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电子技术专业英语教程,Unit 1 Introduction,Lesson 1 Semiconductor Materials 电子技术专业英语教程冯新宇 主编 电子工业出版社 ,2020/10/20,电子技术专业英语教程,2,Lesson 1 Semiconductor Materials,Backgrounds Text tour Language in use Vocabulary Structure Reading/writing techniques,2020/10/20,电子技术专业英语教程,3,Terminology Conductor, Semiconductor intermittent. 间歇性的:不时重复发生或出现的;间歇的 Characterized by periodic sentences. 完句的:以循环句子为特征的,Periodic in dictionary,2020/10/20,电子技术专业英语教程,21,Periodic in text,A portion of the periodic table related to semiconductors. 半导体化学元素周期表的一部分。,2020/10/20,电子技术专业英语教程,22,These adjectives all mean recurring or reappearing now and then. Something periodic occurs at regular or at least generally predictable intervals: 这些副词都意为不时重复出现的。某物为periodic ,是指发生在有规律的或至少通常可预料的间歇里: periodic feelings of anxiety. 周期性焦虑。,Periodic in use,2020/10/20,电子技术专业英语教程,23,Capable of doing many things competently. 多才多艺的 Having varied uses or serving many functions: 多用途的或者多功能的: The most versatile of vegetables is the tomato 蔬菜中用途最广的是西红柿 Variable or inconstant; changeable: 反复无常的;易变的:,Versatile in dictionary,2020/10/20,电子技术专业英语教程,24,Devices made from semiconductor materials are small but versatile units that can perform an amazing variety of control functions in electronic equipment. 由半导体材料制成的电子器件非常微小,利用半导体材料的性质可以制造出功能多样的半导体器件。,Versatile in text,2020/10/20,电子技术专业英语教程,25,Versatile in use,Versatile, all-around, many-sided, multifaceted, multifarious The central meaning shared by these adjectives is “having many aspects, uses, or abilities”: 这些形容词所共有的意思是“具有许多的方面、用途或者能力”: a versatile writer; 多才多艺的作家; an all-around athlete; 全能运动员;,2020/10/20,电子技术专业英语教程,26,Versatile in use,a many-sided subject; 多个主题; a multifaceted undertaking; 多方面的事业; multifarious interests. 多种爱好,2020/10/20,电子技术专业英语教程,27,Constituting a very large, indefinite number; innumerable: 无数的;数不清的:由极大且无限的数量构成的;无数的: the myriad fish in the ocean. 海洋中数不胜数的鱼 Composed of numerous diverse elements or facets: 多种的,各式各样的:由无数不同的成分组成的: the myriad life of the metropolis. 大城市多姿多彩的生活,Myriad in dictionary,2020/10/20,电子技术专业英语教程,28,Silicon is found in myriad compounds in nature and industry. 在自然界和工业的许多化合物中均发现有硅成份组成。,Myriad in text,2020/10/20,电子技术专业英语教程,29,Throughout most of its history in English myriad was used as a noun, as in a myriad of men. In the 19th century it began to be used as an adjective, as in myriad men; 在英语中,myriad 的大部分历史一直被用作名词, 如在数以万计的男子 。 在19世纪,它开始被用作形容词,如在myriad men 中。,Myriad in use,2020/10/20,电子技术专业英语教程,30,Structure,2020/10/20,电子技术专业英语教程,31,Reading/writing techniques,
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