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8AU3U4 测试卷 第一卷选择题共52 分 一、选择填空 :(20%) 1.You _ stop_ the work. You look tired. A . would better: to do B. would better, doing C. had better, doing D. had better: to do 2.Which foreign country would you like this summer? -The USA, I think. A to travel to B visit C.to go D to visit to 3.The food in the fridge _bad. Youd better throw it away. A. smelt terrible B. smells terrible C. smells terribly D. is smelt terribly 4._news! Our school will go to Beijing for a _visit this summer A. What exciting: seven-day B. How exciting: seven days C. What excited: seven days D. What exciting: s even-day 5. The birthday card _some flowers on it were made_some glue and knife by Charles A. have, of B. with, with C. have ,with D. with, of 6.- Your room is so dirty. You must _before your friends _. A tidy up it: arrive B tidy it; reach C. tidy it up; arrive D tidy it up; reach 7.When the train stopped, some people_ the train and others _ A. got off; got on it B. got out of; got on it C.got off; got it on D. got out of, got it on 8. The film _is really good, but I think it is _long. A itself; too much B it; too much C it, much too D. itself; much too 9._it is necessary for him _the e meeting. A. Instead; to attend B.Instead; to join C Instead of ; to attend D. Instead; attending 10.People usually kept their ideas _in the past . A for them B to themselves C for themselves D to them 11.He speaks French well, but of course not _a person born in France. A as clear as B clearer than C as clearly as. D. the more clearly 12- Would you go to the concert with me?I d love to _I cant. There will be a football game and Im going to_ our team A. but , cheer for B but, cheer C and, cheer D. so, cheer for 13. I think we _a brighter light in the sitting room A need put up B need to put up C need put in D need to put in 14. I know this plan is far from perfect, but I just cant think of _one. A the better B a better C a best D the best 15. When and where will the wedding _? A take place B happen C hold D take part in 16. -How much is the ticket to the Central park? - A one-way ticket _$40, and you can _another $20 for a round-trip A. costs B spends;pay C pays; spend D. costs, pay 17. Boys and girls, help to those candies. They are just for _. A yourself; you B yourself; yourself C yourselves, you D you, you 18. -Sorry I _my homework at home. Please dont forget _ it when you come to school tomorrow. A forgot ,boring B.left.,take C forgot ,take D. left, bring 19. -He is unhappy with his weight. -He wants to lose weight all the time A. Yes, he is B. No. he isnt C. Yes, isnt D.No, he is 20. -Excuse me, can I sit beside you?The man who sat here will be back soon A. Yes, please B Youre welcome C. No problem D. Youd better not 二、完形填空(共10 题,计 10 分) A London family were enjoying an unusual holiday in Iceland last month when things went very wrong. Anne, Ben and their two children, Claire and Sam, 21 died in freezing water. The accident happened while the family were22 a glacier( 冰河 ) .It is a beautiful place. 23 were walking along the edge of the ice when suddenly they fell off the ice 24 the cold water. Ben 25 a cry for help and ran to see what was happening. “ I found my wife and children in the ice water. And then my wife Anne just sank(沉没 ) 26 the ice. It was terrible.” Ben 27 his children from the water, but when he went to save his wife, he fell in, too, as he was trying to 28 Anne. 29 , when he was in the water , he went all out to catch hold of Anne and helped her out of the water.” Her face was blue. That was really frightening.” Anne spent three days in hospital there before the family 30 . And what are their plans for their next holiday? ( )21. A. nearly B. already C. fully D. sadly ( )22. A. swimming B. visiting C. reaching D. running ( )23. A. The Children B. Anne C. The family D. Anne and Children ( )24. A. in B. into C. down D. to ( )25. A. saw B. listened C. heard D. searched ( )26. A. below B. above C. over D. in ( )27. A. pushed B. pulled out C. saved D. helped ( )28. A. see B. reach C. leave D. jump ( )29. A. Luckily B. Strangely C. Excitedly D. Clearly ( )30. A. return to Iceland B. returned from England C. returned to England D. returned from Europe 三、阅读理解(每小题2 分,计 22 分) A A man made a nice talking machine .It could weigh people s weight .The man wanted to try the machine before he could make a lot of machines. He put the machine into the waiting room of a station .There were always lots of people in and out . The first one who used the machine was an Indian woman. She stood on the machine, the machine thought fo r a few seconds to decide which
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