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My toys,学习目标: (1)能听懂、会说、初步认读toy ,a doll, a yo-yo,发音正确。 (2)能听懂What do you have?,Play a game,Simon says,What can you see?,toy,玩具,my toys,My toys,a doll,My toys,a doll,(cat),(有),I have a doll.,My toys,a yo-yo,My toys,a yo-yo,I have a yo-yo.,What do you have?,I have a,I have a,I have a,I have a,I have a,Work in pairs,A: What do you have?,B:I have a ,Lets chant,Have,have, what do you have? Doll,doll, I have a doll. Have,have, what do you have? Yo-yo,yo-yo, I have a yo-yo.,Mike:What _ you _?,YangLing:I _ a _.,YangLing:_ do you have?,Mike:I have _ _.,1,2,do,have,have,doll,What,a,yo-yo,Sing a song,My lovely doll,Homework,1.Read the dialogues after the tape about 15 minutes.,2.Recite the dialogues and the two words.,Thank you!,
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