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Unit 8 Transportation一. 教学内容:Book 14 Unit 8 Part 2 学会谈论禁止和必须的概念二. 本周教学重点:1. must, mustnt , have to, dont have to 的用法。2. 祈使句表示禁止。3. 重点词组的学习。三. 具体内容:(一)1. must, have to 表示某事必须做,两者表达意思一样。 e.g. You have to ride on the right. = You must ride on the right. 2. 但在问句中,have to 更常见。 e.g. Do you have to drive on the right side of the road? 3. mustnt 表示做某事是错误的或违法的,没有选择的余地,意为“禁止”。而dont have to 表达做某事不是必须的,我们可以选择,意为“不必”。 e.g. You mustnt park in spaces for disabled people. You dont have to have a drivers license to ride a bicycle.Read the following sentences.You mustnt ride on the sidewalk.You have to know how to stop safely!You must always remember to lock your bike.You have to wear light-colored clothes.You must give way to pedestrians.You have to have lights on your bike.You mustnt give rides to other people.You must check the brakes and the tires.You have to obey all traffic signs and rules.You mustnt do tricks on your bike.You must wear a helmet.(二)祈使句表示禁止。省略主语,以动词原形开始的句子叫祈使句。e.g. Give me a hand, please. Dont open the door.Read and complete the leaflet with the headings from the box.A. Rules for motorcyclists B. Rules for cyclist C. Rules for pedestrians D. Rules for drivers Always wear a seat belt. Follow all traffic signs and rules. Be aware of pedestrians at the crosswalk. Drive according to the speed limit. Dont drive after drinking. Dont make phone calls while you are driving. Always wear a helmet. Use a light on the front and back of your motorcycle. Dont ride on the sidewalk. Check that your motorcycle is in good condition before riding it. Remember to obey traffic laws. Check your brakes and tires often. Dont try to do dangerous tricks on it. Dont give rides to other people. Learn basic cycling skills most importantly, know how to stop safely! Dont ride on the sidewalk. Lock it when you leave it in a public place. Walk on the sidewalk. Walk on the right side of the street when there is no sidewalk. Cross the street at the crosswalk. Pay attention to traffic lights. Dont read when you are walking in the street.Match each road user with what he/she says.A motorcyclist, a car driver, an ambulance driver, a bus driver, a cyclist, a pedestrian, a taxi driver “Along my route, there are ten official stops. I have to stop at these places. Sometimes passengers want to get on the bus at other places that are not official bus stops. I dont have to stop for these people, but sometimes I do.” “I work for a company called Speedy Cab. All our taxis are the same color blue, but we dont have to wear a uniform.” “When I go to the public library, I leave my bicycle outside, and I lock it. Of course, you dont have to lock your bike if you dont want to, but I always do.” “Sometimes, in an emergency, I have to drive very quickly to take a person to the hospital. At these times, I dont have to wait at a red light. Other drivers let the ambulance go through.” “In my country, you have to be seventeen to drive a car, but you cant ride a small motorcycle at the age of sixteen. To ride one of these motorcycles, you dont have to have a drivers license.” “In some cities in my country, you must cross the street at the crosswalk. I live in a small town, and we dont have to do this. We cross the street anywhere we like.” “In my country, the driver and the person sitting in the front passenger seat must wear seat belts. Thats the law. The people in the back seat dont have to wear seat belts, but , of course, it is a good idea.”课堂练习:I. 用must, mustnt 填空。1. You _ check that your bike is in good condition.2. You _ ride on the sidewalk.3. You _ obey traffic signs.4. You _ give rides to other people. Its dangerous.5. You _ to know how to stop safely.6. You _ give way to pedestrians.II. 完成句子。1. 开车时不要打电话。Dont_ _ while you are driving.2. 我们周日不必去上学。We _ _ _ go to school on Sundays.3. 你不必打车去。You _ _ _ take a taxi.4. 红灯亮时,你必须停车。When the traffic lights _, _, you _ _ your car.5. 在环路上开车时,不必等交通灯。When you drive along the ring-roads, you _ _ _ wait for the traffic lights.6. 不要在街上踢球,很危险。You _ _ _ in the street. Its dangerous.7. 他的妈妈病了,他得在家照顾她。His mother is ill. He _ _ look
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