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Wu Yifan:Robin, where is the museum shop?(罗宾,博物馆的商店在哪?) I want to buy a postcard.(我想买一张明信片) Robin:Its near the door.(在大门附近) Wu Yifan:Thanks. Where is the post office?(谢谢,邮局在哪?) I want to send it today.(我想今天寄出) Robin:I dont know. Ill ask. Excuse me, sir.(我不知道。我去问问,打扰一下先生) Man:Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum!(哇一个讲话机器人好棒的一家博物馆) Robin:Where is the post office?(邮局在哪) Man:Its next to the museum(在博物馆旁边) Robin:Thanks.(谢谢),Mike:What an interesting film!(多么有趣的一场电影啊!) Wu Yifan:Yes, but Im hungry now.(是的,但是我现在饿了。) I know a great Italian restaurant(.我知道一家很棒的餐馆。) Mike:Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant?(好吃!我喜欢比萨饼!餐馆在哪里?) Wu Yifan:Its next to the park on bongfang Street.(它紧挨着东方路上的公园。) Mike:How can we get there?(我们怎样到那里?) Robin:Turn left at the bookstore(.在书店向左转。) Then turn right at the hospital.(然后在医院向右转。) Mike:OK. Lets go!(好的。我们走吧!),Mike:Good morning, Mrs Smith!(早上好,史密斯夫人。) Mrs Smith:Hi, children. Youre early.(嗨,孩子们。你们真早。) How do you come to school?(你们怎样来的学校?) Amy:Usually, I come on foot.Sometimes I come by bus.通常我步行来,有时候乘公共汽车来。) Mike:I often come by bike.(我经常骑自行车来。) Amy:How do you come to school,Mrs Smith? By car?史密斯夫人,你怎样来学校?乘小汽车? Mrs Smith:Sometimes, but I usually walk(有时候乘小汽车,但是我通常步行。) Mike:Thats good exercise.(那是很好的锻炼。),Wu Yifan:Mr Jones, how can I get to the Fuxing Hospital?(琼斯先生,我怎么能达到复兴医院) Mr Jones:Take the No. 57 bus over there.(乘坐那边的57路公共汽车) Wu Yifan:Thanks. Wow! So many pictures of bikes!(谢谢,哇!这么多自行车照片) Mr Jones:Theyre from my cousin in the USA.(他们来自我在美国的一个表兄) Wu Yifan:Whats this?(这是什么?) Mr Jones:A helmet. In the USA people on bikes must wear one.(一个头盔,在美国骑自行车的人必须戴一个头盔) Wu Yifan:I see. Oh, the bus is coming! Bye, Mr Jones.我明白了哦公共汽车来了再见琼斯先生 Mr Jones:Hey, dont go at the red light!(嘿,不要闯红灯) Wu Yifan:Oh, right! Thanks. I must payattention to the traffic lights!哦,谢谢你,我必须注意交通信号灯,Mike: What are you going to do tomorrow?(你明天打算做什么?) Sarah: Im going to have an art lesson.(我要上美术课) Mike: What are you going to do in your lesson?(你打算在课上做什么) Sarah: Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.(我们要到人民公园去画画) Mike: Sounds great! Im going to see a film tomorrow.(听起来不错!我打算去看电影) Sarah: Have a good time!(玩的开心 -或者祝你好运-或者有一个好时间) Mike: You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye.你也是。我现在必须做我的作业了,再见 Sarah: OK. Bye.(好的,再见),John: My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week我表弟杰克打算下周来拜访我 Amy: Thats nice. Where are you going?(那很好,你们要去哪) John: Were going to the cinema. (我们要去电影院) Were going to see a film about space travel!(我们要看一部关于太空旅行的电影) Amy: Cool! I have lots of comic books about space(酷,我有很多关于太空的连环画) When are you going?(你们什么时候去?) John: Next Wednesday.(下周三) Amy: Why not go on Tuesday? Its half price then!(为什么不周二去呢?那时候半价!) John: Really? Thank you!(真的吗?谢谢你!),Oliver: What are Peters hobbies?(彼得有什么爱好?) Zhang Peng: He likes reading stories. He lives on a farm,(他喜欢读故事。他住在农场上 so sometimes he reads to the cows!有时候他给奶牛讲故事) Oliver:Thats interesting.(那很有趣) Zhang Peng:He likes doing kung fuand swimming.(他喜欢武术和游泳) Oliver:Really? Me too!(真的吗?我也是) Zhang Peng:He also likes singing.(他还喜欢唱歌) Oliver:Oh, you like singing, too.(欧,你也喜欢唱歌) Zhang Peng:Yes. Im going to teach him(是的,我打算教他中文歌“茉莉花”) the Chinese song Jasmine Flower! Oliver:Good idea!(好主意),John:Hey, Yifan. What are you doing?(一凡,你在做什么?) Wu Yifan:Im writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia我在给澳大利亚的新笔友写信 John:Does he live in Sydney?(她住在悉尼吗?) Wu Yifan:No, he doesnt. He lives in Canberra.不,他没有。他住在肯贝拉 His name is John, too(他的名字也是约翰) John: Really? Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking真的吗他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗 Wu Yifan: Yes, he does.是的,他喜欢 John: Amazing! I like those too! 令人惊奇,我也喜欢! Can I also be his pen pal?我也能成为他的笔友吗 Wu Yifan: Sure. Why not?当然,为什么不呢 John: Cool!酷,Sarah: Is your father here today?(你父亲今天在这吗?) Oliver: No. Hes in Australia.(没,他在澳大利亚) Sarah: What does he do?(他是做什么的?) Oliver: Hes a businessman.(他是商人) He often goes to other countries.(他经常去其他国家) Sarah: And what does your mother do?(你母亲是做什么的) Oliver: Shes a head teacher.(她是一名校长) Sarah: Thats nice.(那很好) Oliver: Yeah. She!l be here today!(是的,她今天在这) Sarah: Do you want to be a head teacher,too?(你也想成为一名校长么) Oliver: No, I want to be a taxi driver.(不,我想成为一名出租车司机),Mike: My uncle is a fisherman.(我叔叔是一名渔民) Xiao Yu: Where does he work?(他在哪儿工作?) Mike: He works at sea. He sees lots of fish every day!(他在海上工作,他每天看见很多鱼) Xiao Yu:I see. How does he go to work? By boat?(我知道,他怎么上班?坐船么?) Mike:No,He works on a boat. He goes to work by bike.(不,他在船上工作,他骑自行车上班) Xiao Yu: He has a very healthy life.(他有一个很健康的生活) Mike:Yes. He works very hard and stays healthy.(是的,他工作很努力,工作很健康) Xiao Yu: We should study hard and stay healthy, too.我们也应该努力工作保持健康,Sam: Whats this cartoon about?(这个卡通画是关于什么的) Sarah: Its about a cat. The cat is a police officer.(关于一只猫的。这只猫是一个警察) Sam: Cool!(酷) Sarah: He chases the mice. Theyre afraid of him.(它抓老鼠。它们害怕它) Sam: Why?(为什么) Sarah: Because the mice are bad.(因为老鼠们很坏) They hurtpeople. The cat is angry with them(他们伤害人类。这只猫很生他们的气). Sam: Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now!(或许我们的猫现在正在抓老鼠呢),Mum: Sarah, Sam, co
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