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精品范文科普版英语六年级上册 Lesson7 Give me some beef, please_小学六年级英语教案lesson7 give me some beef, please.一.teaching aims1能认会读,会写单词 pass2能听说读单词 pea, beef, soup, word, another 。3能理解并掌握祈使句结构,并能做替换练习4 能听懂,会说基本句型并能进行会话二. teaching materials: some english word cards,the tapes and the radio 三. teaching expressions1).mum,what do we have for supper today?2) do you like them?3) would you like some yes, give me a cake ,please 4) pass me that plate,tom here it is. 四.课时划分共四课时五.teaching procedures:第一课时一:greetings:say: hi to everyone! good morning to you .how are you today? nice to meet you. 二:warm up1. lets sing a song together: hello song2. i will ask some students to write the key words and key sentences on the blackbord三: presentation1. 图片导入,板书单词teacher: pa lease look at the blackboard本课话题为“食物(food)”教师通过食物卡片引出本课的生词 pea , beef ,soup . ok! please read after me !pea, pea, pea ,give me some pea . beef ,beef,beef,give me some beef 教师把这些单词编成歌谣,领学生边拍手边说,直到每位学生都能脱口而出,以闪卡的形式让学生练习。2.导入对话老师用图片导入法导入对话部分,教师指着黑板上的图画问学生what do you have for supper today? look! peas, carrots, beef and tomato soup 学生看到这么多美食后感觉一定很美味。教师引导学生说“do you like them?” 然后教师放录音,边放录音边在黑板上写关键词。四 practice操练1. 听音跟读单词listen to the tape at least 3 times .read after the radio one by one2. 听音读句子,先让学生听录音并逐句跟说几遍,再让全班复述3 i hope that you can work in pairs to make a dialogue with your partner.五home work1. preview the lesson7预习本课剩余部分2. listen to the tape at least 15 minutes第二课时一. greetingssay “hi to everyone!”how are you today ?i am fine ,thankyou .and you ? not too bad.二 warm up1. i will ask some students to come here and make a dialogue with the key words and key sentences.2. 复习单词 review the words 教师出示单词卡片,让学生拼读并说出词义三 presentation and practice1. 导入新课导入对话:应听音导入法和讲故事法导入,听完录音后,老师问一个学生: tom,please make a sentence use the word” dog”. next,let me tell you a story ,listen to me carefully教师先以故事的形式引出,然后再领学生一起听录音。教师把一些关键词和短语都写在黑板上让学生到前面来表演。要让每位学生都张口说出句型,然后教师再通过自问自答将对话表演一遍,学生听懂后再听两遍录音。next,lets listen to the tape at least 4 times. ok? at last,ill ask some students to come here and act it.2. practice 操练a. 听音跟说: 先让学生听前两句,逐句跟说,并集体复述,再让学生听后面的逐句跟说,并集体复述几遍。b. 交际操作: 为了便于操作,老师可以将全班分成小组(操作时可以用学生的真名)老师在黑板上写上每句的关键词,再以每排为单位进行对话。说过几遍后让同座同学进行对话。最后老师从左边和右边学生中随机抽一些学生进行对话。c. lets play a game“london bridge”first , i will tell you some rules about the game .老师可以把 歌词改为今天所学的主句型“give me some beef,please .”第三课时一greetingssay : hi to everyone !good morning to everyonehow are you today ?i am fine ,thankyou .and you ? not too bad.!二warm up1. i hope that you can work in pairs to make a dialogue2. lets sing a song together三presentation and practice1. 复习检查a.复习上节课所学句子,老师在黑板上写出主要单词,让学生说出该句型b.三分钟自由对话:教师叫若干学生站起来对话,说上一课时所教交际用语2.导入 lets learnplease give me some beef, fish , pork, chicken, peas.here you are .教师呈现出单词卡片,让学生做替换练习最后做萝卜墩游戏来检查学生对基本句型的掌握情况。i hope that you can work in pairs . the whole class is divided into 6 groups. ill give you each group a picture. when i call your name, please stand up quickly and say a sentence ok?if you win ,ill give your group a star. if you have any questions ,please ask me ok ! ready ,go !first ,lets listen to the tape together then ,教师令学生边拍手边有节奏的长处这些短语,句型at last, i will ask some students to sing it . ok! i hope that you can work in pairs . ready go!3. lets sing a song教师问学生:do you want to sing a song?教师把以前学过的伦敦桥的歌词改为今天所学的主要句型please give me some beef, fish , pork, chicken, peas.next ,lets sing the song togerher. read after the radio .lets listen to the tape at least 4times!at last: i will ask some students to come here and sing it.(教师要求其他学生给与配合拍手)第四课时一 greetingssay :hello to everyone!good morning to boys and girlshow are you today ?i am fine ,thankyou .and you ? not too bad.二 warm up1. lets sing a song together2. i will ask some students to make a dialogue三 presentation and practice1. review 复习和检查上节课所学内容2. lets sing food song first 教师先领学生熟悉歌词,直到每个学生都会说。and then, lets listen to the tape together .i hope that in several minutes ,you dan sing it by yourself. at last,ill ask some students to stand up and sing it .ok? ready ,go! 3. lets practicea. 操作“please give me some *? 句型here you are .教师将全班分成左右两部分,一边问一边答。再在两个竖排间和同座间操练。最后叫若干对同学站起来对话。2. a game教师:now , lets play a game ,there are some letter cards in my hands ,please guess!b. ok! using the basic sentences“please give me some *? 句型here you are .教师给全班分组进行比赛,获胜的小组教师给与加分四 homework .1)listen to the tape at least 15 minutes2) read the key words and key sentences again and again ,you can make a dialogue by yourself.
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