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五年级上册英语练习题【三篇】【导语】尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,编者整理了五年级上册英语练习题【三篇】,希望对你有帮助! 五年级上册英语练习题一 一、选择合适的字母组合补全单词,并在横线上注上中文。1、 h_ work 中文_A: orse B: ouse C: owse2、 j_p 中文_A: am B: um C: om3、 cl_ 中文_A: other B: othess C:othes4、 m_ning 中文_ A: or B: er C: ir5、 l_on 中文_A: ear B: ess C:ist二、找出错误,在横线上改正。1、What are your doing? Im doing exercise.A_B_ C_2、Lucy and Lili is at home.A_B_ C_3、How many are they ? Twenty yuan.A_B_ C_4、Can you playing football? Yes, I can.A_B_ C_5、The telephones are ring.A_B_ C_三、 英汉短语互译。1、扫地_ 2、洗衣服_3、帮助我做数学_ 4、做蛋糕_5、今天上午 _ 6、clean the windows_7、do my homework _ 8、at home_9、read an English book _10、listen to music_四、根据所给中文,完成句子。1. 刘涛在哪儿?他在卧室。_Liu Tao? Hes the bedroom.他在干什么?他在睡觉。What he doing? Hes_.2. 苏阳和苏海在哪儿?她们在教室里。_Su Yang and Su Hai? _in the classroom.3. 她们在干什么?她们又唱又跳 。What are_doing? Su Yang and Su Hai are _and_.五、选择正确答案。1、 What are you doing ? Im .A: run B: runing C: running2、Wheres John? .A: Hes sleeping. B: Shes sleeping. C: Hes sleep.3、Do you like model planes? Yes, I do. Im now.A: make, make B: making, making C: making ,make4、 Betty is the picture in the study.A: looking at. B: look at C: watching at5、 Hello, is that Wang Bing? .A: Yes, this is Wang Bing. B:Yes, I am. C: Yes. Im Wang Bing.6、There are many balloons the apple tree. .A: at B: on C: in7、What can you do ,Sally? I can a bike.A: ride. B: ride on C: riding on. 五年级上册英语练习题二 一、英汉短语互译。1、野营营地_2、互相帮助_3、两罐鸡肉_ 4、一只旧的望远镜_5、一盒巧克力 _6、一篮水果_7、a brown blanket _8、near the tent_9、a new towel_ 10、behind the stove_二、选择正确答案。1、I have_old tent.A: a B: an C: the2、What does_have?A: Jim B: they C: you3、You_some oranges, and he_one.A: has, has B: have, has C: have. have4、What do_-have?A: There B: Yang Ling C: They5、_does mike have? He_-a stove.A: Which, has B: What, have C: What, has三、连词成句。1、does, Sam, what, have (? )_2、a pot, a stove, they, have, and (.)_3、have, they, some, towels, nice (.)_4、Toms, does, have, friend, what (?)_5、some, picture, they, some, have (.)_四、阅读短文,并判断对错。Ted is twelve years old. He has z little dog. It is a present(礼物) from his parents. Ted likes the dog very much. He calls the dog Luck(幸运). Luck is white. It has two big eyes. It likes playing with Ted. Every Sunday, Ted takes Luck to the park. They have a good time there.( )1. Luck is twelve years old.( )2. Ted likes the present from his parents.( )3. Lucks eyes are big.( )4. Luck doesnt likes playing with Ted.( )5. Every Sunday, Ted goes to the park with Luck. 五年级上册英语练习题三 一、判断下列各组单词划线字母发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”( )1. fridge tiger( )2. red vest( )3. chess she( )4. stove open( )5. mouth thank( )6. shape stand二、词组翻译1.看报纸_ 2.在图书馆_3.做家务_ 4.扫地_5.和他们一起玩_ 6.坐在帐篷附近_7. make a New Year card_ 8. help each other_9. at an Art lesson_ 10. some red flowers_三、选择所给的单词填空。bedroom day make lesson family each other evenings join1. It is the first of the new year (年).2. There is a in the house.3. They are having a Music , now.4. He can a puppet.5 . Ben and his are in the sitting-room.6. In the we watch TV.7. They are playing basketball in the playground. Ill go and them.8. They are showing their things to .四、选择题1.What is the sun?A. shape B colour C time2.当你问对方去哪里时,你会说:A.What are you doing? B.Where are you going? C.Whats your name?3.你走进商店,服务员一般会对你说:A .Excuse me. B.Can I help you? C.Youre welcome.4.你想知道对方是否有空闲,可以说:A. Are you free now? B. What are you doing now? C. How are you ?5. How much are they?A. Here you are B. Eighty yuan, please. C. Heres your change.6.Show how to play the violin.A
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