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文档来源于网络,如有重复请自行下载小学老师英语演讲稿范文篇一:小学教师师德英语演讲稿The people as a teacher, I often ask myself the question: do a good teacher, should have the most important requirements? Are beautiful language? Are a broad range of knowledge? Or a rich teaching experience? In practice, the process I found: As a good teacher must not only have the people fluent in the language of the beautiful, extensive knowledge, rich experience in teaching, the most important thing is to have love.Teachers are teaching the students love and selfless love, which is the core of morality, it is the flaming torch, ignited the dreams of students; it is a guiding light to illuminate the way students move forward.Mr. Lu has to say: “Education is rooted in the love of” Love is the source of education, teachers with love, only with horses with the vision to discoverstudents for their education with confidence and love object will have to strive for excellence and innovative spirit. National model workers, Beijing Normal University Professor Lin Chongde think, “love their children are instinctive, and love other peoples children are sacred!” Teachers love the students, in essence is a kind of pay do not talk about, selfless no blood of love, a love ofphase relief. Such sacred love is extremely pure. This holy love is the teacher Lee Yuk-pui, the feelings of peach foundation, students realize that, once this true friendship, will be “pro-his teacher, Respect his teacher”, thus “trust the Road”, it is in the process , imparting knowledge and educating people on the implementation of its fundamental features.Love is not all education, but the love of education are the most basic precondition, “If every childs pleasure and are upset with your heart beat, caused by your thinking, concern and worry, then you brave to choose the highest teachers work as their career now,you can find at one of the joy of creation. “It is precisely because of love, so there will be created by pleasure, is created because there is pleasure, so in education, more full of love for the students feelings. Really educational, it is this never-ending love and create a virtuous circle.Teachers love and respect are the windows to illuminate the soul of candlelight students, students acquire a better start in life at the hands of teachers, teachers only by their own love, and students can have a spiritual impact, in order to transcend the natural person to achieve the perfect property realm. Only by love can we teach students to love everyone around us, love the plants around them. Educator Makarenko Douglas once said: “love is a great feeling, it always work miracles, the creation of new people.” If the students are my bees, I am willing flower honey; if my students the flowers are, I must do a good jobgreen leaves; if my students are young, I must be good competent gardener; if my students are satellites, I must put them into a good journey thousands of miles of the rocket; if Rockets are my students do? I must be good soldiers, a rocket with a solid my shoulders, under their brilliant career path. Do not know you in order to allow parents, other teachers in order to know you, the most beautiful found in the childrens eyes. When I looked at 100 pairs of desire for childrens eyes, just as exposure to bright sky, and at this piece of flashing Stars, I will find a clear mountain spring such as the truth, goodness and beauty. Teachers under the sun for the most glorious cause, let us join hands, do not recall, not a loss, trials and hardships, you move forward.Thank you!翻译:身为一名人民教师,我经常问自己这样一个问题:要做一名优秀的教师,应该具备的最重要的条件是什么?是优美的语言?是广博的知识?还是丰富的教学经验?在实践的过程中我发现:作为一名优秀的人民教师不仅要有优美流畅的语言、广博的知识、丰富的教学经验,最重要的是要有爱心。师爱是教师对学生无私的爱,它是师德的核心,它是熊熊的火炬,点燃学生的梦想;它是指路的明灯,照亮学生前进的路程。鲁迅先生有句话:“教育是植根于爱的”爱是教育的源泉,教师有了爱,才会用用伯乐的眼光去发现学生的闪光点,对自己的教育对象充满信心和爱心,才会有追求卓越和创新的精神。全国劳模、北师大林崇德教授认为,“疼爱自己的孩子是本能,而热爱别人的孩子是神圣!”教师对学生的爱,从本质上说是一种只讲付出不求回报、无私的、没有血缘关系的爱,是一种严慈相济的爱。这种爱是极其神圣纯真的。这种圣洁的爱是教师培桃育李的感情基础,学生一旦体会到这种真情友谊,就会“亲其师、敬其师”,从而“信其道”,也正是在这个过程中,教书育人就实现了其根本功能。爱心不是教育的全部,但爱心是教育的最基本的前提条件,“如果每个儿童的喜悦和苦恼都敲打着你的心,引起你的思考、关怀和担心,那你就勇敢地选择崇高的教师工作作为自己的职业吧,你在其中能找到创造的喜悦。”正因为爱,所以会有创造的喜悦,正因为有创造的喜悦,所以对教育、对学生更加充满爱的情感。真正的教育,正是这种爱与创造永无止境的良性循环。教师的爱与尊重是照亮学生心灵窗户的烛光,学生美好人生的开端掌握在教师手中,教师只有用自已的爱,才能与学生产生心灵的碰撞,才能超越人的自然属性而达到完美的境界。只有以爱心才能教会学生去爱身边的每个人,爱身边的一草一木。教育家马卡连柯曾经说过:“爱是一种伟大的感情,它总在创造奇迹,创造新的人。”如果我的学生是蜜蜂,我甘当采蜜的花朵;如果我的学生是花朵呢,我一定做好护花的绿叶;如果我的学生是幼苗,我一定当好称职的园丁;如果我的学生是卫星,我一定当好把他们送上万里征程的火箭;如果我的学生是火箭呢?我一定当好一名火箭兵,用我坚实的肩膀,顶着他们踏上辉煌的前程。 别为了让家长认识你,别为了让老师认识你,最美的发现在孩子们的眼睛里。当我望着孩子百双渴求的眼睛,就像置身于灿烂的星空之中,在这片闪烁的星光里,我将找到清澈如山泉的真、善、美。老师们,为了太阳底下最光辉的事业,让我们携手并肩,不回顾,不彷徨,风雨兼程,勇往直前吧。!篇二:小学英语教师演讲稿I am very glad to make a speech here in this class! This time, Id like to talk something about our nature. My topic is Caring for Nature. 非常高兴可以在这里做一次演讲。这次我想谈谈自然。我的话题是关爱自然。What is nature? Its everything existing in the world, such as plants, animals, earths, rocks, the water and the weather.什么是自然?它是世间万物,比如植物动物土地岩石水和天气。Human b
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