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1 2020-2021 学年度第一学期阶段性学业水平调研 六年级语英语试卷 同学们,三年多的英语学习一定大有进步吧?现在让我们好好展示一下自己的收获 吧!Come on! 一、卷面分( 3 分 ) 听力部分( 30 分) 二、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 (听两遍) (10分) ( )1. A.foolish B.through C.clever ( ) 2. A.fat B.foot C.fit ( ) 3. A.show B.shout C.snow ( )4. A.want B.wait C.warm ( ) 5. A.telephone B.radio C.mobile phone ( ) 6. A.museum B.music C.mummy ( ) 7. A.parents B.presents C.palace ( ) 8. A.know B.no C.now ( ) 9. A.spell B.speak C.star ( ) 10.A.world B.work C.word 三、听录音,根据所听问句选择正确的答句。(听两遍)(10 分) ( )1. A. It is in the desk. B. They are on the table. C. It was in the box. ( ) 2. A. They like swimming. B. They can swim. C. They are swimming. ( ) 3. A. I go to the Star Lake. B.I made a cake. C. I went to a farm. ( ) 4. A. Yes,I did. B. No,he didn t. C. Yes,I do. ( ) 5. A. Yes,I were. B. No,you weren t. C. Yes,I was. 四、听录音,补全对话。 (听两遍)(10 分) Today was _ Day.I _ up early.My parents_ go to work.We_ to the park.There was a party in it. We_ a lot of fun there.Then,we_an interesting film.We all_ it.After dinner,my parents_me a watch as a_.I was very _today! 笔试部分( 67 分) 五、词汇。 (10 分) 1. 根据首字母提示完成单词 , 每空一词。 (5 分) (1) Jack was ill,he t_ some medicine. 校 区 班 级 姓 名 学 号 。 装 订 线 2 (2) There were a lot of kites in the s_ . (3) The weather became r_ .We had to stay at home. (4) Mike was hungry, so he a_ a lot. (5) The little boy pointed at the king and l_ . 2. 用所给单词的适当形式填空(5 分) (1) The shoes look cool and they fit _ ( good ). (2) It was windy.We _ ( can ) go out to fly kites. (3) Look,the two men _ ( make )clothes for the king. (4) My father read newspapers and I _ ( do ) my homework last night. (5) Helen often does _ ( shop )on the Internet. 六、单项选择。(12 分) ( ) 1. My parents are always nice _ me. A.to B. / C.at ( ) 2. Helen was sick. Her mother looked _her. A.for B.in C.after ( ) 3. _ nice toy bear! A.How B.What C.What a ( ) 4. It was time _ lunch. A.for have B.to C.for ( ) 5. We didn t _ a big fish yesterday. A.caught B.catch C.catches ( ) 6.- Where _ you just now ? - I _ in the teachers office. A.Were ,were B.Was , was C.Were, was ( ) 7.The _ invented the train. A.British B.Americans C.Chinese ( ) 8.My mother _ an email _her friend yesterday. A.wrote ,to B.wrote ,for C.writes ,to ( ) 9.Please make a sentence _ pretty . A.for B.to C.with ( ) 10.找出句中划线部分发音不同的单词:The bear looks at the bird in the pear tree and says: Good morning,dear bird! A.bear B.pear C.dear ( ) 11.- What _ your brother do on Saturday afternoon? - He plays football with his friends. A.did B.do C.does ( ) 12.There _ any milk in the glass last week. A.were B.weren t C.wasn t 七、从 中选出 栏相对应的答句。(5 分) ( ) 1.Why did you cry ? A.In the park ( ) 2.Where did you fly kites ? B.Because I lost my key. ( ) 3.Did you watch a film ? C.I saw many lovely monkeys. ( ) 4.Was it cloudy this Friday? D.Yes,it was. ( ) 5.What did you see in the zoo? E.No, we didn t. 3 八、将下列句子排列成通顺的短文(5 分) A. So we didn t bring umbrellas. B. We were wet and cold. C. Last Sunday I went to the park with my family. D. It was sunny that morning. E. We saw many lovely animals. F. In the afternoon it rained. 九、完形填空( 10 分) Last Sunday , Jim and his friends went to his uncle s home . His uncle 1 on a farm . And his uncle 2 them around the farm . They saw many cows, 3 , ducks and fruit trees , They 4 a lot of pears ,It was very hot ,but they still had 5 fun on the farm . In the evening, they had a big 6 in the house . Jim 7 hungry .He 8 a lot of food .They liked the farm very 9 and wanted to come there again . His uncle was 10 to hear that . ( )1. A.lived B.live C.living ( )2. A.showed B.shows C.showing ( )3. A.chicken B.chickens C.some chicken ( )4. A.picking B.pick up C.picked ( )5. A.a B.well C.great ( )6. A.game B.dinner C.place ( )7. A.was B.were C.is ( )8. A.eat B.eats C.ate ( )9. A.good B.much C.well ( )10.A.happy B.like C.clever 十、阅读理解( 10 分) ( A ) It was May Day last Sunday.And it was also Tom s birthday.He had a party at home.His friends came and they all gave presents to him.They sang and danced.They were very happy.Tom s parents gave him a dragon boat.After lunch,they went to a
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