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,He officially stated that he would say goodbye to basketball.,state vt. 陈述;说明;声明,He made an official _ (state) to say goodbye to basketball.,make a(n).statement on/about 对.发表声明,statement,1) in a good/ bad state 状况好/坏 2) in a state of 处于的状态 3) keep a good state of mind 保持好的心态,1. state Cn.国家,州;状况,状态,Lang Ping is greeting the audience with a big smile.,greet sb with sth 以.方式打招呼,It is a hand-made greeting card.,greeting n.问候, 致意, 招呼; 复数祝词,贺词 send (ones) greetings to sb. 向某人问好,1. I wish to take this opportunity to send my best wishes and festival _ (greet) to you and your family members. 2. 改错 They greeted to the foreign guests at the airport.,greetings,Ill represent our class to take part in the coming school sports meeting. The competition attracted over 500 players _(represent) 8 different countries.,representing,3. represent vt. 代表,象征,representation n. 表现,描绘;代表,陈述,He represented his sister as an idiot.,3. represent . as . 把描绘成,1) n. 代表,典型人物 Ill be a representative of our class to take part in the coming school sports meeting. 2) adj. 典型的,有代表性的 be representative of .的典型、代表,3. representative,Shandong cuisine is representative of north China cuisine,4. association soien n.社团; 联想;联系,1) Our Student Association is in desperate need of new members now. 2) The old house had many pleasant associations with childhood for me. 3) We are working in association with a company to raise money for the homeless. in association with 与合伙/联合,这座老房子使我联想起童年的各种愉快情景,4. associatesoiet vt. 联想;联系,associatewith 把和联想/联系在一起 I always associate summer with holidays. associated adj. 有联系的, 相关的 be associated with 与有联系 I think wealth is associated with freedom.,1. We often associate doves _ peace.,2.Doves are _with peace.,with,associated,1. We often associate doves with peace. 2. Doves are associated with peace.,She booked the first flight to New York.,The plane is in flight.,5.,_ 对好奇的 be curious to do . _ _ adv 好奇地 _ n 好奇心 _ 出于好奇 _ 满足某人的好奇心 with curiosity _,be curious about.,curiosity,out of curiosity,satisfy ones curiosity,好奇地,curiously,极想做,1. The reporter is curious _ (know) whether the official is involved in the case. 2. Just to satisfy my _ , how much did you pay for your car? 3. She watched _ (curious) as I opened the box.,to know,curiosity,curiously,7. approach,v. 靠近,接近,走近 approach sth/sb 靠近某物/某人 1) Walk softly as you approach the bed because the baby is sleeping. 2)The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching. sth/sb be approaching 某物/某人即将来临,7. approach n.,1. With the approach of the festival, we are becoming more and more excited. 2. All approaches to the city are cut off. 3. I like her approach to the problem. 1. an approach to (doing). 通往.的道路; .的方法 2. with the approach of.随着.的来临,接近;方式,方法;路径,1. At the meeting they discussed three different approaches _ the study of mathematics. 2. With summer _ (approach), the weather got hotter. 3. I heard footsteps _ (approach) from behind. 4. This is the best approach I can imagine to _ (finish) the work ahead of schedule.,to,approaching,approaching,finishing,“方式,方法”大集锦,in this/that way 用这/那种方式 in a . manner 用的方式 by this/that means 用这/那种方法 with this/that method 用这/那种方法,At the meeting, they discussed three different _ to studying math. A. means B. approaches C. methods D. ways,B. approaches,the approach _ doing the way _ do/ _ doing the means _ doing the method _ doing,to,to,of,of,of/for,5. We must figure out an effective way _(solve) the problem right now. 6. Ladies having ballet training when they were young usually walk _ a beautiful manner. 7. Every possible means has been tried, and we find only _ this means can we do it well.,to solve,in,by,7. approach/ way/ method/ means/ manner,1. in the way“用这种方法”; the way to do/the way of doing “做某事的方法”。,2. with a method of “用一种.方法”,3. by means of “通过方法”,4. in a(n). manner 用一种.方式,6. approach/way/method/means,1. in the way“用这种方法”; the way to do/the way of doing “做某事的方法”。 2. 有条理,系统的方法 with a method of “用一种.方法”。 3. 达到目的采用的方法、手段 by means of “通过方法”,The baby girl is kissing her mother _ the cheek.,kiss sb. on the cheek 亲脸颊,on,Our duty is to defend our country against/from any attack.,defend oneself 自我防卫,为自己辩解,保卫以免受,9.,We will never give in in defence of our territory(领土).,in defence (of.) 保卫;保护,10. major 1) This is a major road. 2) Water plays a major role in our life. . adj. 主要的,重要的 play a major role in 在.中起重要作用,major in sth. 主修 major n.专业,I majored in English at college, that is, my major was English.,拓展: a majority of 大部分/大多数的 in the majority 占大多数 eg. A majority of Africans are forced to work for the Europeans. In the teaching profession, women are in the majority.,The woman _(misunderstand) that the man was abusing(虐待) the cat. So, you see, it is easy for a
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