第1页 / 共1页
1.在上午 /下午 in the morning/afternoon 2.骑车去公园go to the park by bike 3.鹦鹉表演a parrot show 4.看见一些有趣的鹦鹉see some interesting parrots 5.变得有风且多云become windy and cloudy 6.高高地放飞风筝fly kites high 7.在天空中in the sky 8.带来一些面包和饮料bring some bread and drinks 9.吃我们的午饭eat our lunch 10.乌云密布black clouds 11.天下起了雨。It rained. 12.又饥饿又潮湿hungry and wet 13.这是怎样的一天啊!What a day! ( 也可以指多么难忘的一天) 14.看见蚂蚁和蜜蜂在他们的午餐上see some ants and bees on their lunch 15.整天下雨rain all day 16.带午饭到公园bring lunch to the park 17.取三张卡片pick three cards 18.在操场上打篮球 play basketball in the playground 19.干得好well done 20.一起欢呼cheer together 21.改天,改日another day 22.go away 走开 23.遇见 Bobby meet Bobby 24.看起来伤心look sad 24.怎么了?What s the matter? 25.丢失了我的新风筝lose my new kite 26.想知道为什么want to know why 27.出什么事了?What happened? 28.今天早上this morning 29.放我的新风筝fly my new kite 30.爬上山climb up the hill 31.飞得太高fly too high 32.抓紧hold onto 33.飞走fly away 34 为什么你有它?Why do you have it? 35.在山边发现它find it near the hill 36.在星期一上午on Monday morning 37.上个星期天last Sunday 38.在你的日记里in your diary 39.去游泳go swimming 40.看电影watch a film 41.去野餐have a picnic 42.做家务do the housework
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