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浙江省金华市2020年中考英语试卷 一、听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(共5题;共5分)1.Where is Davids bike? A.At the school gate.B.In front of the house.C.On the street.2.Who is the woman in the middle of the photo? A.Tonys sister.B.Tonys mother.C.Tonys aunt.3.What is Jim going to do tonight? A.To go shopping.B.To watch a movie.C.To look after his sister.4.Why is Anna in hospital? A.Because she has a cold.B.Because she has a fever.C.Because she has a stomachache.5.How is Tom probably feeling now? A.Excited.B.Sad.C.Angry.二、听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(共5小题;每小题2 分,满分10分)(共2题;共10分)6.听下面一段较长对话,回答问题, (1)How often does Peter go swimming? A.Every day.B.Once a week.C.Twice a week.(2)With whom does Peter usually go swimming? A.His father.B.His brother.C.His sister.7.听下面一段较长对话,回答问题, (1)Who is calling Mike? A.John.B.Amy.C.Cindy.(2)When will Mike and his classmates have the picnic? A.On Friday.B.On Saturday.C.On Sunday.(3)What does Mike need to take? A.Snacks and drinks.B.A hat and sunglasses.C.A camera and an umbrella.三、听下面一段独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(共1题;共10分)8.听下面一段独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。 (1)Who is Lucy most probably speaking to? A.Students.B.Teachers.C.Parents.(2)What books can be found on the second floor? A.Books about English.B.Books about science.C.Books about history.(3)How long can you keep the books from the library? A.One week.B.Two weeks.C.Three weeks.(4)When does the library close on weekdays? A.At 4:00 pm.B.At 5:00 pm.C.At 6:00 pm.(5)Where can you get a library card? A.In Miss Lees office.B.In Lucys office.C.In Lindas office,四、完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)(共1题;共15分)9.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Sam was very nervous. It was his first day in a new 1 , and lunch was only thirty minutes away. For most students, lunch is the 2 part of the school day. It is time when you talk with your friends, get to know what interesting things everyone is doing, and, of course, 3 . Sam, however, didnt know anyone or anything, like where to sit or with whom to sit at lunch. Sams 4 was in the army, so his family moved a lot. He had really liked his old school and 5 leaving his two best friends. They still talked to each other through phone calls and emails, 6 he couldnt see them every day. He wondered if their 7 would continue. He didnt want to lose them, but he knew it would be 8 for them to stay close. I know this is hard on you. his mother said as he got ready for school this morning, and Im really 9 you have to keep changing schools. Sam could see regret in her eyes, but he didnt want her to feel that way. 10 had always been ready to defend 保卫) not only the family but also the country. Sam loved her so much. He gave her a smile and told her not to 11 . He had wanted to mean it. but there was still always worry in him when they moved. The 12 time came quickly. As Sam was walking to the dining room, a voice behind him said, Excuse me. Sam 13 and saw five friendly faceWould you like to join us? asked one of them. This 14 invitation was exactly what he needed. Sam nodded yes 15 and joined them. He was sure about his future school life now.1. A. companyB. familyC. factoryD. school2. A. bestB. longestC. shortestD. worst3. A. eatB. learnC. runD. sleep4. A. brotherB. fatherC. motherD. sister5. A. hatedB. imaginedC. triedD. suggested6. A. soB. orC. butD. if7. A. discussionB. drearC. businessD. friendship8. A. safeB. hardC. naturalD. terrible9. A. proudB. sorryC. excitedD. surprised10. A. HeB. IC. SheD. We11. A. forgetB. moveC. returnD. worry12. A. breakfastB. lunchC. teaD. dinner13. A. sat downB. got upC. ran awayD. turned around14. A. unexpectedB. creativeC. funnyD. popular15. A. bravelyB. happilyC. nervouslyD. patiently五、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)(共4题;共30分)10.阅读理解 Basketball, running and swimming are popular events (项目) at the Olympics. But there are also some events that are not as popular. Some are even very strange. Lets see if you have any knowledge about the following events.Tug-of-war This event started in 1900 and left the Olympics in 1920. The team wins if they pull the rope past a certain point first. Interestingly,
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