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周周测二 七选五3Passage 1A laugh track, sometimes called canned laughter, is a collection of prerecorded audience laughter and applause sounds added to television programs during postproduction. The main purpose of the track is to trigger (激发) a response from home viewers who may not understand all of the intended humor when watching a taped sitcom (situation comedy). _1_ Therefore, canned laughter causes natural reactions to comedies._2_ The producers of the Hank McCune Show added canned laughter after the shows taping. Until that time, other radio and television comedies used a live studio audience or no canned laughter at all. In 1953, a sound engineer named Charley Douglass invented the Laff Box, a small electronic device (装置) containing numerous sounds of recorded laughter and applause. It is said that Charley Douglass selected almost all of his laugh track material from instudio recordings of several different comedy shows. _3_During the 1970s, many sitcoms chose to get rid of the practice altogether or mix live audience reactions with the canned laughter. Filming a show in front of a live audience became a symbol of honor. _4_ Live audiences did not always provide a usable response, especially after a long day of retakes.Today, the same company created by Charley Douglass offers an improved digital version of the original Laff Box. _5_ Most sitcoms produced today are still recorded in front of a live audience, but a more subtle laugh track can be used to improve weak responses.A. However, there was a problem.B. The belief is that laughter creates laughter.C. The first known use of a recorded laugh track is said to be in 1950.D. The effective use of canned laughter is considered more of an art than a science.E. Douglass recorded different styles of laughter and applause without the sound of dialogue.FIf this is true, audience reactions in modern sitcoms may have actually been recorded several years ago.G. In addition to the original laughter and applause, there are tracks for foreign audiences and childrens shows.Passage 2(2016湖北八校第一次联考)If you intend to work with this book seriously, I suggest that you give yourself every advantage by carefully following the laws of learning.Space your learning._1_ Each session may take one half hour to an hour and a half, depending on the amount of material and on your own speed of learning. Do one or two sessions at a timethree if youre going strong and are all involvedand always decide when you stop and exactly when you will return._2_Everyone learns at a different pace. Fast learners are no better than slow learnersits the end result that counts, not the time it takes you to finish.Review.When you start a new session, go back to the last exercise of the previous session, cover your answers, and see how much you remember. _3_Test yourself.You are not aiming for a grade, or putting your worth on the line, when you take the Comprehensive Tests. _4_ You are deciding where repairs have to be made, and especially, you are experiencing a feeling of success at work that is well done.Use these tests, as well as the abundant drill exercises, as aids to learning. No one is perfect, no one learns in the exact same way or at the same speed as anyone else. _5_ And then, give yourself every opportunity to exploit your actual, latent, and potential abilities.But most important of all, as I will remind you several times throughout this book, develop a schedule and stick to it!A. Do you have quick recall after a day, or you simply forget everything?B. This approach works better than any other method for learning words.C. On the contrary, you are discovering your weaknesses, if any.D. Every chapter of this book is divided into “sessions”E. Real learning goes on only through active participation.F. Do not rushgo at your own comfortable speed.G. Find the optimum technique and speed for your unique learning patterns.Passage 3(2017江西九江市一模)Family Weekend ActivitiesDo you have trouble finding something to do that the whole family can enjoy? Dont worry! These activities make family outings perfect for weekends._1_Take the whole family on a trip to the local zoo. Visit each creatures exhibit and test your kids animal knowledge. Little kids love to stop by the zoo to enjoy a variety of friendly animals. Older kids will enjoy sitting here to learn about the various environments and eating habits of wild animals.Science museumIf you live in a large city, chances are that you have a science museum nearby. _2_ Be sure to catch a lecture, live performance, or a show for fascinating subjects.Kids concert or showThe next time your childs favorite band is in town, take him to a show for a special treat. _3_ If youre really unable to get tickets, check the local theater for them.Live sporting event_4_ Take me out to the ball game! Support your favorite professional team
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