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精品范文高一英语第十五单元Healthy Eating (健康饮食)_高一英语教案科目 英语年级 高一文件 high1 unit15.1.doc标题 Healthy Eating (健康饮食)章节 第十五单元关键词内容Healthy Eating (健康饮食)一、教法建议【抛砖引玉】单元双基学习目标. 四会单词和词组:pain , in (the) future , be rich in , contain , fat ( n . ) , soft drink , score , scores of , discuss , discussion , at the end ( of ) 三会单词和词组: examine , ripe , advise , patient , energy , weight , put on weight , westerner , cause , unhealthy , lose weight , suggestion . 交际英语:人人都希望自己身体健康,工作顺利,生活愉快。人体就像一部机器,机器需要经常保养才能不停地正常运转,不出故障;人也需要营养合理的饮食、充足的睡眠、必不可少的休息与娱乐。倘若你为了省钱省时间而终日凑合着吃东西;倘若你为了挤出更多的时间对付艰苦的学习而挤掉了睡眠时间;倘若你为了多打工赚钱,几乎舍弃了所有的休息与娱乐。那么,生病就在所难免。万一人生了病就需要去医院诊断出出故障的原因,这时就需要和医生打交道,下面是常用到的语句。医生用语:1. What can I do for you ? / What was the matter ? / Whats the trouble ?2. Does it hurt here ? / Its nothing serious . / Let me examine you . / Take this medicine three times a day . / And I advise you not to do 3. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest . / Youd better have a good rest . / Youll be well soon .4. Show me your tongue . / Stick out your tongue . / Did you cough much ? / Fortunately , you only have the flu (流感) . / Youll have to be hospitalized (住院) .5. How long have you been like this ? / Well , lets see . Open your mouth and say “ah ”. / Keep warm and dont catch cold .病人用语:1. Ive got a pain ( cough , headache , toothache ) . / I dont feel well . / Theres something wrong with . / This place hurts . / I feel a great pain here . / I feel dizzy (头晕) . / I took some medicine last night , but they didnt help . / Doctor , please give me an examination .2. Ive had my temperature taken . I indeed have a fever . / I was hot and cold by turns .3. I dont feel well , doctor . / I hope it wont last long . / I dont feel like eating anything .4. I have a sore throat ( 喉咙痛) and my chest hurts . / It started bothering me yesterday afternoon . / I feel hot and feverish . / Im aching all over .5. Ive been losing sleep . / My whole body feels weak . / Ive lost my voice . / My ears are ringing , and my cheeks burning . / I feel a pain in my left leg . 语法重点:进一步学建议和忠告的句型。1. I advise you (not) to do / youd better (not) do / I suggest that you (should) do / Why not do / Why dont you do 2. Its better to be absolutely sure , even if it does take a bit more time and trouble .3. Well , if I were you , I would spend about four days sightseeing in Beijing and two or three days in Shanghai for shopping .4. Let me give you a bit of advice , if you dont mind . Stop smoking or at least cut down on it . Watch your diet and 5. How / What about doing some shopping here ?6. I think wed better send for a doctor .7. Well , if you go on the way you have , youre only going to make things harder for yourself .8. Yes , I suppose so . / Yes , I certainly will . / Thats a good idea . / Yes , but dont you think ?【指点迷津】单元重点词汇点拨1. contain 作及物动词是“包含;包括;能容纳,能装入”Sea water contains salt .This auditorium will contain 3,000 people .点拨(1) contain 和 include 虽然都有“包含”的意思,但 contain 可用于表示包含所含之物的全部或部分,而 include 则只是包含一部分。试对比:The parcel contained a dictionary . 那包裹里装的是一本字典。The parcel included a dictionary . 那包裹里也包括了一本字典。The tour includes a visit to Paris . 这次旅行包括游览巴黎。The basket contains a variety of fruits . 这篮子装有各种水果。(2) including 可以作介词连接介词短语。试比较:Many women were waiting to buy that kind of cloth , including my mother .Many women were waiting to buy that kind of cloth , my mother included .可以这样说,include 着重“被包含者只是整体中的一部分”。contain 着重“内有”。2. advise 作及物动词是“忠告、劝告、建议”The doctor advised a soft diet . 医生建议进软食。点拨(1) advise + doingHe advised getting plenty of sleep and eating good meals .(2) advise sb to do 建议某人干。advise sb not to do sth =advise sb against doing 建议某人不要干The teacher advised us not to read carelessly . =The teacher advised us against careless reading .对比:The teacher advised our reading carefully . (动名词复合结构)(3) advise that + 主语 + (should) doShe advised that he spend his holidays in Heinan .对比:(误)Sharon suggested me to ask Dr Yang for help .(对)Sharon advised me to ask Dr Yang for help .(对)Sharon suggested / advised that I should ask Dr Yang for help .(对)Sharon suggested / advised my asking Dr Yang for help .(对)I was advised to ask Dr Yang for help by Sharon .(4) advice 是不可数名词,表达“一条建议”用:a piece / bit / word of advice 。3. score (比赛的) 得分;(单复数相同)二十The score at the end of the game was 5 to 4 against the visiting team . 比赛结果为 5 比 4 , 客队败北。Whats the score now ? 现在比分是多少 ?点拨(1) scores of 许多,大批The exhibition has scores of visitors every day .(2) score 前有数词时,score 用单数,其后的 of 常省略。但在代词或者起定语作用的指示代词及物主掉次前的 of 不能省略。Three score of them are League members .Three score of those eggs are his .She has two score (of) eggs . (这种情况下最好不用 of )4. discuss 作及物动词是“讨论,议论”。名词形式是 discussion 。Ive something of great importan
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