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四川省遂宁市广德初级中学2011-2012学年八年级英语上学期期中测试试题(无答案) 人教新目标版考试时间120分钟 满分150分第I 卷 选择题部分听力部分(25分)1听句子, 选择你听到的单词或短语,听一遍。(5分)1. A. interested B. interesting C. interest2. A. once a week B. twice a week C. three times a week3. A. health B. healthy C. healthilye 4. A. send B. sent C. weake 5. A. quieter B. quarter C. quiet2 听录音,选择正确的答语。听两遍。(5分) 6A. on foot B. Three times C. By foot 7. A. She has a friend. B. She is fine. C. She has a sore back. 8. A. For a long time. B. Every Monday C. Next Monday 9. A Lets go. B. OK, go please. C. That sounds nice. 10 A. He looks like Yao Ming. B. He is outgoing. C. He likes English. 3听句子, 选择与你听到的句子意思相同或相近选项, 听两遍。(5分) 11.A. None of the students exercise every day. B. Most of the students exercise every day.e C. All the students like doing exercise every day. e 12. A. I need to do my homework at 2 oclock everyday.e B. I spend about 120 minutes on my homework every day.e C. I spend about 2 hundred minutes in doing homework every night.e 13. A. Please let your younger sister sit when your parents are away.e B. The baby is waiting for her sister because her parents are not at home.e C. Please look after your younger sister well when your parents are out.e 14. A. I am more outgoing than my brother.e B. I am not as outgoing as my brother. C. My brother is as outgoing as I. e 15. A. Its hard for me to live on an outback farm.e B. Its a happy thing for me to live on an outback farm.e C. I feel really sad to live on an outback farm. 4听对话及问题, 选择正确答案, 听两遍。(5分)e 16. A. 3 yuan . B. 5 yuan. C. 2.5 yuan . e 17. A. His father B. His mother. C. His uncle.e 18. A. She is tired. B. Shes unhappy. C. Shes ill.e 19. A. Bill Gates. B. Beethoven. C. The girls father.e 20. A. Hes working at home. B. Hes working at a hotel. C. Hes watching soap operas at home.5听短文, 根据其内容选择正确答案, 听两遍。(5分)21. The English people often _ on a bus. A. eat a lot B. talk very much C. read newspapers 22. When you meet the English people, talk like this “_” A. Nice to meet you. B. How do you do? C. Fine day today?23. Dont the English people read books on a bus? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont. C. Yes, they dont.24. when you talk about the weather with the English people, they will think _. A. you are friendly B. you are English C. you are right.25. Which is right? A. The English people are friendly.B. The English people like the fine weather.C. The English people dont like to talk much to others.笔试部分(满分125分)一.单项选择题(20分)( )26.Sorry, I cant play soccer with you tonight. I have_homework to do.A. too many B. much too C. too much ( )27.There some junk food in that bag. A. are B. is C. has( )28.How often does your brother surf the Internet? . A. Once a week B. Three times C. Today( )29 is important for us to learn English well. A. That B. This C. It( )30.Good food makes us . A. to keep healthy B. stay healthy C. keep health( )31.Doing homework every day your study. A. are good to B. are good for C. is good for( )32.You should go to bed early you are too tired. A. so B. because C. because of( )33.Jack didnt go to sleep his mom came back. A. when B. until C. after( )34. are you staying in Shenzhen? For about four weeks. A. How soon B. How long C. When( )35.Please show your new books. A. I B. me C. my( )36.Thank you me to your party. A. asking B. ask C. for asking( )37.Im going to Hainan for my vacation this summer. Thats wonderful. . A. I hope so B. With pleasure C. Have a good time( )38.Dont forget the window when you leave home. A. to close B. closing C. close( )39.The bus ride usually about 30 minutes. A. does B. take C. takes( )40.Im glad to have a vacation. A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing( )41 What day is it today? - _ today.A. Its February 1st B. Its very hot C. Its a different day D. Its Sunday ( )42There is _ with my computer. It doesnt work.A. anything wrong B. nothing wrong C. something wrong D. wrong something( )43.-_is it from your home to school? -About two kilometers. A. How far B. How long C. How soo
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