishing forms an actual part of their leisure time.A. accidentally B. purposefullyC. obviously D. formally5. The Government is anxious to keep the whole _ out of court.A. exampleB. instanceC. case D. sample6. Many a boy_playing basketball.A. likes B. likeC. to likeD. have like7. Nobody but the twins_some interest in the project till now.A. showsB. showC. have shown D. has shown8. Now that weve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions_?A. taking B. takeC. taken D. to take9. Which of the following is a slip of tongue?A. No cross, no crown.B. No pains, no gains.C. No sweat without sweet.D. No smoke without fire.10. The phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form is called_.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. polysemy D. homonymy11. Think about when a teacher handed out a list of twentyPast tensesentences and asked students to discussand find out the grammatical structures.What is the teachers grammar teaching method?A. Induction.B. Presentation.C. Consolidation. D. Deduction.12. Which of the following is a suitable pre-listening activity?A. Writing a similar text.B. Discussing a relevant picture.C. Writing all the main knowledge about the topic.D. Do some exercises about the difficult vocabulary with the topic.13. There are five components of communicative competence. Which of them refers to ones ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them?A. linguistic competence B. pragmatic competenceC. discourse competenceD. strategic competence14. What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?S: I go to the theatre last night.T: You go to the theatre last night?A. Correcting the students mistake.B. Hinting that there is a mistake.C. Encouraging peer correction.D. Asking the student whether he really went to the theatre.15. Which of the following questions can be used in the questionnaire for assessingparticipation?A. Did you get all the questions right in todays class?B. Did you finish the task on time?C. Can you use the strategies we have learned today?D. What did you do in your group work today?16. Questioning plays an important role for the classroom teaching. Which of the following questions does not belong to comprehension questions?A. What is the main idea of this paragraph?B. Can you tell the difference between the two terms?C. Can you retell the text we have learned last week?D. Can you paraphrase the sentence in your own words?17. Whats the teacher doing by saying Who wants to have a try?A. Controlling discipline.B. Giving prompt.C. Evaluating students work.D. Directing students attention to the 教师资格证考试中学英语学科知识及教学能力试题及复习资料 2 / 19 lesson.18. Which of the following is not an interactive activity?A. Looking at the picture below and discussing the questions with your partner.B. Listening to the tape again and retelling the story with the filled chart.C. Discussing the following questions in group.D. Asking another group to give you some advice on improving your work.19. Which of the following activities is the best for training detailed reading? A. Drawing a diagram to show the text structure.B. Giving the text an appropriate title.C. Transforming information from the text to a diagram.D. Finding out all the unfamiliar words.20. In PPP method classes or sequences, the teacher presents the context and situation for the language, and both explains and demonstrates the meaning and form of the new language. The students then practice making sentences before going on to another stage in which they talk or write more freely. PPP stands for except_.A. PresentationB. ProceduresC. Production D. Practice 请阅读 Passage 1, 完成第 2125 小题。Passage 1 It is generally agreed that the first true cities appeared about 5,000 years ago in the food-producing communities of the Middle East. The cities of Sumeria, Egypt and the Indus Valley possessed a number of characteristics that distinguished them as truly urban. The cities were very much larger and more densely populated than any previous settlement, and their function wasclearly differentiated from that of the surrounding villages. In the cities the old patterns of kinship relations were replaced by a complex hierarchy of social classes based on the specialization oflabor. Moreover, the need t
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