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精品范文LeteratureThe Dream Keeper_高一英语教案XX-XX学年高一英语必修1(冀教版)素材(含教案和练习)unit 5 leteraturethe dream keeper(1)一. 教学内容:unit 5 (i)二. 单元 重点词汇1. flight n. 飞行;逃走;飞越;飞机的航程;班机;追逐 the enemy are in the flight. 敌人正在逃跑。 the flight was quite smooth. we had a very pleasant journey.飞行很顺利。我们的旅途十分愉快。 they made a successful flight across the ocean. 他们成功飞越大洋。 2. puzzle n.难题;谜;(使)迷惑;(使)为难;迷惑不解 puzzle常用作及物动词,表示“使人对感到疑惑不解”;puzzling常表示事情的性质与特征,“使迷惑的,使莫名其妙的”;puzzled意为“感到莫名其妙的”。 the murder case continued to puzzle the police. 警方依然对凶杀案感到疑惑不解。 i felt puzzled and upset. what on earth did he want with me? 我感到不解和不安。他究竟要我干什么? with a school record like yours im puzzled why you didnt try for a university scholarship. 以你这样的成绩,我很纳闷你为何没有努力争取大学奖学金。his face wore a puzzled expression. 他的脸上露出一副疑惑的表情。i find this affair very puzzling. 我觉得这事莫名其妙。3. average n平均;平均水平;平均数。adj. 一般的;通常的;vt.平均为;均分;使平衡;达到平均水平 the average of 3 and l0 and 5 is 6. 3,10和5的平均值为6。 he is about average in his lessons. 他的功课在班上属于中等水平。 he smokes twenty cigarettes a day on an average. 他平均每天吸20支烟。 on anthe average there are twenty boys in every class. 每班平均有20个男生。 the average age of the boys in this class is 16. 这个班男生的平均年龄为16岁。 the cost of my lunches averaged one dollar a day. 我的午饭平均每天花费1美元。4. aware adj.知道的;明白的;意识到的 与of引起的短语连用表示“意识到、察觉到”。如: she was aware of the fact,but she could not face it yet. 她意识到这一事实,但是还不能正视它。 跟that从句。如: everyone was aware that they were in danger. 大家都意识到他们处境危险。 与连接副词how连用。如: i was too sleepy to be aware how cold it was. 我太困了,察觉不到天有多冷。 5. base n. 底部;基础;根据地;基地;本部;基数;(运动)出发点vt. 以作基础;基于常与介词on连用。如: i base my hope on the news we had yesterday. 我把希望建立在昨天所听到的信息上。 this novel is based on the historical facts. 这本小说以历史事实为依据。 marx went to england and made london the base of his revolutionary work.马克思来到英国,把伦敦作为他从事革命工作的根据地。6. character n. (事物的(特性;性质;特征(的总和);(人的)品质;字符;性格;特征;人物 vt. 写;刻;印;使具有特征 what does her handwriting tell you about her character?通过她写的字,你看出了她什么性格? i dont like the character of the desert landscape.我不喜欢沙漠风光。 mickey mouse and donald are both main characters of a disney cartoon tv series. 米老鼠和唐 老鸭都是一部迪斯尼动画片的主要角色。 7. power n. 能力;力量;动力;权力 power可指能力、权力、体力、智力、操纵力、控制力、影响力、风力、水动力、核动力、电力等等。 ill do everything in my power to help you. 我将尽我所能帮助你。 his power is failing. that is to say he is becoming weak.他的体力在下降,或者说他正在变得虚弱。this government came into power at the last election.这届政府在最后的选举中上台执政。the united states and russia are world powers in international affairs.在国际事务中,美国和俄罗斯是世界大国。8. regular adj. 有规则的;有秩序的;经常的;合格的;定期的 regular breathing均匀的呼吸,a regular heart beat正常的心跳,regular teeth整齐的牙齿 a regular customer老主顾、常客,a regular offender惯犯,a regular soldier正规士兵 9. scene n. 现场,场面;情景,景色;发生地点;(戏剧)一场;布景,道具布置 we came to the scene of the accident at once. 我们立刻赶到事故现场。 it reminded us of the miserable scene of the big earthquake.这使我们想起了那场大地震的悲惨一幕。 we will go abroad for a change of scene. 我们将出国旅行换换风景。 such are the lines of the act 1,scene 2 of hamlet. 这是哈姆雷特第二场第一幕中的台词。 10. host n. 主人,东道主;旅馆老板;(广播,电视的)节目主持人vt .(作主人或东道主),主办,主持;以主人身份招待 we are proud to get the chance to host the XX olympic games. 我们为有机会做XX奥运会的东道主感到自豪。 yesterday we were hosts to a few friends. 昨天我们招待了几位朋友。 we attended a dinner party hosted by the president of the company.我们参加了由公司总裁举行的聚餐会。 重要句型:1. know its root and you will understand its origin.(p. 57)了解了它的词根你就明白了它的词源。 祈使句+ andor句型相当于一个包含有条件状语的复合句。and前面的肯定祈使句相当于一个肯定的条件句,or前面的肯定祈使句相当于一个否定的条件句,or前面的否定祈使句相当于一个肯定的条件句;前面的祈使句有时可以是一个短语;or有时可用otherwise代替。如: work hard, and you will be admitted to a key university. =if you work hard,you will be admitted to a key university. 努力吧,你会进入重点大学。 a bit more efforts,and the problems could be settled. =if you make a bit more efforts,the problems could be settled. 再加把劲,问题就解决了。 come on time, or you wont see her. =if you dont come on time,you wont see her. 准时来,要不你见不到她。dont have the machine running all the time, otherwise it will be out of order.=if you have the machine running all the time ,it will be out of order.别让机器转个不停,要不它会坏掉的。 2. as with any good detective arriving on the crime scene, the first thing to do when meeting a new and difficult word is to assess the situation, to look at everything that is known and see if it helps us to understand its meaning. (p. 57) 如同任何一个来到犯罪现场的出色侦探,在遇到一个生僻词时首先要做的就是依据语境来判断哪些是已知,并且琢磨是否可以借助已知来推测生僻词的意思。 as with表示“正如一样”,是as it is the same with 的省略形式。如: as with drawing a picture, you should be patient and careful in doing that job.正如同画画一样,在做工作时应该既要有耐心,又要认真。as with other mental disorders, the most important part of treatment is to first identify the problem.正如其他心理失调一样,治疗的最重要方面就是首先确定问题所在。3. you usually
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