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一般过去时,学习目标,1.一般过去时的概念,2.动词过去式的构成,4.一般过去时的基本句型及转换,3.一般过去时与一般现在时的比较,5.灵活运用(练习与答案),3. 结构,1. 概念,2.时间,主语 + 动词的过去式 + 其它,yesterday (morning ) last (year, week, night, month) in 1990 (过去的年) two days ago the day before yesterday just now = a moment ago,now,past,future,一.一般过去时的概念,表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,1.与ago 连用: a moment two minutes three hours five days one week six months four years,ago,用于一般过去时的时间状语,last,time night week month term Monday,yesterday,morning afternoon evening,the day before yesterday,2.与last 连用,3.与yesterday 连用:,5.与that 连用:,that,morning winter day year,6.其他时间状语:,just now in the old days in those days in 1980,1. 规则动词,look looked 1)一般在动词原形末尾加 ed play played start started 2)结尾是 e 的动词只加 - d live lived hope hoped use used,3)末尾只有一个辅音字母的 重读闭音节词,先双写这 个辅音字母,再加ed,stop stopped plan planned trip tripped,4)结尾是“辅音字母+y”的词, 先变“y”为“i”再加ed,study studied carry carried,二.动词过去式的构成,1)过去式与原形一样 letlet 让 putput 放下 cut cut 砍,剪 cost cost花钱 readread读书 hurt hurt受伤,2)变元音字母为a runran跑 come came过来 sitsat坐下 givegave给 drinkdrank喝 beginbegan开始 singsang唱歌 swimswam游泳,3.中间去e末尾加t: sleepslept 睡觉 sweepswept 拖地 keepkept 保持 feelfelt 感觉,4.把i 变成o writewrote写 riderode骑(车) drivedrove开(车),2. 不规则动词,5. ought: thinkthought 想 buybought买 bringbrought带着 fightfought打仗,6 aught: catchcaught抓 teachtaught教学,ow/aw 改为 ew knowknew知道 growgrew长大 throwthrew扔 drawdrew画画,8结尾d变t: buildbuilt建造 spendspent花 钱/时间 lendlent借给别人 sendsent寄,am, is are * do * go *have make *get *eat say stand *find begin bring look play,feel build fight give teach sing buy cut come draw drink drive hope use start,was were did went had made got ate said stood found began brought looked played,felt built fought gave taught sang bought cut came drew drank drove hoped used started,剩余不规则动词表,grow put read run sweep sit sleep spend catch swim write live stop plan study carry,grew put read ran swept sat slept spent caught swam wrote lived stopped planned studied carried,含有 be 动词的句型,一般过去时表示过去时间内某人某物存在的状态,性质等eg: I was a teacher last year. She(He) was a singer. We You were happy. They,一般现在时表示某人某物现在的状态,性质等eg: I am a teacher now. She(He) is a singer. We They are happy. You,三. 一般现在时和一般过去时句型结构的异与同,含有 be 动词的句型结构,一般现在时: 1)肯定式: 主语be(am/is/are)表语 2)否定式: 主语+be(am/is/are)+not+表语 3)一般疑问式: Be(Am Is Are)+主语表语 4)特殊疑问句: 疑问词+一般疑问式:,一般过去时: 1)肯定式: 主语be(was/were)表语 2)否定式: 主语be(was/were)+not+表语 3)一般疑问式: BE(Was Were)+主语表语? 4)特殊疑问句: 疑问词+一般疑问式:,不含 be 动词的句型,一般现在时用来表示习惯性,经常性发生的动作 主语动词原形其它 主语(单三)动词现在式(+s)其它 eg: 1)I go to work by bus everyday 2)you watch TV everynight. 3)we play basketball on the weekends. 4)They have lessons everymoring.,一般过去时用来表示在过去的时间里发生的动作 主语动词过去式(+ed)其它 eg: 1)I went to work by bus yesterday. 2)you watched TV last night. 3)We played basketball last weekend. 4)They had lessons two days ago.,1)He was at home last night. 2)My parents were in the park just now. 3)They enjoyed the fashion show last Friday. 4)He went to the toy store yesterday. 他昨天去玩具店了。,1.肯定陈述句,主语 + 动词的过去式 + 其它,四. 一般过去时的常见句型,2.否定陈述句,主语 + wasnt/werent + 其它主语 + did not (didnt)+ 动词原形+其它,1)He wasnt at home last night. 2)The children werent in Beijing last Friday. 3)They didnt enjoy the fashion show last Friday. 4)He didnt go to the toy store yesterday. 他昨天没去玩具店,1)Was he at home last night? -Yes, he was./ No, he wasnt. 2)Were the children in the park just now? -Yes ,they were./ No, they werent. 3)Did they enjoy the fashion show last Friday? -Yes,they did. / No,they didnt. 4)Did you go to Beijing last week? -Yes, we did. (No, we didnt.) 5)Did you meet the businessman before? -No, I didnt. (Yes, I did.),3.一般疑问句,Did(was/were)+主语动词原形其它?,1)When was he at home ? -Last night. 2)When were they in the park ? -Just now. 3)When did they live in Beijing ? -Last year. 4)What did you do last night? -I did my homework. 5)Where did you go last week? -I went to Shanghai with my parents,4. 特殊疑问句,疑问词did(was/were)+主语动词原形其它?,一般过去时的四大公式,(问动作) 1. What did do + 过去的时间? + 动词过去式.,例: What did Miss Tang do last night ? She watched TV.,What did you do three days ago ?(做作业) 2. What did she do three days ago ? 3. What did he do three days ago ? 4. What did they do three days ago ? 5. What did Sally do three days ago ? 6.What did Mr. Liu do three days ago ?,例:1)Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Canada on my holiday. 2) Where did you go on your holiday? We went to the cinema.,(问位置) 2. Where did go+ 过去的时间? went to + 地方 或: went to the + 地点.,Where did you go three days ago ?(去佛山) 2. Where did she go three days ago ? 3. Where did he go ? (去书店) 4. Where did they go? 5. Where did Sally go? (去学校) 6. Where did Mr. Liu go?,(问交通 3. How did go / 与go有关的短语)? 方式) + went +交通方式.,例: How did Coco go ? Coco went on foot. How did Coco go to school? Coco went on foot.,How did you go to Beijing ? 2. How did she go to Japan ? 3. How di
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