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实验一,红系、粒系正常形态,实验课注意事项 对号入座 显微镜:规范使用,课后及时清洁 骨髓片:取放时要拿稳,阅后要清洁 电脑不能插U盘 考勤 值日生认真清洁 对实验设备材料的使用及考勤计入平时成绩,目的: 掌握红系、粒系正常细胞形态 重点: 红系,粒系细胞的形态 标本: 大致正常骨髓片,PPT示教红系、粒系、巨核系正常形态 显微镜观察骨髓红、粒、巨核系正常形态 显微镜示教 补充与总结,胞体: 胞核:核型、核染质、核仁、核膜 胞浆:量、颜色、 颗粒、核浆比例,血细胞发育的一般规律,血细胞的发育成熟是一个连续的过程 为了研究的目的,人为地将其划分为各个阶段 处于发育中间阶段的细胞一般划入下一阶段,如何描述、认识细胞,胞体: 大小,多少微米 形态: 圆形,不规则形,有无突起等 细胞核:形态、大小(核质比) 核的位置:居中,偏位(稍、明显) 核仁:有无核仁(是否清晰) 核染色质:细、粗颗粒状,纤细网状,聚集成块(小块、大块和团块) 胞质:量,染色,有无颗粒 其他:空泡,中毒颗粒,异常颗粒或染色区域等,原始粒细胞,早幼粒细胞,中性中幼粒细胞,中性晚幼粒细胞,中性杆状核粒细胞,嗜酸性粒细胞,嗜碱性粒细胞,原始红细胞,早幼红、中幼红、晚幼红细胞,原始巨核细胞,幼稚巨核细胞,巨核细胞,Lymphoblast 原淋巴细胞 Prolymphocyte 幼淋巴细胞 Lymphocyte 淋巴细胞,Lymphocyte series,Lymphoblast (原淋巴细胞),S: 10-18um, round or oval, high N:C N: round or oval, thick nuclear membrane, evenly granulous chromatin stained reddish purple with1-2 distinct pale blue nucleoli C: scant, highly basophilic, no granules,Prolymphocyte (幼淋巴细胞),S: 10-16um, round or oval N: round or oval, condensed chromatin pattern, nucleoli vague or disappear C: scanty, deeply basophilic or pale blue, azurophilic granules may visible,Lymphocyte (淋巴细胞),S: small, 6-9um, round or oval N: round, sometimes indented at one side, deep blue to purple with heavy concentrated, blocked chromatin C: scant, pale blue, azurophilic granules,S: 12-15um, irregular borders and shape N: less densely staining, false nucleolus occasionally C: abundant, transparent pale blue, few bluish purple granules,小淋巴细胞,大淋巴细胞,S: large, oval or fan shaped N: round to ovoid, eccentrically located, with maturation chromatin from reticular to more clumped and patchy, appearing as dark blocks (wheel spoke ,tergum of tortoise) C: abundant amount of deep frothy grey-blue cytoplasm, very distinct paranuclear pale zone, A granules occasionally visible,Plasmacyte series (浆细胞系统),plasmablast,proplasmacyte,plasmacyte,tortoise,Monoblast 原单核细胞 Promonocyte 幼单核细胞 Monocyte 单核细胞,Monocyte series,Monoblast (原单核细胞),S: 14-25um, round or irregular, pseudopod N: round or irregular, fine reticular chromatin pattern, 1-3 big prominent nucleoli C: relatively abundant, blue grey to pale blue, opaque, granules and vacuoles may visible, ground-glass appearance,Promonocyte (幼单核细胞),S: 15-25um, round or irregular, pseudopod visible N: often irregular with twisted, folded, indented. chromatin is reticular, slightly clumped than monoblast with or without nucleolus C: more cytoplasm stained gray blue contains vacuoles and fine dust-like A granules,Monocyte (单核细胞),S: 12-20um, round or irregular N: irregular, without nucleoli, loose chromatin is Cord-like C: ample gray-blue cytoplasm giving a ground-glass appearance with vacuoles and fine azurophilic granules,是真核细胞分裂产生体细胞的过程。,有丝分裂,前期: 自分裂期开始到核膜解体为止的时期。 前中期: 自核膜破裂起到染色体排列在赤道面上为止。 中期: 从染色体排列到赤道面上,到它们的染色单体开始分向两极之前,适于核型分析 后期: 每条染色体的两条姊妹染色单体分开并移向两极的时期 末期: 从子染色体到达两极开始至形成两个子细胞为止称为末期,有丝分裂,前,中,中,后,末,有丝分裂细胞,作业: 画图-粒系(原.早.中.晚 .杆.分.嗜酸细胞.嗜碱 细胞) 红系(原.早.中.晚) 一个巨核细胞,
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