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第 1 页 四年级下学期期末教学质量监测 英语试卷 考试时间: 40 分钟试题满分: 100 分 听力部分(20 分) 一. 听录音,按照你听到的顺序用A-E给下面的图片标号,号码写 在图下括号内。(5 分) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 二.从 A,B,C中选出你所听到的图,并将序号写在前面括号内。 (5 分) ()6、A、B、C、 ()7、A、B 、C、 ( ()8、A、B、C、 ()9、A . B 、C、 () 10、 A、B、C、 第 2 页 三.听录音,选出恰当的单词完成句子。 (5 分) ( )11. Welcome to my new_. A.school B.class C.home ( )12.How many_are there in your class ? A.students B.girls C.boys ( )13.Do you like_. A.art B.music C.Chinese ( )14. Ill _computer games at home . A.play B.do C.sing ( )15.The camel is_. A.big B.long C.fast 四.听录音、并根据图片提示选择正确的答语,将序号写在前面 括号内。(5 分) ()16. ()17. ()18. ()19. A.There are eight. B.There are thirteen. C.There are thirty. A.We have nineteen. B.We have nine. C.We have ninety. A. A.Yes,I do. B.I like English best. C.There are three. B. A.Ill go swimming. B.Ill go fishing. C.Ill go shopping. 第 3 页 ()20. 笔试部分(80 分) 五.选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词,将序号写在题前括号内(10 分) ()21. d _sk A.e B.i C.a ()22. b_ _k A.o,o B.e,a C.a,e ()23.l_ sten A.e B.i C.a ()24. T_ _sday A.a,u B.u,e C.h,r ()25. r _ _d A.o,e B.e,e C.e,a ()26.t _ger A.i B.e C.a ()27.t _bl _ A.i,e B.e,a C.a,e ()28.el _v _n A.e,a B.e,e C.e,i ()29. s _ng A.a B.e C.i ()30. p _ g A.i B.a C.e 六选出不同类的单词,将序号写在题前括号内。(6 分) ( )31.A.bedroom B.study C.computer D.kitchen ( )32.A.four B.eighty C.bag D.twenty ( )33.A.do B.art C.speak D.play ( )34.A.I B.my C.you D.he ( )35.A.bread B.hot dogs C.horses D.pens ( )36. A.what B.how C.where D.are 七.选择正确的单词填空 ,把序号写在横线上 .(8 分) 37. There_(A.is,B.are) twenty boys in our class. 38. There is_(A.a,B.an) uniform on the chair. 39. Lisa_(A.have,B.has) some pencils. 40. This is_(A.my,B.I) ball. A.They re dogs. B.Its a seal. C.They re goats. 第 4 页 41. They_(A.is,B.are) horses. 42. Dont go_(A.on,B.with) us? 43. _(A.Can,B.May) I help you ? 44. Im_(A.come,B.coming). 八根据句意选词填空,把序号写在横线上。(6 分) A.When B.Where C.Do D.How many E.is F.dance ()45.There_an armchair in the living room. ()46._teachers are there in your school? ()47._you like Chinese? ()48._do you have PE lessons? We have PE lessons on Thursday and Friday. ()49.I ll sing and_. ()50._shall we go? 九.选择正确的答案 ,并将其序号写在括号内。 (6 分) ()51._a bed in the bedroom. A.Has B.There is C.There are ()52._you study science? A.Do B.Are C.Is ()53._in the study? A.What B.Whats C.When ()54.Go_the kitchen. A.into B.in C.on ()55.What are these in English? They are_. A.a goat B.horse C.sheep ()56.Would you like some beef?_. A.Yes,I do. B.Yes,I an. C.No,thanks. 十.情景交流 , 将其序号写在括号内。 (6 分) ( )57.当你想表达有一台新电视机,你会说: A.There are a new TV. B.There is a new TV. ( )58.你想知道彼得学校里有多少女生,你会问: 第 5 页 A.How many boys are there in your school? B.How many girls are there in your school? ( )59.朋友问你喜欢哪门学科,你会说: A.I like art. B.I don t like English. ( )60.你想问对方一周有几天?可以这样表达: A.What day is today? B.How many days are there in a week? ( )61.奶奶问你想不想要一些猪肉,她会问: A.Would you like some beef ? B.Would you like some pork? ( )62.你问朋友是否想去旅行?你会问: A. Let s take a trip. B. Would you like to take a trip? 十一.请找出问句的答语,将序号写在前面括号内。(12 分) ()63. Whats in the kitchen? A.We have ninety pencils. () 64.How many pencils do you have? B.There is a new fridge. ()65What do you do in an English class? C.It s Sunday. ()66.Whats the first day of the week? D.We play and act. ()67.What would you like? E.It s a monkey. ()68. What s this in English? F.I d like some sausages. 十二 .选择恰当的句子补全对话。将序号写在横线上(10 分) A: (69)Hello!_ B:My name is Gao Wei A: Glad to meet you,Gao Wei B:(70)_. A:(71)_. B: Yes,I like it very much. A: (72)_ B:On Monday and Tuesday. A:(73)_ B:OK,Let s go. A.Do you like sports? B.Shall we go and play football. C.Whats your name? D.When do you have PE lessons? E.Glad to meet you too. 第 6 页 十三 .阅读短文 ,判断正( T)误( F) (10 分) My name is Peter.Im from America.Today my friend Jim and I will go to the zoo.There are many animals.Look! These are monkeys.Those are elephants and pandas.There are twelve zebras,eighteen birds and ten bears. Today we have a good time. ( )74. Jim is Peters friend. ( )75. Peter is from England. ( )76. There are ten zebras. ( )77. Ill go to the zoo. ( )78.Today Peter and Jim are happy. 十四 .根据图片提示在对话的横线上写出正确的单词。(6 分) 79. There are three_. 80.How many_are there in your school. 81.I like_best. 82.I ll go to see my grandpa this_. 83.Would you like some_. 84.We want to go to a_. 第 7 页 1、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。 2、敏而好学,不耻下问。二二年七月四日2020 年 7 月 4 日星期六 3、读书百遍,其义自见。06:057.4.202006:057.4.202006:0506:05:267.4.202006:057.4.2020 4、吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。7.4.20207.4.202006:0506:0506:05:2606:05:26 5、书籍是前人的经验。Saturday, July 4, 2020July 20Saturday, July 4, 20207/4/2020 6、书籍是巨大的力量。6 时 5 分 6 时 5 分 4-Jul-207.4.2020 7、过去一切时代的精华尽在书中。20.7.420.7.4
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