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初二英语质量监测-初中二年级英语试题练习、期中期末试卷、测验题、复习资料-初中英语 试卷 -试卷下载 初二英语质量监测 满分: 90 分钟 一. 语音,找出划线部分发音不同的一个:(5 分) ()1. A. wantedB. playedC. showedD. named ()2. A. saysB. daysC. playsD. ways ()3. A. healthB. daysC. playsD. ways ()4. A. thirstyB. withC. thankD. throat ()5. A. toothB. bedroomC. foodD. good ()6. A. matchB. chairC. stomachD. much ()7. A. earlyB. heardC. herbD. near ()8. A. wantB. whatC. watchD. water ()9. A. agoB. habitC. matterD. plan ()10. A. worryB. comeC. honeyD. cold 二根据句意填空,使句子意思完整。 (15 分) 1How _ does he exercise? Once a week. 2. How _ are you staying? For a week. 3. How _ will you come back ? In a week. 4. How _ is it? About four kilometers. 5. A lot of food helps you to keep _ good health. 6. The results _ “ watch TV” are interesting. 7. I read English books _ twice a week. 8. Grandpa is pretty healthy _ he exercises every day. 9. I want to ask you _ places _ visit in China. 10. Show me your photos _ we get back _ school. 11. I don t likes going _ for too long. 12. I dont_ you are doing _ vacation. 三选择填空: (10 分) ()1. Reading in the sun is bad _ your eyes. A. ofB. atC. forD in ()2. I ll have a healthy lifestyle _ I exercise every day. A. ifB. whenC. soD. but ()3. Good food can make people work _. A. betterB. wellC. goodD. best ()4. Yesterday he did _ work, so he felt _ tired. A. too much, much too.B. much too, too much C. too much, many tooD. too much , too many ()5. A_diet can make you _. A. balance, stay healthyB. balanced, to be healthy C. balanced, stay healthy ()6. I_that he s ill. A. am sorry to hearB. feel sorry to hear ofC. sorry to hearD. am happy to know. ()7. _ stressed out . Its not healthy. A. Don t to get B. Don t beC. Not getD. Don t being. ()8. I often come _ school by bus. A. onB. toC. inD.at ()9. My brother _ school every day. A. walkB. walksC. walks toD.is walking to ()10._ does he often walk to school? A. HowB. WhereC. WhyD. What ()11. We come here _ bike and go home _ foot. A. by byB. on, onC. in ,byD. by, on ()12. _ are you doing for vacation? I m _ my sister. A. What, babysittingB. How , babysittingC. What , babysitting ()13. He is _ at home next week. A. relaxB. relaxingC. relaxesD. doing relax. ()14. My mother often _ walks after supper. A. takesB. takingC. goesD. going ()15. I have a _ . I want to see a dentist. A. sore throatB. sore backC. toothacheD. headache ()16. Its easy _ this question. A. answerB. answeringC. to answerfor answer ()17. Lucy isn t at home. _ she s in the office. A. MayB. May beC. MaybeD. / ()18. _ I m a little bit heavy, I m quite healthy. A. BecauseB. soC. AlthoughD. But ()19. What s your _ exericise? I like to play basketball. A. favoriteB. likeC. like bestD. liking ()20. I _ you are right. A.thinksB. amthinkC. not thinkD. don t think 四、补全对话(分) :What are you doing for vacation, Jim? B: I m _ _ Tibet. A: _ are you leaving? B: I m leaving on Sunday. A: _ _ are you staying? B: I m staying for a week. A: _ are you going _ ? B: I m going with my parents_? A: _ are you doing there? B: I m _ hiking _ the mountains. A: That _ interesting. Have a good time. B: _ you. A: _ _ _. B A: _ the matter with you? B: I m not _ well. I have a cold. A: _ did it _? B: About two days _. A: Oh, that s _ bad. You should get some rest. B: _, I think _. A: I _ you feel _ soon. B: Thank you. A: You re welcome. 五、变换句子,每空一词。(15 分) 1、 She has a sore throat. _ _ _ _ her? 2、I m staying for four weeks. _ _ are you staying? 3. He is going on the evening of Sunday. _ is he going? 4. They go to China by train. _ _ they go to China? 5. It takes me two days to finish the book? _ _ _ it take you _ _ the book? 6. I ll go there with my mother . _ will you go there _? 7. She goes to school on foot. ( 同义句 ) She _ _ _ . 8. Do your homework first. ( 否定句 ) _ _ your homework first. 9. I m not feeling well now. ( 同上 ) I m not feeling well _ _ _ . 10. I didn t go to bed until my mother came back. ( 同上 ) I _ to bed _ my mother came back. 11. Learning English well is hard. ( 同义句 ) _ hard _ _ English well. 12. My school isn t the same as yours.(同上 ) My school is _ from yours. 六完型填空。 (5 分) Dear Joe. I hope you are _ my school in New York. I like your school in Tian jin. _ I m not feeling very well _ the moment . I m tired and I have _ headaches. And I m stressed out _ my Mandarin isn t improving. I study _ every night, sometimes _ 2 a.m, _ my speaking doesn
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